When your high school business club – in this case, the Whitman-Hanson Regional High School DECA team – is preparing for their competition year and want to also give back to the community while learning about media relations, what is the best way to go about it?
Whitman Hanson brought the Toll House Cookie back to Whitman this week for a schoolwide fundraiser to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The MDA fundraiser is part of a national initiative organized by DECA, the high school’s business club.
“Whitman-Hanson has always studied in history class, [that] Toll House cookies were discovered in Whitman,” said DECA member Maren Bowman. “It was made in Whitman, the company started in Whitman, so our school decided to make cookies. Mr. Desantes had a really good idea – he’s a really smart guy.”
That idea was to make the cookies and sell them at the school store during lunch blocs.
It’s a big mouthful to bite off – and all the better when it’s flavored by a local institution, the Toll House Cookie. But, as they say, experience is the best teacher, so the students got to work. And the result not only raised $250 in the one lunch hour for the MDA, it provided valuable experience in researching, organizing, manufacturing – OK, baking – marketing and sales.
MDA is the DECA partner charity, Desantes explained.
“They create incentives for us to raise money for the nonprofit. If we raise the most money in Massachusetts, we earn a spot to attend the national conference to participate in the learning sessions,” he said. “There are many adults in the building who like to support our fundraising efforts knowing that the proceeds are going to MDA.
“We decided this would be a good idea, because then we could get more students into the store, because all kids want to do is eat some good treats,” Bowman said with a laugh.
It was on.
Cookies were baked by about 18 students in the retail merchandising class, which Desantes runs, according to Bowman. Students largely did the baking at their homes, cranking out about 12 dozen cookies.
As she spoke on Tuesday, Dec. 19, she said the baking team were still making more.
Last week, Whitman-Hanson business students baked and sold Toll House chocolate chip cookies, which were invented nearly 100 years ago in Whitman, at the DEN – the high school’s student-run retail store. “With the rich tradition of the cookie in our hometown, the students created the event to bring awareness to the famous cookie during our busiest time of year,” W-H Business Teacher and DECA Advisor Thomas Desantes said.
A junior now, Bowman had a marketing class with Desantes in her freshman year.
“He’s such a good teacher, I decided to get involved in DECA during my junior year,” she said. “He always saw hope in me. He always encouraged me to take other classes – I took visual merchandising. I actually worked at the school store when I was a sophomore and it was really [a] good way to understand how to start a business, how to advertise things. The school store was just a very good example.”
They also learned how to think on their feet a bit, as the Monday, Dec. 18 storm knocked out power at some students’ homes and baking duties was transferred to the school’s culinary room.
When they did come out of the oven, the iconic cookies were packaged – two cookies each – to be given with a $30 or more purchase of Den merchandise or students were able to buy three cookies for a $5 donation during the lunch block on Wednesday, Dec. 20.
“We think we’re going to clear our cookies during the lunch blocs,” Bowman said when asked if preorders were taken.
DECA is an organization for students in high schools and colleges around the globe who want to learn business, management, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and marketing.
While Bowman said she is not aware to specific future projects this year, she said DECA has done senior gift baskets for parents to purchase through The Den.
“Desantes always has good ideas,” she said and it’s rubbed off. The gift baskets had been Bowman’s idea when she worked at the school store.
“Seventeen Whitman-Hanson students will be traveling to the Massachusetts DECA State Competition in the spring to present our donation to MDA leadership in hopes of earning a spot to attend the national DECA competition in April,” Desantes stated. “The DECA fundraiser is also a collaboration with the Retail Merchandising class, which is responsible for operating The Den.”
The project will also be a presentation in competition at DECA with Bowman in charge of presenting to the judges in March.
“This is a special category unlike the role plays where students can present on a project they worked on at School,” Desantes said. “This is for the category Project Management Sales Project. I chose the students based on their performance in role plays at the District competition (but they did not qualify to compete in State role plays). The concept is to create a project to increase sales at the school-based enterprise which for us is The Den. There are usually about 20 groups who compete in this category.
That presentation will include how well the cookie project did in actual operation, specifically how the students sold them, how the creative process worked and two other students will join her at states. Data will include how many cookies they sold, how many customers came into the store, including other requirements listed in a 21-page competition guide.
What will they call their project? We’ll have to stay tuned.
“We actually have been thinking about that for the past week,” Bowman said. “Today, we took pictures as a good example of advertising the cookies.”
The Express was invited to cover the initiative to demonstrate to the community the creative ideas our students are executing this year, and provide insight on how business seeks media coverage. Desantes also offered photo opportunities of the cookies being sold or even prepared in the school culinary arts center as media experience for photography students.
The best gift for Christmas
By Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to the Express
In May 1972, when my brother, Dave, graduated from high school he set out to travel across the country on his motorcycle, a Triumph 650 Tiger. He and a friend had planned the trip together. Four days into the trip the friend decided he rather go to California and left. Dave continued on, sticking to his itinerary to see the places he had dreamed about.
A few weeks later when he made it to Glacier National Park in Montana, he was feeling lonely. He found an Animal shelter in a town called Missoula to see about getting a dog. In a row of cages, the last cage being the death cage, sat a little black dog a Dachshund-Pomeranian mix. Dave took him.
He was told to take caution as the dog may jump off the bike. He went into an athletic shop nearby and got a knapsack. He put the dog in it and drove slowly around a field to see if the dog would stay in it. He jumped out twice but then stayed in it.
Dave called him Dog. When he got back out on the highway, Dog jumped out and ran across all four lanes. Dave watched helplessly as vehicles veered to miss the dog in the heavy traffic. Dog looked across the highway at Dave as if to say, “Aren’t you coming?” and then crossed it again as Dave’s heart sank, thinking he would never make it back but he did. He picked him up, put him in the knapsack and told him he was naming him Lucky.
Dave’s birthday is in August and our mom was hoping he would be home by then. Our youngest sister was born on his birthday when he was three and we always celebrated the two birthdays together.
When he didn’t make it home for the birthdays we were all disappointed, it just wasn’t the same without him and I know it bothered mom. One day at the end of Summer when you could feel fall in the air, I was helping mom move some things in her room and a framed picture of my brother fell off her cedar chest onto the floor. There was no reason for it to fall and she was alarmed feeling like something had happened to Dave. Within the hour the phone ran and it was him. He said he had a feeling that he should call home, and mom was glad to hear his voice. He told her he was low on money and was working for a Czechoslovakian family on their farm picking fruit so he could make enough money to get home.
September passed into October and, after Dave drove through the Painted Desert, his bike wasn’t running well and got worse. He pulled into Albuquerque and found a motorcycle shop where the owner told him the main bearing was gone on the bike and he’d have to send away for the part. Dave found lodgings in a basement room of a condemned building where a group of Chicano men lived and he found work as an assistant cook and dish washer at a local restaurant.
The owner of the bike shop kept offering him money for his bike and told Dave the part hadn’t come in. It was now November. Our dad wanted to fly Dave home and he refused to leave without the bike. Dad called Spooner’s Bike Shop in Hanover, Mr. Spooner called Triumph and they in turn contacted the owner of the bike shop who had Dave’s bike and put pressure on him to fix it and return it to Dave so he could come home.
When Dave left there, it was December and he wanted to be home for Christmas. A pleasure trip was turning into a survival trip as he drove through a torrential rainstorm in one state, a hurricane in another and then snow 12 inches deep and more. He had to make it with what money he had left, saving it for gas.
He drove without stopping and thanks to some insulated coveralls our parents sent him, he and Lucky survived one 30-degree night after he’d been driving well over 24 hours. The ground was too frozen to pitch a tent and he put all his clothes in the knapsack to keep Lucky warm while he held him and slept on the ground.
The week before Christmas, we had a blizzard in Massachusetts, and we were all glued to the news. We hadn’t heard from Dave for two weeks. We knew from the news the weather and temperatures were not in Dave’s favor. All we could do was pray.
After the blizzard was over, I went to my parent’s to see if there was any news. All of us were there, both the radio and tv were on so we could hear the news and weather. It was late afternoon, and it was getting dark. Suddenly there was the familiar sound of a motorcycle. We all held our breath; did we dare hope it was him? We all ran to the window to look in the driveway. A bike, but no Dave. Then we heard the kitchen door open and when we got there in he came with a knapsack on his back and a little black dog peeking out. There was relief, happy tears and lots of hugs, the most beautiful sight to see and the best Christmas gift we could have gotten.
A small miracle in Christmas moonlight
By Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to the Express
Every year when it was time to get a Christmas tree my siblings and I would follow our dad across the field through the snow in back of our house and into the woods on my grandfather’s land to find that one special tree. It was always a pine tree and we all had to agree which one it would be. Dad would cut it down and we’d follow him home.
When the four of us were grown with families of our own, we continued to follow this tradition.
One summer in the ’80s there had been a drought and there were very few trees to pick from. My kids and husband Dave and I were disappointed but made the best of the situation. We decided to go to Nessralla’s Farm stand near our house to pick out a tree.
There was a beautiful full moon that night and the Farm stand was busy with people picking out wreaths and trees in a very festive atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be smiling and calling out greetings to friends and neighbors who were there. Our kids were in their teens by then and found the perfect tree and we brought it home.
As Dave and my son Brian were bringing in the tree, my daughter Heidi and I carried the box of decorations up from the cellar. Once the tree was up and Brian was putting the lights on it, I reached into the box of decorations to pull out the angel we always put on the top of the tree and noticed my wedding band was not on my hand. My heart sank and I began looking for it, thinking I may have put on my dresser.
I looked all over the dresser top and in my jewelry box, all over the room, all over the house and then all over the yard and in our truck. I looked in all my pockets and coat pockets and could not find it.
Dave and I went back up to the farmstand to see if anyone had found it and we looked all over the grounds. The Nessrallas told us if anyone found it, they would call us. We thanked them and left.
When we got home, I turned on the big outside light that shone on the backyard and Dave, the kids and I looked and looked for my ring. The dusting of snow on the ground made it harder to look and we finally went back into the house. They were very comforting to me and tried to get me to relax saying maybe it would turn up in the morning.
I sat for a while watching the kids decorate the tree and I just had to go back out and look again. I said a prayer and walked across the driveway, even moved the truck to see if it might be underneath and checked all inside it once more. I walked out into the backyard again and finally decided to go back into the house.
As I put my foot on the flagstone for what seemed like the 100th time to step into the back door something caught my eye. Some of the snow had melted on the stone making a v shape and something was shining. When I stepped closer to look down, there was my wedding ring shining in the moonlight.
Shop has generational appeal
WHITMAN – The town center has been gifted with another retail business – just in time to help shoppers find a gift for the particular people on their lists.
Mimi’s Closet Boutique – co-owned by Michele Allen, who lives on a nearby street, and her daughters Julie Taylor, 30, and Nicole Walls, 26, – opened at 83 South Ave., off Day Street in September, just in time to take off in time for the holiday shopping season.
Allen said the shop’s name is a loving nod to her own mother in-law, who loved clothing and accessories.
“She would have loved this store,” Allen said.
Part of their marketing strategy has been to direct customers to the door – as the store’s entrance is off Day Street, as they were searching for it on the South Avenue side.
“I have had a couple of in-home businesses, Town Pride Candles is one of them, I started that about eight years ago, and Two Sisters Design,” Allen said. “The person who was in this [space] before me was a photographer and she contacted me and said she had to give up the lease and did I want her space.”
Traveling in New Hampshire at the time, Allen asked her daughters to look at the space and see if they liked it.
“We really didn’t have an idea of what we wanted to do,” she said on Saturday, Dec. 2, a morning when Taylor and Walls were off. “So we did this, beginning in September.
The shop offers a lot of selection in a small space, and that is by design.
“It’s been great,” said Allen, whose day job is as an executive assistant at Voya Financial as well as a recording secretary for the Select Board. “It’s all new.”
While there have been a couple people stopping by on the assumption that Mimi’s Closet is a consignment shop, Allen stressed it is a boutique which they stock through a couple of wholesale vendors from which each of the three do their own buying.
And variety is their stock in trade.
“We have all generations doing the buying, so we attract all age groups,” Allen said. “We don’t show each other what we’re buying, we just all buy.”
Sizes range from extra small to 3X and designs that appeal to all ages.
The selection of plus sizes alone has motivated a lot of positive reviews both in the store and online, as well. In fact, the first thing Allen always asks new customers is, ‘How did you hear about us?’”
Most, it turns out, have heard about the shop from Facebook.
“A lot of them have said, ‘I came in because I heard about your plus sizes,’” she said.
Another “plus” is the price range.
“We try to keep everything $35 and under,” she said. “Our average price is $22 and we have a lot of things that are $17. Our rent is reasonable, so we can keep our prices low.”
The store also places items on hold from customers online, who either pay by Venmo or when they pick up.
“If people can’t get in during our working hours – between the three of us, we do four-hour shifts – my daughters both have kids, I work from home, so we post a lot of pictures of things we can hold.”
Taylor Swift’s line being extremely popular, when Allen posted that the brand’s slippers were back a few days ago, she said “The door kept opening.”
As Allen spoke a woman and her teenage daughter came in the store to browse.
“You should see on half days how many teenage girls are in here,” she said. “Then they’ve come in with their moms. … We’re grateful for the community support. It’s just been amazing.”
The owners hold shopping events quite often, including a “Sip and Shop” on Thursday, Nov. 30 that attracted about 40 to 50 people, during which tables were stacked with merchandise for customers to shop, including holiday sweatshirts and slippers which are part of the Taylor Swift brand.
“It kind of cleared us out a little bit,” Allen said.
The next event is a Mimosa Sunday from 10 a.m. To 2 p.m., on Dec. 17 and have decided to have a guest vendor at shopping events from now on.
Another new promotion gives customers a scratch-off for percents off or free items. if they’re shopping within five days of their birthday.
“It’s really been fun,” Allen said.
The shop has held four fundraising shopping events for local football and cheer teams.
“We like to give back to people who support us,” she said. “They get cash back for their teams and brought people in to introduce us to the community. We’ve met so many nice people.”
A lot of those people have already become repeat customers.
(Editor’s note: This updates a version of the story with an incorrect address. The boutique is at 83 South Ave.)
When police work goes to the dogs
NORWELL – Though it’s been a program that had a slow start, the Plymouth County Comfort Dog Program has quicky gained advocates as one by one, police departments have gone to the dogs.
District Attorney Timothy Cruz developed the program to offer additional services to county communities, providing emotional support for the well-being of drug endangered children, students with adverse childhood experiences and others in need of emotional support in the county community.
“The schools, to me are really [important] now, as our kids are facing challenges that they’ve never faced before, whether it be from COVID issues, mental health issues,” Cruz said in his opening remarks at the event. “The kids were locked out for a while. Now they’re coming back, and a lot of schools are dealing with a lot of issues with the kids. The dogs have been a tremendous asset.”
Hingham was the first town to adopt the program, seeing some initial reluctance from the School Committee, but was quickly warmed to by educators who have seen its value in action. Now there are 14 departments employing the program.
Cruz credited the success of Hingham Chief David P. Jones and resource officer Tom Ford in really getting the program going a little over one year ago with that department’s first dog – Opry.
To celebrate that success, and provide more information about it, Cruz’ office held a meet and greet Wednesday, Nov. 8, featuring the dogs and their handling officers at JBS Dog Park at 106 Longwater Drive in Norwell. There was pizza, soda and cake for the humans and all-natural specialty dog biscuits provided by Polkadog Bakery in Boston.
But first, there was some mingling on the part of both officers and canines.
As Hanson therapy dog Ziva rolled over for belly rubs from handler and school resource officer Derek Harrington and Chief Michael Miksch, Hingham’s Opry, a mix-breed rescued from a Southern kill shelter, showed off her skateboard skills a bit with Ford. But, as more dogs arrived, Opry gave the skateboard a dismissive kick, sending rolling back to bounce off a wall. The arrival of the aptly named Star, a harlequin Great Dane from the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department, who grabbed all their attention as she sauntered in with Dennis Desrochiers.
Miksch said he had some hesitation about the comfort dog program, but that Ford, in fact, was a huge help to Hanson’s adoption of it,
Concerns about funding and the union’s willingness to take on the project were soon discovered to be unfounded. As soon as he mentioned interest in the program, Hanson provided funding mid-year even though there was no budget for it.
“The next thing, somebody’s calling me saying, ‘Hey, can I deposit $1,000 to the town for the dog?’” Miksch said, adding that Deputy Chief Michael Casey raised the initial funding on top of Hanson’s grant money. The union also bought right in and overcame a rough start when their dog, Lucy, had to be euthanized due to a kidney ailment.
“We unfortunately lost our first dog, but the support from the community kind of brought back the impact that she had. There was a lot of messages, a lot of support. … Lucy was worth her weight in gold to us to start off and Ziva’s showing the same [qualities].”
The handlers are the ones who make the program successful, however, Miksch said.
“The dog, in a lot of ways is the easy part, but you need the right handler,” he said.
Harrington advised to those averse to dog hair, this program is not for you.
“But, they make lint rollers, it’s all good,” he said. “We all have stories about how this effects our school, our community, our kids.”
Ziva helps with kids who don’t want to go to school by walking with them to class, he said.
When a W-H student took their life last May, Harrington said he was able to call on several other officer/dog teams in the program to help.
“That happened late at night,” he said. “The school, and the kids – her friends – didn’t find out until they showed up at school the next day and it was a disaster, however we were prepared because we have this network of community resource dogs. … It helped a lot of kids get through the day and open up and talk and have those conversations that they didn’t want to have.”
Jones said Ford’s work with Opry at Hingham High School, too, has impressed just about everyone.
“Opry’s not only the most-recognized ‘person’ in the school, but also in my department,” Jones said. “The connection that’s been made with students at the high school has been incredible.”
She’s got a weird personality, Ford said, but that seems to appeal to students. He said if there is a negative to Opry it’s that he can’t go anywhere without her.
“If you show up someplace without the dog – leave and come back with the dog,” he said.
While the Hingham School Committee had some reluctance to agree to the program, but results are speaking for themselves.
“It was a long road, but we’re having fun,” he said. Opry’s trainer makes time to go to the school the next day if there are any issues with the dog, Ford said. “The path is so much clearer [now] if you want to do this,” he advised departments considering the program.
In Halifax, Officer Paul Campbell is one of the newest participants in the program, having just completed the two weeks of training officers undergo with his dog, Roxie. They now transition to once-a-month in-service training.
“I participated in DARE Camp, and I saw the impact [the dogs had] on the children,” he said. “They loved the dogs. So that just attracted me to the program and how much it has a positive impact on children.”
He said Roxie, at six months, is an awesome dog.
“She has so much energy, a really good dog,” Campbell said. “I look forward to working in the community, getting in the schools and we’ve already had a big fundraiser.”
Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph D. McDonald Jr. spoke of the impact the dogs have on people’s lives – something, he said, anyone who grew up with dogs in their lives could understand, comparing it to the old expression, with negative connotations “going to the dogs.”
“Looking around here, I can say this – I think we’ve all gone to the dogs, but I want to thank you all for making that something positive,” he said.
Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office provides a mini grant to Plymouth County Police Departments to assist with costs associated with acquiring, training and caring for their comfort dog.
“The funding that we get – we’re able to utilize drug forfeit money, to put it back into our community – I think that makes a difference,” Cruz said.
Among the dog trainers on hand to speak about the program was Michael MacCurtain, owner of Hanson’s Five Rings training and day care business.
“The need [for the program] over the last several years has increased tremendously,” said MacCurtain, who worked on Whitman Fire for 20 years and had been asked to work with UMass, Boston, Abington and Hanover in training their dogs. Working both on an ambulance crew and alongside law enforcement, he also said the mental health of officers can also benefit from the dogs.
“We’d love to get them in all of our schools and also in our Boys’ and Girls’ Club,” Cruz said. “These dogs are making a difference.”
Sharing life’s blessings
WHITMAN – While giving thanks is the central theme as well as the name Thanksgiving, being on the receiving end of such thanks is another feeling altogether.
Conley Elementary students began their annual basket assembly during the November all-school meeting by telling each other what made them thankful before singing “Happy Birthday” to all those with a birthday this month.
But giving was the main mission, with Student Council members carrying laundry baskets of donated food items for Thanksgiving meals being donated to the Whitman Food Pantry.
“It’s an honor for us to do this every year,” Student Council President Brooke Robins said of the basket assembly. “I know that when I donate just one thing I’m donating to a very important cause, and when I donate that one thing, and everybody else donates that one thing, there’s so many baskets this year, and they’re honestly pretty full.”
Dotty Conlon of the Food Pantry thanked the students on behalf of the pantry and on behalf of their clients, whom they stressed are neighbors.
“All our neighbors are very thankful for you also,” she said.
Animal Control Officer Laura Howe and Joe Kenney were surprised with a check for $950 gathered during the Pennies for Paws collection from Robins and Vice President Avery Nunes. Students’ spare change is combined to provide food and other supplies for the animals at the Animal Control facility.
Howe thanked the students, noting their generosity always makes her cry. She also had a message to the girls, as she was recently elected as only the third woman to be elected to the Select Board.
“I am going back to the next … meeting with such joy in my heart to share with my fellow selectmen, the kindness of this school and the hope that I have for the future because of you kids.”
The next day it was the WHRHS Panther football team having the opportunity to support their community, as they took part in another tradition – joining with the members of the Knights of Columbus Council 347 and Whitman auxiliary police – serving Thanksgiving dinner to seniors.
The 50th annual dinner was also a chance for the Knights to show off the newly renovated function hall and tout events there that also give back to the community. Bingo has been a staple fundraiser for more than 50 years.
“This is our 50th anniversary of having the senior dinner here,” Grand Knight Darron Benton said. “We happily do it.”
The dinner is in keeping with the Knights of Columbus’ founding mission. The organization began in New Haven, Conn., in 1882 to help people who were out of work or were hurt on the job.
“They used their donations and charity to help those in need, which is what we do to this day,” Benton said.
This is also an anniversary year for the Whitman Council. Founded in 1898, Council 347 celebrated 125 years in operation this year.
Those interested in supporting fundraising events, can drop by at 6 p.m., Mondays at 1195 Bedford St. Meat raffles are held the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m.
“All these raise money to help out organizations in town, the food pantry, church, people in need,” Benton said. “People who can’t pay their rent, people who need oil – whatever people need.”
The Knights have already raised more than $60,000 this year.
The next steps on WMS project
WHITMAN – The Whitman Middle School Building Committee, on Tuesday, Nov. 7 reviewed the results of the Oct. 30 special Town Meeting and the Saturday special Town Election on the project. The official election results were 1,005 in favor and 837 opposed with one blank.
Member Cristopher Scriven, who is also Vice Chair of the School Committee, attended the meeting remotely via phone.
The unofficial results were reported to the Massachusetts School Building Authority on Monday, Nov. 6.
“They were very happy to hear the support for the project,” Mike Carroll of Colliers, the owner project manager, said.
Next steps for the project include MSBA budget approval and funding agreement this month, then the work moves on to design development to be completed for submission to the MSBA in April 2024 with a 60 percent construction document submitted in August. A 90 percent construction document submitted next October and a complete construction document submitted in December 2024.
A construction bid will be awarded to a general contractor in February 2025, with construction expected to begin in March 2025. Certificate of occupancy should be received in spring 2027.
The present WMS building would be demolished beginning in the summer of 2027. Fields will be worked on in the summer of 2028.
The MSBA close-out on the project is anticipated to be in December 2028.
The next Building Committee meeting is planned for Dec. 19. A subcommittee will be selected to amend the contracts with AI3 and Colliers, both of which have expired, Small said, nominating Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak, Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter and Building Committee Vice Chair Kathleen Ottina and member Don Essen for the subcommittee. The committee approved the nominations.
Ottina said she has extensive experience on other school building project contract negotiations.
“It’s up to our subcommittee to come to an agreement within [the range of dollars included] with AI3 and Colliers and go from there,” he said.
Assistant Superintendent of Schools George Ferro publicly thanked architectural firm AI3 and management firm Colliers as well as the Building Committee.
“It has been great,” he said. “Hopefully, we move forward and I wanted to take a moment and at least go on the record to publicly thank them because all the students, in the end, and the public will greatly benefit.”
During the public comment period, resident Elizabeth Dagnall, president of the Whitman Educatiom Alliance, thanked and congratulated the committee on the win during the Saturday, Nov. 4 special election.
“Because of this committee, on the first day of school in 2027, approximately 579 students and 70 staff will walk into a beautiful, new, safe, modern, light-filled, mold-free, properly ventilated, climate-controlled, attractive learning environment,” she said, calculating that more than 7,000 students will benefit from the building in its first 50 years alone.
“We know this wasn’t an easy win,” she said about the rumors and disinformation spread on social media. “You saved this building project from derailment and sabotage multiple times.”
Finance Committee member Rosemary Connolly, thanked the parents who came together and supported the project.
“It was an amazing parent movement, as well, that helped push this through,” she said. “We knew we needed this building. There was no real option, no ethical option.”
But she said, on the school tours the smell of mold in the air was hard to ignore, asking when the last air quality test was done and what was the result.
Small said that was not the purview of the Building Committee, but rather the district’s Facilities Subcommittee of the School Committee.
Connolly said releasing that information and plans on what to do with the students if it worsens during construction would be helpful.
Sweet kickoff to holidays
HANSON – It’s beginning to look a lot like cookie season, so who better to learn the fine art of sugar cookie decorating from than a woman wearing a “Your neighborhood cookie lady” T-shirt?
Joanna Letourneau, owner of custom home cookie bakery, the Blackbird Baking Co., in Pembroke, and friend Gina Kirk, owner of online coffee and apparel retailer, Mom Life Must Haves and her barista business Mug & Moment in Middleborough, hosted a breakfast and cookie decorating workshop at Camp Kiwanee’s Needles Lodge Sunday. Nov. 5.
Kirk also hosts the “Permanently Exhausted Podcast” devoted to what “life is like behind the scenes of it all,” on several platforms including I-Heart and Spotify.
“I feel like this is the perfect time,” Letourneau said – not only for cookies, but also to think of neighbors who count on the food pantry. “The food pantry is always in need [and] everybody forgets about Thanksgiving.”
She also is keenly aware of the need for the food pantry through her work with the Plymouth Housing Authority.
“I know that the elderly and disabled [especially] don’t have a lot of family,” Letourneau said. “They don’t have a lot of money and I know a lot of them rely on the Fire House Food Pantry. A call for donations to those signed up for the cookie workshop brought in a tote and a couple bags of donations for the Thanksgiving dinner fixings.
Then the group of about 28 women got down to the business of learning to make six seasonal-themed cookies – a puffy pillow, stack of pancakes, a white pumpkin, a travel coffee cup, a sweater and an ‘Ugg boot’ – in order to learn the techniques of working with royal icing.
In the process, they were supporting area women-owned businesses, including those of Letourneau, Kirk and A Fork in the Road restaurant and catering of the Bryantville area in Hanson, which supplied the breakfast of quiches, pastry, fruit and yogurt parfaits, as well as those they in turn support with their business.
“This time of year is kind of my ‘cookie marathon’ from Halloween to Christmas,” Letourneau said. “There’s baking cookies, a lot of classes and I do pre-orders – essentially ahead of time.”
She posts a form with the season options at eatgoodcookiesma.com from which customers can choose, along with inventory levels. Letourneau has just completed a rebrand of her website that went live Monday, Nov. 6.
“People go on and purchase it, with a pre-designated pick-up time, so that I know exactly how much to make and when people are coming,” she said.
“I do custom cookies and cookie-decorating classes,” Letourneau said. “Myself and Gina, who owns several businesses, one of which is the coffee subscription and apparel business, thought it would be fun to have a ladies’ event on a Sunday – coffee, breakfast, cookie decorating – and we kind of put a turn on it by having women-owned businesses donate raffle items.”
The prizes ranged from $100 gift certificates to gift baskets.
“All of these businesses are ones that I personally use,” she said of her way of advertising them and giving back.
Once cookie class commenced, Letourneau walked participants through the techniques of outlining and then ‘flooding’ decorative designs after participants learned to knead their tubes of homemade icing to warm them and evenly distribute the coloring as they practiced the steps in decorating.
“We are going to skip around a lot,” she said of the varied steps involved in each type of cookie.
A practice sheet afforded participants the chance to practice piping designs ad flooding them in before transferring the skills to a cookie.
Letourneau, who works for Plymouth public housing and with the police academy and the sheriff’s department, began the cookie business after dabbling in homemade cookies for family and friends while on family leave from the sheriff’s department.
“I’ve always been a kind of go-go-go kind of person, and it was something to kind of pass the time,” she said. “I’ve always kind of been a perfectionist/crafty person, so it was like a hobby.”
Then friends began asking for custom cookies for their kids’ birthday parties and before she knew it, she was doing a firefighter set as favors for a first birthday party on a professional basis.
“It kind of snowballed,” she said, noting she is a licensed residential kitchen owner through the Pembroke Board of Health, which inspects her kitchen. “I had never anticipated it being a business and now it’s kind of like the juggling act of work and business to grow the business, but also in a place where I can still manage my life.”
Kirk was doing barista duty with a menu of three choices: a cold brew with choice of sweet cream, white chocolate or dark chocolate cold cream; sugar cookie of gingerbread flavored hot coffee and a DYI hot or cold brew coffee bar,
She started her own coffee line in 2018 under the name Surviving Motherhood Coffee, Kirk explained.
“My kids were all younger and things kind of evolved over the years,” she said. “But I have always worked with a local roaster.”
Her Mug & Moment coffees are all roasted in Bridgewater in small batches. Kirk works with her roaster to develop exclusive flavors in small batches. That small family-owned roaster, in turn, works with small family-owned coffee growers in Brazil and Colombia.
“Basically, it was born out of a desire to have better coffee,” Kirk said. “It’s been a journey.
She rebranded from Mom Life Must Haves to Mug & Moment last year just to be a little more inclusive.”
The business’ website is now mugandmoment.com, and while she started in a storefront in Middleborough, the business is all online now.
“I pick up the coffee in Middleborough and ship it out from my little space,” she said.
For more information, contact Letourneau at eatgoodcookiesma.com, or email at [email protected]. Contact Kirk at mlmhandco.com or visit @mlmhandco on Instagram, fb.com/mlmhandco on Facebook or email [email protected].
Whitman OK’s DPW building funding
WHITMAN – Monday’s special Town Meeting wrapped up with the near-unanimous approval of two articles pertaining to the planned DPW building project.
The first appropriated $1,143,271 to pay additional incidental and related costs for the project transferred from excess funds originally borrowed or appropriated to pay the costs of other varied capital projects at town meetings in 2017 and 2019.
The second appropriates $2,200,000 for any additional costs involved in the design, construction and equipping of the building – funded with Plymouth County ARPA funds from the sewer force main project.
Neither needs to go to a ballot question as the original $17.8 million approved at the polls last year did.
“The town has the ability to use American Rescue Plan Act funds for certain types of projects,” Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter said. “The town sewer force main project is one of the eligible projects. The DPW building construction was not an eligible project.”
A paving grant for the sewer force main project, helped bring it in under budget, Carter said, and the use of $2.2 million in ARPA for the DPW building also helped.
The total increase in rates will be 70 cents for the second half of the force main project and a notice that was to go out Oct. 15 that rates were going up by $1.25 was therefore not sent out.
While a debt exclusion dies when the debt is paid, the rate increased become part of the base rate.
A $1.50 rate increase last year was entirely related to replacing the force sewer main, former Town Administrator Frank Lynam said.
Requiring a two-thirds margin to pass article 15, Town Moderator Michael Seele had ruled it achieved that threshold, but a standing vote. The resulting 213-4 counted vote vindicated that call.
Discussion of both articles centered on why, as with most articles on the warrant, funding sources were those originally approved at past Town Meetings for other purposes.
Auburnville Way resident Robert Kimball also asked why the extra $2.2 million was required.
DPW Highway Superintendent Bruce Martin said it was because the actual cost of the low bid was higher than the estimates due to soil conditions at the site as well as inflation.
“It’s across the board,” Martin said. “It’s happening to a lot of municipal projects.”
He said former Water-Sewer Superintendent Dennis Smith found leftover funds still on the books after some projects were finished. The route 18 and 27 projects came in under budget as did others listed in the article as funding sources.
Cindy Landreville of Harvard Street asked why it has taken so long for all that funding to finally come back to the town while nothing has been done to lower water and sewer rates for taxpayers.
Martin and Smith said the funds came from water-sewer enterprise accounts had to return to those accounts.
“It would be available to be spent on other water-sewer projects, but not other town projects,” Martin said.
“I’m sorry to be picking on you, but most of the monies tonight are coming from unexpected, unexpended funds from 2016 forward?” Landreville said.
“By leaving it in the articles mentioned, it’s still water and sewer money,” Smith said. “It’s a similar problem that fits within the language of the article.”
The DPW had considered using the funds from the routes 18 and 27 intersection project on emergency power supplies for traffic lights, Smith said. With nothing left on that project to spend it on after the lighting work didn’t happen, “it made sense to turn the money back in.”
Carter said the $17.8 million for the DPW was done as a debt exclusion and went onto taxes, while the $2.2 million in Article 15 will not be, but there will still be a debt payment due each year through water-sewer rates.
Hanson hosts real-life bruin
HANSON – Evidently the lesson from the old Yogi Bear cartoons has failed to take hold: Do not feed the bears. That also means do not accidentally feed the bears.
In recent weeks black bears – maybe one, maybe more, it’s hard to tell, really – have been eating their way around the backyards of Hanson, Pembroke and environs.
A bear ate a pygmy goat recently. They have also made meals of domestic ducks and chickens in Chelmsford. A bear had to be tranquilized in Brookline recently – not all bears that come into contact with humans are as lucky.
Mass Wildlife said a bear also made its way across the Cape Cod Canal and made its way to Provincetown.
“You could literally trace the movement of that bear by the 911 calls to local police departments. People had never seen one before and they panicked over it,” said Mass Fisheries and Wildlife District Director William Davis of the Cape Cod bear.
Just because a bear is in your area, does not mean it is a threat, Black Bear Project Leader Laura Hajduc-Conlee said, noting there has never been a bear attack in Massachusetts, even though there have been fatal attacks in the Northeast. In fact, Mass Wildlife says most of the Bay State is Bear Country.
Black bears are omnivorous, and they try to increase their calorie intake in the fall to prepare for winter, but they will take advantage of easy food sources any time of year.
“They eat small mammals,” said Hanson Police Chief Michael Miksch, whose department has posted information about the dangers of inadvertently attracting bears, along with links to Mass Wildlife’s black bear page. “It was chasing two goats around a yard yesterday in Pembroke.”
The Hanson Police Department is emphasizing that owners of small domestic animals should take measures, against foraging predators.
“My goal is to get people to start educating themselves,” Miksch said, noting people have been asking why public safety and wildlife officers don’t just tranquilize bears and move them. “It or another one’s going to come back … and, if you keep feeding them, you’re feeding them accidentally by leaving trash out, or feeding them on purpose, because you think it’s cute, then they’re going to lose their fear of humans and we have to put them down.”
Bears will be euthanized when they become a perceived public safety threat, according to Mass Wildlife.
Keeping backyard food sources away from bears also helps to keep them wild, according to Mass. Wildlife. Bear populations are also increasing. In the 1970s, there were about 100 bears in Massachusetts, which grew to about 1,000 by the 1990s – and it’s estimated that there are about 4,000 in the state today – the third most densely-populated state in the country.
“Bears are remarkable in their ability to remember,” Davis said. During the year cubs stay with their mother, she is showing the cubs where to find seasonal food sources and places where people continuously feed bears.
Bringing in bird feeders; making sure trash is in secure outbuildings and never just in a bag or bin, where bears can get to it; and securing beehives or chicken coops with electrified fencing is important.
“We’re not going to change the bears’ behavior, but we can change the public’s behavior and how they respond to bears being in their community,” Davis said. “It’s very gratifying to us to see people learning how to coexist with bears.”
Bears climb trees to escape from people, who are advised to back away from a tree and leave them alone, until they climb down and leave the area.
“It’s really important to modify your behavior so that we can avoid conflict with black Bears,” Hajduc-Conlee said.
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