WHITMAN – While a missed Zoning Appeals hearing on Monday, Sep. 23 was an irritant for the Feasibility Study and Whitman Middle School Building Committee on Tuesday, Sept. 24, a make-up meeting has been slated and there has been progress to report on the project.
Chair Beth Stafford asked why no one from Colliers, the owner project manager firm, or architect AO3 had shown up at a zoning meeting Monday, Sept. 23. Colliers’ Owner Project Manager Michael Carroll said he spoke to AI3 that day and did not think either frim was ever informed of that meeting.
Former Building Inspector Robert Curran, who sits on the Building Committee, said the issue was addressed in some of the paperwork given out to the committee, but, generally speaking, after the paperwork is put in, a zoning hearing takes place four to six weeks later.
“I asked the [Zoning Secretary] if they were notified and she said they were,” he said. “They would have been notified by mail The abutters were there. They opened the hearing and they took some testimony from the neighbors and they continued the meeting until Oct. 21.”
Curran said he arranged for the meeting to be held in the Town Hall auditorium because he had figured it would be a “big show,” and there were probably 15 abutters there who have a lot of concerns, but since there was no one there representing the schools, they continued it to Oct. 21.
School Committee Chair Beth Stafford said that Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak never received a notice about the meeting, either.
“As Superintendent of Schools, he should have received a letter,” she said. “He did not. So, that will be addressed, too, because if letters went out, there wasn’t one for Jeff, either, and he needs to go.”
She said the only notification anyone saw was a legal notice classified ad placed in the Whitman-Hanson Express.
“But that’s not an invitation, and when we looked at who got copies of it, it didn’t say AI3, it didn’t say Whitman-Hanson Superintendent,” Stafford said. “It said Brockton, Abington and all these other places, so I think there was a little bit of a mix-up here.”
Carroll said he and AI3 did receive confirmation it was continued to Oct. 21 and they would absolutely have people there. The next Building Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct, 22.
Curran said abutters are concerned about fencing – especially near Highland Avenue where kids use a path to WMS – and neighbors concerned about construction activity and its potential effect on the safety of kids who live in the area walking to the school.
“There needs to be somebody that’s really familiar with the project,” attending the ZBA hearing, he said. “Are you going to do a temporary road for construction?”
Carroll said that information could be incorporated into that planning, which had been temporarily sidetracked by contractor pre-qualification work.
“What we’re trying to do here is minimize the inconvenience during construction,” he said. “We can’t eliminate inconvenience completely, but we are trying to minimize that, and it there’s things we can do to help the abutters, we absolutely want to do that.”
During the contractor pre-qualification phase, Colliers Project Manager Shirley Ng said, the subcommittee has received 88 requests for interest in this and 12 DCs with the next phase being a review and assessment of statements of qualifications in October and narrow down the applicants.
Assistant Superintendent George Ferro asked if 12 was a healthy number and Carroll said he’s done two bids this year, and on one he received three bidders and on the other he got four.
“Just because 12 got prequalified doesn’t mean all 12 would bid it,” he said. “But 12 is a good number. Anything more than five or six is a very good showing.”
Ng said her numbers were as of Friday, Sept. 20. They had also received some on Sept.23.
“We’re also working on the early bid package,” she said. Right now, they are reviewing specifications of an electrical switchgear and generator.
“The prequalification of this job goes under MGL Ch 149 as a construction project,” Carroll said. “The switch gear and generator go out more as goods, as if you were buying paper or an easel which goes out under CH 30B.”
He said it requires making sure insurance is squared away as they will be bidding and awarding it before a general contractor comes on board, so they are making sire the specifications on the two bids coordinate and the general contractor/electrical contractor are taking delivery of the switch gear and generator unit on-site and taking it from there.
“We don’t have to worry about storage or anything like that,” he said.
Ng said they are hoping to have the contract completed by October along with postings for next month, at the Building Committees next meeting Carroll said they anticipate seeking a vote to allow them to request for bids.
“And then, in November, we’ll be coming back with bids and, hopefully, it’ll be under budget and we’ll be able to award that and keep moving forward,” he said.
W-H Director of Business and Finance Stephen Marshall said the district had submitted reimbursement request of just over $5.5 million in total to MSBA for invoices up through August and expect just over $3.5 million for reimbursement on that.
“There was a little bit of a delay – it was a large request, in terms of the amount of invoices and paperwork,” he said. “The MSBA had come back to us with some questions involving some back-up documentation. We have just received those today from AI3 and they’re being submitted to MSBA.”
He said the turnaround time after follow-up documentation is usually about two weeks.
“That will certainly help with the cash flow,” he said, adding that, moving forward those reimbursement requests will be submitted once a month.
Szymaniak asked Carroll to go over the for the Committee and everyone watching meetings at home, the shift in roles and “who’s doing what where?”
“In general, we’re two teams here,” Carroll said. “You have the Colliers team, which is the owner’s project manager – we’re providing general oversight and general support to your team.” He serves as project director and Ng as project manager. The assistant project manager helps with meeting minutes and a lot of “behind the scenes work” for Colliers.
Once construction gets under way the construction site representative – or clerk of the works as they are sometimes called – will also be added to the meetings.
Architects AI3 design team leaders Troy and Julie have support staff from AI3 and its subconsultants to field questions about irrigation, landscaping, traffic and the like. The Zoning Board meeting would have been handled by Colliers’ civil engineer.
“There’s lots of people behind the scenes,” he said, but added the Building Committee will continue to see familiar faces at meetings
Deadline nears for Hanson Cultural Council fall grant applications
Between Sept. 1 and Oct.16, 2024, the Hanson Cultural Council will accept applications from organizations, schools and individuals for grants to fund cultural activities in Hanson. These grants can support a variety of arts, science, and humanities projects, including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term residencies or performances in schools, workshops and lectures.
This year’s allocation to Hanson from the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) is $8,800.
Past events include
• several museum passes,
- Channel Homestead Experience
- Mamasteph at the Hanson Public Library.
- A virtual visit with author Sarah Weeks
- School Celebrates its amazing humans took place at the Hanson Middle School.
- Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors took place at the All American Assisted Living.
- Matt York sings “Willie Nelson” at the Hanson Library and many more.
The Hanson Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils in the state of Massachusetts.
Applications and more information about the program are available online at Hanson – Mass Cultural Council.
Making the case for override
HANSON – Potential overrides and the ramifications of reduced hours in town departments may soon be volleyed back into Town Meeting’s court for a decision.
Town Administrator Lisa Green reported to the Select Board on Tuesday, Sept. 17 that Capital Strategic Solutions’ proposal for helping town officials communicate the need for an override “came in at a high figure” so her office has looked at other companies – with equally disappointing results.
While they’ve received another proposal from one of those firms, there were concerns with them, too.
“One of the members didn’t even know what Prop 2 ½ was and another member was out in Colorado most of the time,” Green said. “The majority of their work is virtual.”
They would conduct meetings virtually, put together materials and present them to Hanson officials to farm out.
“A lot of proposals that weren’t really going to work for us,” she said.
“We did have a meeting with the [Umass, Boston] Collins Center and, unfortunately, they declined the project [and] did not put forth a proposal.”
Green also said there has been some new information available concerning free cash, which Town Accountant Eric Kinscherf was prepared to discuss it at the Sept. 24 meeting.
“We feel that we can actually do the work, instead of hiring a consultant to do the work for us,” she said.
Meanwhile. Board Chair Laura said she has heard “scuttlebutt” about the town seeking a $5 million override.
“I have no I idea where people got this from.” she said. “I know our consultants had hypothetically said that potentially, “if we really were getting aggressive we could ask for a $5 million override. No one on this board is entertained it as a dollar amount.”
She also stressed that no consultant was being asked to recommend a dollar amount, but were only being considered to help the town communicate the impact, where the town is financially and the potential impact in the event it didn’t pass.
Board member Ann Rein said everything is going up and people have to understand that the only way to avoid a tax increase without an override is drastic cuts.
“That’s not a threat,” she said. “The other side of the budget is the school budget. … We can’t fight that battle.”
Member Joe Weeks said that is one area where a consultant could help – managing and countering misinformation about the way the budget is being managed.
“The only type of consulting that I would feel comfortable with going into trying to figure out an override situation would be one that communicates the reality of how the budget is actually managed,” he said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett suggested reaching out to the Plymouth County Commissioners to see if they had any suggestions for helping the town communicate its budget issues to residents.
The board also reviewed special Town Meeting warrant articles, voting on which they would recommend, after all articles on the warrant had already been placed.
Much of the discussion centered on Article 20, centering on restoring the Conservation Agent to a full-time position.
Select Board member Joe Weeks said he viewed it and Article 21 as salary issues they couldn’t go back on.
“I’d rather defer,” he said.
Select Board member David George asked if Weeks didn’t think the hours should be restored.
“I think he should have his hours back,” Weeks replied. “We spent three years fighting to get salaries increased and hours increased just to cut them the minute we got them, and I do not want to put a person in the position in which we give them their hours back, just to cut them again. It’s not fair”
The rest of the board agreed it would not be fair.
“And it’s irresponsible,” Weeks added. “So, I think we should defer to Town Meeting and let the taxpayers decide where the money goes again because I do not want to put people and their families in a position to constantly have to bounce back and forth with benefits and employment.”
“People have to live,” George agreed. “People have to eat. People have payments that they have to make.”
FitzGerald-Kemmett agreed with deferring, arguing that the Conservation Department has to get up and make their case for a full-time agent.
“Conservation has to get up and make their case about why they need their guy, and the Board of Health has to get up and make their case about why they need their guy,” she said. “Honestly, I didn’t hear either of those groups getting up at [the May] Town Meeting and making a case.”
“[Restoring hours] is one of the things you even hear about the Transfer Station, and that’s falling in our laps and it’s not even our decision,” Weeks said. “We didn’t make those decisions.”
Groups seeking space in old DPW building
WHITMAN – The town has received two requests for the use of the DPW administration building once the new DPW building is completed, according to Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter during the Select Board’s Tuesday, Sept. 17 meeting.
“The Select Board will consider various requests as the [DPW building] project nears completion,” Carter said. “But we still have quite a way to go before the DPW building is finished and the actual admin building is vacated. These are just two and I’m sure you’ll consider everything that comes before the board.”
One of the two requests received, came from the Whitman Food Pantry, which is dealing with an increased need for its services, and the other advocating for a Whitman museum, to honor John and Natalie Campbell and Marie Lailer, came from Ken Lailer.
“We are delighted to see a new building being built and that a DPW office will be part of the new structure,” wrote Food Pantry President Richard Clark, asking to be considered of a future occupant of the existing DPW building. “Currently, St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is housed at the corner of Whitman Avenue and Blake Street. We occupy the middle bay of the building owned and used by Milligan’s Safe Co. We could not have asked for a nicer, more cooperative owner, but we have also realized … that we should be looking at a space that meets the needs of increased food requests from our neighbors in Whitman.”
He said the pantry staff would like to think it’s services would not always be needed.
“But the reality is that food insecurity is high in our town,” Clark said. “We would like to be considered for building occupancy once a new DPW structure is completed.”
He said the food pantry staff is aware they would have to evaluate the building to see if it meets the pantry’s needs going forward and that their needs meet the occupancy requirements established by the town.
“We see the site of the existing DPW office [as] an important addition to assist us in advancing our mission, and providing food for the needy,” Clark concluded.
Lailer, meanwhile, advocated for the museum as a way to honor the Campbells and his late wife Marie, all of whom were searching for a site for the museum they envisioned.
“[The Campbells and] Marie were active in the history of this town – one in the Historical Commission and the other with the Historical Society – before their demise,” Lailer wrote. “If a location were found, then the general public would be able to view the town history and the many artifacts currently in storage.”
He said the Historical Commission also needs a larger space. It is now located in an office in the Town Hall.
“I am deferring to the Select Board for their insight into the various projects within the town,” he said. “If a building or spaces become available and are appropriate for town use, then I ask that you take action to acquire such a facility.”
Board Vice Chair Dan Salvucci, who also serves on the Building Committee, said that when incorporating the administrative offices in the new building and vacating the old administration building were first discussed told the Committee it “would be perfect for a historical museum.”
“I didn’t think about the food pantry because they already have a building,” he said. “I don’t know if it’s too small …”
“I believe it is,” Carter said.
“But they have a building and my opinion is the Historical Commission doesn’t have one,” Salvucci said. “Everything is just boxed in the Armory and I think we’re doing the town an injustice not to show what this town is made of.”
“Both good ideas,” Carter said.
Salvucci also indicated the DPW might want to retain the administration building for records storage.
“Forget it,” he said. “That can be taken care of.”
Select Board member Justin Evans said there is plenty of space for records storage in the old police station area in Town Hall.
“It would be nice to hear [from the DPW] about what their opinions are,” Select Board member Shawn Kain said.
New Hanson firefighters are sworn in
HANSON – The Select Board welcomed two new firefighters to the Hanson Fire Department on Tuesday, Sept. 17 with the appointment of Colby Silva, whose children Emma and Gabe did the honors of pinning on their mom’s new badge.
Silva’s husband Justin, who is an Abington firefighter, and her parents Lisa and Paul Eldridge also attended.
“Colby came to us via Halifax Fire,” said Fire Chief Robert O’Brien Jr. “Her father in-law is a retired Plympton fire chief, so firefighting runs in their blood.”
Colby Silva, herself, had been an ER nurse, but was bored being an ER nurse, so she became a cardiac cath lab nurse, which also bored her, O’Brien said. She eventually became a paramedic.
“She like the excitement of it,” he said. “Colby’s actually very successful, she came to me because I’m trying to do [mesh] operations. I said I need a grant writer and Colby said ‘I want to come and be your grant writer, and I want to write a grant for cancer screening for the fire service.’”
She applied for a $50,000 nationwide competitive grant and the department was rewarded a grant to fund cancer screening within the department.
After receiving a warm round of applause for that success, O’Brien invited her to come forward to be sworn in by Town Clerk Elizabeth Sloan. Silva, who is quite tall, then knelt on one knee so her children could pin on her new badge.
“I would like to thank Colby, who assisted me after our May Town Meeting,” said Town Administrator Lisa Green. “I was very ill and she sat in the back of the ambulance with me and really made me feel very comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and welcome to Hanson.”
O’Brien also introduced new firefighter Dan McKale to the board for his swearing-in.
Born in East Bridgewater, McKale now lives in Marshfield and was accompanied by his grandmother, Diane, and his parents Ray and Michelle. His mother and younger sister Emily pinned on his new badge.
“Dan was a brand-new paramedic when he came to work with us,” O’Brien said, noting he had worked with Brewster Ambulance before. “It’s ironic, because I think Dan sees as much action in Hanson as he does in Brockton, believe it or not. He’s amazed at what he’s seen. He’s an excellent firefighter and an excellent addition to his shift.”
O’Brien said McKale’s shift backs up what they learn on calls with constant training.
“We just want to thank all of you guys,” said Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett. “We say it [but] we may not say it enough. We appreciate everything you do. We’re so proud to have you work for the town of Hanson – every single one of you.”
Hanson Cultural Council taking 2024 applications
Between Sept. 1 and Oct. 16, 2024, the Hanson Cultural Council will accept applications from organizations, schools and individuals for grants to fund cultural activities in Hanson. These grants can support a variety of arts, science, and humanities projects, including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term residencies or performances in schools, workshops and lectures.
This year’s allocation to Hanson from the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) is $8,800. Past events include: several museum passes; the Channel Homestead Experience; Mamasteph at the Hanson Public Library; a virtual visit with author Sarah Week; School Celebrates its amazing humans took place at the Hanson Middle School; Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors took place at the All American Assisted Living and Matt York sings “Willie Nelson” at the Hanson Library and many more.
The Hanson Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils in the state of Massachusetts. Applications and more information about the program are available online at massculturalcouncil.org/local-council/hanson.
All roads leading to changes
WHITMAN – Sometimes the road to change is difficult, other times it turns out to be easier than you expected – and then there are the times that can overwhelm you at the change you were able to make. The Whitman Select Board witnessed examples of all three during their Tuesday, Sept. 17 meeting as they approved a change in the downtown business scene, expressed frustration at the budgeting process for one regional school district and surprise at how easily another district made the process of amending its regional agreement.
After two brief public hearings, the Board unanimously approved transfers of the Common Victualler All Alcohol Liquor License for McGuiggan’s Pub and the Patio at McGuiggan’s as well as the businesses’ Amusement/Live Entertainment Licenses from McGuiggan’s LLC to Lone Wolf Partners Inc. and Indian River Associates Inc., an emotional Richard Rosen addresses the board.
“This has been a very emotional time … this is terrible,” Rosen began as his voice broke and he paused to gain control of his emotions. “I’m really bad at wakes,” he joked.
“It’s been a very emotional time for my family,” he started again. “Fifteen years ago, we opened the pub. I don’t think there was anybody that gave us [the odds of lasting] 15 minutes and we’ve been through an awful lot, including a pandemic – which, I’m very proud of the fact that we kept 13 people on payroll the whole time – and then, when I opened The Patio, people really thought I lost my mind.”
He also spoke of the impact the two businesses have had on Whitman center.
“We’ve never had any issues or problems,” he said. “I think we’ve been a huge asset to the community. I think that we transformed Whitman center.”
“Yes,” agreed Vice Chair Dan Salvucci.
“On any given night, I can go into the pub and know 85 percent of the people there, and any night, I can go into The Patio and I don’t know 85 percent of the people,” he said. “The proof would be, if you all wanted to get in your car on Monday night around 7 p.m., and take a ride through the center, you’ll see what the town of Whitman center looked like 24/7—365 days a year forever – until 15 years ago.”
He admitted it might sound crazy, but it excites him when he drives through the center and finds it full of cars.
“It’s become a destination spot,” he said. “People are literally coming from all over the place to come here. … I have full faith and confidence in the new buyers. I know they are going to keep us proud and we’re going out with our head high.”
Rosen thanked the Select Board, the Police and Fire departments and “all the town officials who have been wonderful to us for the last 15 years.”
After Rosen spoke, the board gave him a warm round of applause.
“I agree with you,” Salvucci said. “Before you opened the pub, that end of town, there was no cars. Now, that end of town you can’t find a parking space.”
“We’ve never had an issue with parking,” Rosen said.
Rosen said the new buyers and owners – Johnny Perette, Dawn Castagnetti. Nancy Ruta, Joe Perette – and their attorney Richard Hickey were present, but opted not to speak.
The board also approved retention of the Sunday sales hours, beginning at 10 a.m. for the Patio’s new owners.
“Brunch is coming back, I assume,” said Select Board member Justin Evans
Lone Wolf Partners will operate the McGuiggan’s Pub property at 546 Washington St., as the Alibi Tavern and Indian River Associates will run Patio at McGuiggan’s, (552 Washington St.) as Patio at Martini’s.
The Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission will have several weeks to act on the license transfers once the application and supporting paperwork is submitted which Rosen said he hoped to do Wednesday, Sept. 18. The new ownership does not take effect until the license has been transferred.
“Thank you for what you did,” Salvucci said.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for Whitman,” said Select Board member Laura Howe.
SST amendment
South Shore Tech Superintendent-Director Dr. Thomas J. Hickey, on the heels of another presentation on education budgeting, closed out the meeting with a presentation on the proposed amendment to the district’s Regional Agreement pertaining to the distribution of debt among member towns.
The amendment is slated to go before all nine of the member communities’ individual town meetings, beginning with Hanson on Monday, Oct. 7. When six towns affirm the amendment, it is passed, according to the SST Regional Agreement. It is then passed on to the Commissioner of Education to sign off on it.
“I think the idea was a good one said,” Hickey said. “It’s a pay-as-you-go model that’s fair based on sifts in enrollment that might happen over a 30-year period.”
Whitman’s enrollment, based on the number of seniors who graduated, and the number of freshmen coming in, is about 17 students fewer, a drop in enrollment that will eventually factor in to a four-year average and then factor into a four-year average.
“Technically, ultimately, to the Commissioner of Education has that final say,” Hickey said.
Currently, budgets include a three-year look back regarding enrollment figures, according to Hickey. The amendment would change that to a four-year review of member towns and the rules through which Marshfield is joining the district.
Until Marshfield develops an enrollment history, they will be asked to adjust their debt-share annually.
“I know from feedback in this room, back in December 2023, it was suggested that our current Regional Agreement language says the debt share that we have is currently fixed – when it’s authorized, do your calculation based on student enrollment and it’s fixed on the life of the borrowing,” Hickey said. “This amendment will change it to what we’re calling a four-year rolling average.”
The new wording was not only the SST regional planning subcommittee and School Committee, but was vetted by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
“That took awhile, but it’s good to say that the language we came up with was “within bounds” – there was nothing wrong with the language so those boxes have certainly appropriately been checked.”
W-H budget process
On a somewhat bumpier road, Select Board member Shawn Kain discussed a letter he recently wrote to the W-H School Committee in response to correspondence he’s had with Committee Chair Beth Stafford.
That letter advocated beginning the process of updating the school assessment formula, while acknowledging it is a difficult discussion for a number of reasons, including the “unique and somewhat complex” nuances of the budget with a lot of town officials involved.
“If the formula is not balanced properly, then the School District and the town departments could be underfunded which could result in decreased staffing or services, so the discussion needs to be done carefully and respectfully,” he read from his last letter to Stafford. “It’s a difficult discussion, but it needs to happen.”
Kain noted the lingering tension and disagreement in the community over the school assessment formula.
“If we don’t work together to work this out, our community will suffer,” he wrote.
Kain said his objective was to introduce the topic to both select boards as well as the School Committee and then to develop a working group to focus on the details.
He also asked to be placed on a School Committee agenda – originally in August – to discuss the issue, but was asked to wait until September.
“Most recently, however, I was informed by the School Committee Chair, Beth Stafford, that she would not allow me to address this issue with the committee,” he said, noting that he was confused and taken aback by her response and, in his letter to Stafford apologized if his intent was misunderstood and asking her to reconsider the decision about letting him speak and said he is still interested in forming a working group.
“I would really like to keep the invitation standing for the School Committee,” he said. “They are welcome to come and have a voice and play a role in this.”
He also sought the board’s approval to communicate with Hanson Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett about pursuing the working group idea.
“If we can be more transparent about how we come up with what we can afford and explain it clearly, then we’re not keeping anything from anybody,” Kain said, “Our objective is to be transparent.”
Whitman sets School panel interviews
WHITMAN – Filling the two Whitman vacancies on the School Committee has become a bit more complicated, as the Select Board’s office has received about 13 resumes for the positions for which those selected would have to stand for election later.
In a brief meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said the four remaining Whitman School Committee members and the five Select Board members have already received the resumes and letters of interest from the applicants.
“It’s going to be an important night,” he said.
Those selected would serve the final eight months the positions vacated by the death of Fred Small in July and the August resignation of David Forth, who plans to continue his education.
“What we are planning to do, is interview them on [at 6 p.m.] Oct. 1,” Kowalski said. “[Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter will be sending them out a letter tomorrow [Wednesday, Sept.11], telling them about the process,” he said. “We’ll have a televised meeting here, and each of the 12 or 13 candidates – and we’ll be giving each of them 10 minutes. Ten minutes to tell us why we should vote for them for School Committee membership.”
Kowalski said he referred to “12 or 13” because there was a question over whether one candidate had fulfilled the requirements of applying.
The applicants will be asked during the interviews what they will bring to the schools and to the students.
“They’ll be clocked,” said Kowalski, who is himself a former School Committee m. “We won’ be asking questions of the people. Once the 10 minutes are over, we’re going to vote.”
Select Board member Justin Evans estimated that the interviews would still take about two hours, but Kowalski had already taken that into account. Applicants won’t be asked questions about their resumes, because both committees already have them to review for almost a month.
“What we really want to hear from them is what they’re going to do for the schools, why we should vote for them, what they are going to do for the students at the schools. What’s in their minds.” he said. “I have always felt that one of the weakest parts of the search process is the interviews. What’s really important is paper, is resumes, because that tells us what we need to know about the person.”
Some people have trouble with interviews, Kowalski explained, while others are great at interviews, but their resumes don’t hold up to scrutiny.
Opioid vgil
In other business, Kowalski said he and his wife attended the annual Opioid Vigil, held at Massasoit Community College last week, to remember those who lost their livesto opioid overdoses.
“In 2013, the first night, they put up 22 photos on a screen for the people to see,” he said “The other night, 10 years later, they put up photos on a screen and there were over 450.”
He said he was happy to see Fire Chief Timothy Clancy and Police Lt. Daniel Connolly there.
“They’re there all the time because they do work with the school through W-H WILL,” he said. “I’d encourage any of you to attend. It happens every year right before Labor Day. … It’s a night that’s not easy to be at, but I think it’s a night that’s important to be at.”
Kowalski remembered an observation Clancy once made about the photos displayed: “It’s like looking at a high school yearbook, and the chief said something that’s going to stick with me a long time: ‘Addiction doesn’t care whether you live in a box by the railroad station or whether you live in a mansion on Nantucket.’ And that’s what you see in those photos.”
Hanson ZBA hits quorum snag
HANSON – The town needs to seat another member to the Zoning Board of Appeals soon, or Hanson is going to have a real problem, Select Board members have been cautioned.
Town Planner Anthony DeFreias has submitted a letter to the Select Board regarding the Zoning Board of Appeals membership, dated the same day as their last meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27.
“As you are aware, the ZBA is currently comprised of two members,” he wrote. “I wish to being to the board’s attention the following [citing the relevant passage of Mass. General Law, Ch. 40A]: the Board of Appeals shall consist of between three and five members,” Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett read from the letter.
“I’ll bottom-line this,” she said. “For certain hearings, we need to have three members, and we don’t. It may … impede and disadvantage the town in rendering an opinion about somebody who may be applying to the Board of Appeals.”
She noted then item had not been included on the agenda because “I could not have anticipated it,” she said.
The third member may be a member of the Select Board, DeFreias has advised the Board.
Select Board member Ed Heal, the board’s liaison to the ZBA, asked if it would work for him to step forward to help in the short run.
“I will volunteer, so long as we press for a long-term solution,” he said. “I don’t want to be [a permanent member] right now.”
Member Joe Weeks said that, even if the board appointed someone on that board to keep operations going, he would advise against it.
“I think that, if anybody here wanted to be a member of the ZBA, as either a full member or an alternate member, you go through thorough the process and actually apply and get appointed,” he said. “That’s how we do it for all of these things, other than that, they would be a liaison that would also be a voting member.”
A full ZBA has three permanent members and two associate members, Town Administrator Lisa Green said.
“That is true,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said, responding to Weeks’ comment. “This is an extraordinarily different situation.”
Matt Provencher, a town attorney happened to be attending the meeting, so FitzGerald-Kemmett asked him for an opinion on the matter. He said he has been in touch with the town administrator about the issue.
For certain appeals to go a ZBA, Chapter 48 requires a three-member board must make three types of decisions – granting special permits, issuance of a variance or overturning a decision about the building inspector or commissioner,” Provencher said. Typically, any decisions made by three-person board to vote on building to cast a unanimous vote.
There are different vote quantums for boards with different numbers of members, he explained. Decisions would therefore need to total two-thirds or a super majority of votes – or a unanimous vote by a three-person board.
Legal snag
“The upshot would be that, even if you had a board that has a quorum of two out of three – a majority, and less capable of acting on some business before it – it cannot provide the relief that people are seeking, because they’re seeking a special permit or a variance or to overturn a decision by the building inspector or commissioner,” he said. “The difficulty for the town is that then puts these people in a position where they would need to take an appeal, which would incur costs.”
Even if a board under three members makes a unanimous vote of the members present, or all the members on a smaller board, it would still be a denial because they can’t meet the legal criteria for a legal vote.
Associate members can vote, but are not considered a full voting member unless all full members are present.
“To be clear, it’s not a full new member that they’re looking for?”
Select Board member Ed Heal asked if there was a person in mind to be tapped to fill the position.
“We do not have anybody,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “We really need a third member, or we’re going to have a problem.”
Any votes requiring recusal of a voting member would also mean a proper vote wouldn’t be possible.
“A very expensive vacancy,” Weeks said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett asked if Green had any names of potential volunteers available to be appointed and might be interested in serving now.
“The people that applied were people that were already on the board once before,” Green said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said she was referring to the people who had come forward about membership during the recent ZBA investigation.
“No one has come forward,” Green said.
“Can we pump up the volume?” FitzGerald-Kemmett asked.
“At the end of the day, what stopped people before was all the attention that [the ZBA] was getting,” Weeks said. “I don’t think it’s been getting that level of attention in a long time.”
FitzGerald-Kemmett agreed that was true.
She said she knows of three past members who have said they would step forward.
In other business, Green announced that the town is working with a company called Box Modular, looking at a modular building planned to expand part of the Senior Center to accommodate for the supportive day program, funded by a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.
“We’re looking for a turn-key building that has plumbing, restroom facilities – everything that we need, so that we don’t have to procure and do everything piecemeal,” Green said. “That process is moving along as quickly as we can.”
The building inspector, town planner and a representative from the modular company have looked at the space where it will be located and Senior Center Director Mary Collins is picking out color schemes for the actual building color, Green said.
“It’s coming together rather quickly,” she said. “It’s still on schedule.” She also has discussed the funding for the project with the town accountant and explained it looks to be a reimbursable type of grant.
Healey fires O’Brien
Cannabis Control Commission Chair Shannon O’Brien has been officially removed from the post – by state Treasurer Deborah Goldberg – after being suspended for months, and the legal battle that has followed, according to published reports on Monday.
O’Brien has vowed to appeal Goldberg’s action to the state’s Supreme Judicial Court.
The Whitman native and the Healey administration have been at loggerheads since Gov. Maura Healey suspended her on Sep. 16, 2023. O’Brien had been on the job for exactly one year – the suspension doming on the anniversary of her being appointed to the role.
The CCC oversees the state’s $7 billion cannabis business within Massachusetts.
WCVB-TV reported that included a letter from Goldberg to O’Brien, which indicates she was O’Brien had been accused by state treasurer of making “racially, ethnically and culturally insensitive statements.” O’Brien has denied those claims and had sued to fight the attempt to keep her job.
“The Chair committed gross misconduct and demonstrated she is unable to discharge the powers and duties of a CCC commissioner,” O’Brien’s lawyer, Max Goldberg said in his statement Monday. “I do so with deep regret because she has a long history of public service, and when appointed, I anticipated she would lead the Commission capably and in an appropriate manner. I expect my appointee’s actions to be reflective of the important mission of the CCC and performed in a manner that incorporates the standards of professionalism required in today’s work environment.”
O’Brien fired back that a “toxic work environment” had existed at the CCC for some time and had, in part, been fallout from her suggesting former Executive Director Shawn Collins might have to be e
Stern issued a statement denying the existence of any grounds for his client’s removal, charging that state officials
“The Chair committed gross misconduct and demonstrated she is unable to discharge the powers and duties of a CCC commissioner,” Goldberg said her statement on Monday. “I do so with deep regret because she has a long history of public service, and when appointed, I anticipated she would lead the Commission capably and in an appropriate manner. I expect my appointee’s actions to be reflective of the important mission of the CCC and performed in a manner that incorporates the standards of professionalism required in today’s work environment.”
While Goldberg aims to appoint another chair to the CCC soon, Goldberg’s office said in a statement released to the press. O’Brien was still receiving checks for her $196,551 salary.
According to NPR, O’Brien Had spent more than $616,000 on proceeding with the attempt to oust O’Brien.
(Editor’s note: This story has been updated to correct a headline error and update information. The Express apologizes for the error.)
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