MARLBOROUGH — The 2023 edition of The Fly Fishing Show will begin its nationwide winter run Jan. 20-23 at the Royal Plaza Trade Center with everything for the fly-fishing angler from new products, seminars, classes, fly tying and fly casting demonstrations, and theater presentations to lodges and vacation destinations.
Royal Plaza Trade Center is at 181 Boston Post Rd. West, Marlborough; the nearby Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel is the show hotel with discounted accommodations. The show hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Fri.; 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat; and 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sun. Parking is free. Fly Fishing Show® admission is $15 for one day, $25 for two days and $35 for three days. Children under age 5 are free as are Boy and Girl Scouts under age 16 in uniform. Children 6-12 are $5. Active military with an ID are $10.
There will be 22 Classes with the Experts including those with Gary Borger, Jason Randall, Joe Cordiero, Alan Caolo, Phil Rowley, Ed Engle, Landon Mayer, Steve Culton, and Women Only sessions with Sheila Hassan. Classes with Experts registration is $90 and includes admission to the show for that day. There are nine free daily seminars, continuous Destination Theater presentations and fly-casting demonstrations. More than $30,000 worth of national door prizes are up for grabs including a week’s guided fishing for two anglers at Tarpon Caye Lodge, Belize valued at $8,400; SET’s Spring Creek Lodge in Northern Patagonia for one, $5,450; a $5,000 credit on any Fish Partner Iceland trip listed on their website; five night, four days fishing package at Swains Cay Lodge, Bahamas Out Islands valued at $4,685; and two night, two days of fishing at the Big Land Lodge, Labrador, Canada, valued at approximately $4,000.
A complete list of door prizes is on The Fly Fishing Show website.
Hanson develops fiscal strategy
HANSON – The Select Board met virtually with representatives of Capital Strategic Solutions of Marlborough on Tuesday, Dec. 13 to describe their services in relation to help with ARPA funds and communication strategies as the board discussed issues that had arisen during a recent strategic planning workshop.
They will return for a further discussion on the issues at the Tuesday, Jan. 10 meeting to further discuss the consulting firm’s communication plan. Police Chief Michael Miksch had suggested the presentation concerning the communication aspect at the town’s recent strategic planning session.
“I love seeing the community transform when people actively become a part of their government,” said CSS CEO Nicole Figeroa is a communications specialist who ha also worked with many area communities. “Local government is a big part of everyone’s quality of life.”
Figeroa’s comment echoed an earlier comment by Select Board member Ann Rein, who expressed a preference for baby steps in the communications plan, rather than a big, over-arching thing because the residents have said enough about how bad the website is and how important it is to them to change it.
“I think that the [town’s] website and the outreach to the citizens is more important than ARPA,” Select Board member Ann Rein said. “I really, really, really want that website fixed.”
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), signed into law by President Biden in March 2021, creating the Coronavirus Local Recovery Fund aimed at helping local government pay for their efforts to contain COVID-19. Hanson is eligible to receive $3,196,672 in ARPA funds both directly and through Plymouth County.
Cities and towns have until Dec. 31, 2024 to obligate the ARPA funds and until Dec. 31, 2026 to spend them. Most counties are asking that funds be obligated sooner to ensure all funds are used.
ARPA funds can be used to respond directly to the public health crisis COVID-19; assistance to households, small business and nonprofits and aid to affected industries such as tourism and travel; premium pay for essential municipal employees and offset a drop in revenue to fund government services; and to make needed investments in water, sewer and broadband internet services.
Hanson is eligible for $1,142,353 in the lost revenue category.
Figeroa stressed that the company is Massachusetts-based certified woman-owned business comprised of municipal experts specializing in public administration and municipal finance, human resources and policy development, emergency management services and public safety, public works and infrastructure operations, public relations and community engagement, project management and oversight, grant writing and administration, and onsite support services.
Town Administrator met ARPA consultant Jennifer Thompson at a Mass. Municipal Association meeting. Thompson is “very versed in ARPA and has helped many towns navigate through the complexity of ARPA,” from paperwork involved to reporting requirements and project regulations.
“She is highly recommended from other towns that have used her services,” Green said. “I think this company is going to do a great job for us.”
Thompson said the firm assists 22 municipalities with their ARPA fund administration.
“You should be cautious with this money because it is one-time money, it’s not recurring, so you want to be cautious about funding operating expenses because the money is going to go away after 2026,” Thompson said of the funds aimed at recouping lost revenue.
For that reason, she noted, ARPA funds cannot be used to fund any pension fund; pay debt on capital projects, fund settlement of judgment agreements; replenish reserve or stabilization funds or match other federal grants. But ARPA funds may be used to match state grants.
ARPA funds can be used to build infrastructure, schools or municipal facilities; modernize computer/software assets to bolster cybersecurity; health services; environmental remediation; school or educational services; public safety services or other government expenses.
Thompson said CSS could work with Hanson officials to help them spend ARPA funds not already spent.
Communications services offered help community outreach, Figeroa said, including website support services and proper use of social media.
“It’s an all-hands-on-deck approach we use to get everyone’s attention,” she said. “We operate as an extension of the town [and] we act accordingly.”
She said they would initially work with the IT director to determine what infrastructure improvements the town might need for its communications, including the need to get town departments on the same page before building outward.
“It’s hard for me to make a decision on a company like that without having Steve [Moberg, the town’s IT director] in front of us to be able to ask him questions and expressing his concerns,” Select Board member Ed Heal said.
“In a nutshell, your services help us identify various projects that we could work on, and you’re trying to help us stretch the ARPA fund dollars as far as they could go,” Select Board member Joe Weeks said.
Thompson said that was an accurate summation and added they could help the town with it’s reporting on those expenditures to Plymouth County and the federal government.
Select Board Chair asked if CSS could help empower the town’s Capital Improvement Committee.
“It’s something we’ve been very comfortable with,” Thompson said, applauding Hanson’s foresight in that effort. ARPA funds can be used to pay for CSS’ services, which Thompson described as being provided on an on-call basis in response to a question of cost for their services from Select Board member Jim Hickey.
“Some cities and towns put a ‘not to exceed’ on there,” she said. “We could certainly do that.”
Thompson estimated Hanson would likely spend about $15,000 for that service over the next three years, based on its size and the scope of it’s need for assistance. She said the town could do not-to-exceed on a year-to-year of three-year scope of the program basis.
Figeroa said the communication service may be able to be paid for on that basis, as well.
“We don’t want to create this false sense that we’re going to have this money forever and it’s going to solve all of our many, many budget woes. It won’t,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “But we do have an opportunity to move the ball forward just a bit in some areas.”
Storm fells trees, cuts power in state
WHITMAN — There were other felled trees that caused actual damage during the Friday, Dec. 23 storm, but few made the impact of the 114-year-old maple that miraculously caused no damage at 54 South Ave. — the front lawn of Whitman Town Hall.
As crews from Palaza & McDonough Tree Service of Whitman cut the tree apart and removed it Tuesday morning, interim Town Administrator Frank Lynam said it was a lucky thing that nothing got damaged when the tree fell.
“The piece that fell was enormous,” he said.
Town Clerk Dawn Varley said she was amazed that the tree caused no damage when she drove over on Friday to check it out as soon as she heard about it.
“Nothing,” she said. “It didn’t hit a sidewalk, it didn’t hit a bench. I was amazed. … It must have been loud.”
“I’ve had three different people give me condolences on the tree,” said Assistant Town Clerk Michael Ganshirt. “It is sad.”
The tree, one of a pair planted in 1907, was 114 years old. The other one had been removed years ago.
“It was a beautiful tree,” he said.
Varley said she didn’t think the tree was rotten, but Lynam said it was determined to be diseased and it was decided to remove it.
“It’s pretty amazing what the’re doing there,” he said as the crews worked right outside his office window.
Varley said her opinion was the wind came from a direction the tree was not accustomed to.
Lynam said not many in Whitman lost power and only some in Hanson.
At the height of Friday’s storm, more than 55,000 homes across Massachusetts were left without power as winds associated with storm Elliot knocked down trees, branches and power lines, according to published reports.
Hanson 32 customers out of 4,411 lost power and there were no outages among the 6,547 Whitman customers of National Grid. Hanson customers were expected to have power restored by 10 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 24.
The Hanson Fire Department arranged for the Hanson Public Library to be opened as a warming center on Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to noon for those residents still without power.
National Grid has classified the incoming weather event as a Type-3 event which means in the event of power loss it can take up to 72 hours for restoration. Make sure you are prepared for the possible loss of power.
Whitman Town Hall narrowly escaped damage as a large portion of a tree on the front lawn came crashing down on the building’s front steps.
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) reported that 55,988 customers of the state’s three electricity providers – Eversource, National Grid and UNITIL were left without power as of 7:30 a.m., Friday. Most of the outages — more than 56,000 — were reported in Essex County and Methuen was the hardest-hit community with more than 4,000 customers losing power.
Worcester County, also a mostly National Grid-served area saw 8,300 outages. There were more than 7,000 in Middlesex County. Other outages by County Friday morning were: Norfolk County, more than 5,400; Plymouth County, more than 5,300; Hampden County, over 4,600; Berkshire County more than 4,300; Bristol County, more than 4,500; Hampshire County, 1,300 and. Lesser damage was seen in Barnstable County with more than 800 in the dark and Franklin County with over 200 customers without power on Friday morning. Dukes and Nantucket counties both reported only one customer losing power.
Spirits of Christmases past
By Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to the Express
Asa Wallace was the father of four children. His oldest daughter Ceara was 19, attended a local college and earned money babysitting. His second oldest, Ben, was 17 then Joel fourteen. Both boys had after school jobs two days a week, which they alternated at the market in their small town. The youngest, Cassy who was 12, was just starting to babysit.
Asa was short on communication and sensitivity and long on gruffness but he loved his family and was a good provider. He wished his job in construction paid more but with the help of his wife Jane who drove a school bus and was very good at managing their finances, they managed. Where Asa was gruff Jane was the heart of their home.
Summer had ended and the fall season was in full swing. Asa had seen an advertisement in Yankee magazine for a build-it-yourself grandfather clock that came with plans and all the parts. The ad showed a picture of what the clock would look like all put together and the cost was affordable. Jane had always wanted one and he was thinking about it for Christmas. Asa started saving money. He was sure he could put it together and have it ready for Christmas and his parents who lived nearby offered to let him use their garage to work on it. Very unlike him, he even showed the ad to his son Ben who thought it was a nice idea.
Ben told his sister Ceara what their father had planned to do for their mother for Christmas. She was surprised her dad told Ben but was excited and thought it a great idea. She knew how long her mother had wanted a grandfather clock and how much she would love it.
Asa picked up a part time job on Saturdays operating a backhoe at a sand pit loading dump trucks so he would not have to take money out of his paycheck to save for the clock. He had to send for the plans in October to have the clock finished and ready by Christmas. The third week into October the weather turned very cold and there was a heavy snowstorm. All the work at the sand pit came to a halt and it wasn’t sure when they would be back up and running. He was eighty dollars short and could not send for the clock.
His family noticed he seemed more short-tempered than usual but it happened from time to time and they steered clear of him. Jane was used to his moods and didn’t think too much of it. Then he took Joel to task saying a “C” was too low a grade to get on one of his tests. He also got angry at Ceara’s boy friend saying 11 o’clock was too late to get home from a party. Then he got upset at Cassy and told her she shouldn’t take phone calls after seven at night. He was upsetting the entire household and Jane and the kids were upset.
Jane tried to talk with him to see if there was something wrong and he became very argumentative. She told him he was turning his kids against him with his behavior by getting on them about every little thing.
Asa went down cellar after Jane told him he better do something about himself. He started working on a lamp that needed fixing when Ben came down to see if he could find out what was troubling his father.
“Hey dad, looks like you’re in the dog house.” Asa just grunted. Ben tried again. “How’s it going with the clock?”
“Not too good!”
“How’s that?”, asked Ben.
In his gruff way Asa came back with, “Well, I lost my Saturday Job!” he yelled.
“You mean that’s how you were paying for the clock?”
“Well ya, what’ya think!”
“Well,” said Ben, “I didn’t realize that’s why you took the job, you just said they needed you.”
“They don’t need me now!” exclaimed Asa. “Well, maybe some other place might need some part time help?” Ben suggested. “Extra work’s hard enough to find right now with such cold temperatures and all the snow and ice.”
Ben looked at his father, “How much do you need?”
“I’m eighty dollars short, I’ll have to wait until next year,” Asa said looking down at the floor.
“You better get your homework done Ben, I have to finish up down here.”
“Okay dad.” Ben went upstairs to look for Ceara.
Ben told her what happened.
“So that’s what’s been going on! Why doesn’t he ever tell us anything?” Ceara sighed, saying “He makes you so mad you just don’t even want to care.”
“True.” said Ben, “But we do care, he’s really in a spot.” Just then Joel came looking for Ceara to get some help with his homework and Cassy came bounding into Ceara’s room as well.
“How come everyone’s in here?” Cassy wanted to know. Ben looked at Ceara,
“We might as well tell them, dad’s never going to.” Ceara nodded and they told Joel and Cassy why their dad had been in such a bad mood. “It’s hard to feel sorry for him,” said Cassy,
“He gets so awful sometimes,”
“Tell me about it,” said Joel.
Ben said, “I know but he also works really hard and this is something he really wanted to do for mom and if it were us that needed help, he’d help us.”
“Ya, after he yelled at us!” said Cassy. After a good laugh they tried to figure out how to help.
Asa came up from the cellar late that night. Jane had kept his supper warm in the oven and she and the kids had gone to bed. Asa was feeling pretty miserable about not having enough money to get the clock and also about upsetting his family. After he ate he got ready for bed. Jane was sleeping soundly as he started to get into bed and he was careful not to wake her. He noticed something sticking out from under his pillow. He pulled out a long white envelope and walked down the hall to the bathroom to open it so he wouldn’t disturb Jane. He turned on the bathroom light and opened the envelope. It was full of paper money and change. There was a note with it that read, Merry Christmas Dad, love Ben, Ceara, Joel and Cassy. When Asa counted it there was eighty dollars. A tear rolled down his cheek and his heart burst with love and pride as he realized what his children had done for him.
The clock came out beautifully and Mom loved it. It’s still in our family to this day. It lives in my brother’s house still happily telling the hours as it chimes away. Dad was never one to say he was sorry but we knew he was by the better way he treated us.
(Linda Ibbitson Hurd is a Halifax resident who grew up in Hanson and from time to time writes about her childhood memories. She shares these remembrances of Christmases past with our readers.)
Hanson receives grant for Fireworks site cleanup
BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that $80,000 in grants have been awarded to three municipalities and one community group as part of the Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program, administered by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).
TAG provides funding to enhance citizen participation in assessment and cleanup activities at waste disposal sites in their communities.
The town of Hanson will receive up to $20,000 and will use its award to obtain technical expertise to review and summarize recent reports for the local community. The National Fireworks disposal site in Hanover and Hanson where fireworks and pyrotechnics were once made. Contaminants of concern include metals, volatile organic compounds, and semi-volatile organic compounds in in surface water, soil, and sediment. In addition, Munitions and Explosives of Concern and Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard were identified in two areas in the southern portion of the disposal site.
Spirits of Christmases past
By Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to the Express
In Hanson, where I grew up in the 1950s there was a Rexall drug store on Main Street that was in the center of our small town.
My best friend, Rose, and I were ten when our mothers started letting us ride our bikes to the drug store on Saturday mornings. With our meager allowances we sometimes got comic books or looked at the rack where all the joke gifts were but our favorite place in the store was the soda fountain, where we sat on the chrome stools with the red leather tops to get an ice cream cone or a sundae.
The proprietor, a middle-aged man by the name of Ben Koplosky always seemed to walk through the store when kids were there, watching us like an old hawk. I never thought of him as a friendly person. One Saturday after Thanksgiving we saw him setting up a display of clocks make out of wood that looked like miniature grandfather clocks with pendulums that swung back and forth as the hands ticked away. They were hand painted in pretty colors and priced at seven dollars and ninety-nine cents.
When Rose and I went over to look at them when the display was finished, we were enchanted by them. I found one that I favored and wanted to get it for my mother for Christmas. She worked so hard taking care of us four kids and my baby sister was not yet 2. The price was a bit steep for me but I decided I was going to start saving so I could get it for her.
Every Saturday after that when we went to the drug store I checked to see if the clock I wanted was still there and always picked it up to look at it. I said a prayer every night that it would still be there the next week.
When the day came that I finally had enough money to buy the clock, I was so excited I rode my bike down by myself a little earlier than usual to pick it up. I rushed into the store to look for my clock. To my dismay there were very few left. I looked and looked and a sinking feeling came over me. I walked all around the display in case my clock had fallen onto the floor or was up behind the display. I stood for a very long time and just looked at that display hoping it would just appear.
Ben the owner came out as I turned to leave. He wasn’t too tall and looked at me over his glasses. I was a bit nervous and wondered if I did something wrong. Out from behind his back he pulled out my clock asking, “Is this what you’re looking for?” I couldn’t believe it, I said, “Yes.” I had never remembered him smiling but he was and said that he put it in a safe place for when I came to pick it up. I was mystified as to how he knew anything but being a kid, I didn’t ask questions. I gave him the money and he gave me a bag to put the clock in.
“Ride slowly and keep it safe now,” he said. I promised him I would and he wished me a Merry Christmas. I said it back to him as I almost ran out of the store with the most inexplicable feeling of joy.
When I Heard Penny Sing
t was a Sunday night before Christmas in 1962. I was 15 and my sister Penny was 12. We had two younger siblings, David, 9, and Barbara, 6.
We belonged to the Hanson Baptist Church and that night our family was going to a candlelight service that Penny was part of. It was not uncommon for Penny and I to be arguing or fighting over something, most anything would do and me being the older sister Penny just loved getting on my nerves. I didn’t want to go to the service and couldn’t see why they all couldn’t go without me but my mother insisted and I knew if I protested my father would get involved and that would make matters worse so I complied.
As we were getting ready Penny and I had an argument because she took a pleated wool skirt I planned to wear and didn’t even ask. I was so angry as she always stretched the waistband in my clothes and ruined them for me. I went into her room where she was getting dressed and told her I wanted my skirt back and made a grab for it. She was bigger and taller than I and packed a mighty punch, which she shared often. I pushed her and she fell between the bed and the wall. She kicked me and I knew if I had screamed that would bring dad running and it would be bad for us both. I whispered in a nasty tempered whisper for her to let go of my skirt. She grit her teeth and in a mean whisper told me she had nothing to wear and I had all the good clothes. I did a slow boil and wanted to pull her blonde ponytail but didn’t. I whispered again for her to give me my skirt. She snarled back, put it under her and sat on it. I went to find my mom.
I tried to be calm and not whine when I told mom what was going on. She said she would take care of it and told me to go to my room. She came in a few minutes later with the skirt and told me to get dressed. Penny had to go out and feed her horse, Lady, before she got ready. She opened the door to my room as she passed by and snarled that I was a no good rotten tattletale. I told her she deserved what she got. To my surprise she didn’t slam the door.
When we finally were on our way to the church, mom put my little brother and sister between Penny and I in the back seat, for which I was relieved. I noticed Penny wasn’t giving me dirty looks or hissing at me, she just looked out the window and was very quiet during the ride.
Once we were inside the Sanctuary other people came in greeting one another warmly. There was a happy, festive yet peaceful atmosphere with a very special feeling filling the church. White candles were aglow all over the room as we all sat in the cushioned pews.
As the service started and the choir sang, out walked Penny. She was wearing a white choir robe and her silky blonde hair shone as it fell around her face. Her cheeks were pink and her light green eyes filled with happiness. There was a pause and a hush as the Minister nodded to her.
She began to sing “Silent Night” in the most beautiful angelic voice I couldn’t believe was coming out of her. It seemed like there was a halo around her head and I reasoned it was the candles behind her that was making it look that way until I realized there were no candles directly behind her. A light seemed to radiate all around her as she sang out to the Congregation.
Much to my surprise tears filled my eyes and my heart swelled with pride.
In that moment I began to wonder if she behaved the way she did sometimes because she wanted my attention, my approval. Maybe if she had it things might be different between us. The truth, if I was different, things might change for the better.
When the service was over I ran out to the back of the church where Penny was hanging her choir robe back up in the big closet. I told her I was proud of her and that her singing was beautiful. She said, “really?” I said.
I smiled at her and said, “you’re not so bad for a sister.’ She pushed me gently in the shoulder saying, ‘You’re not so bad either.”
(Linda Ibbitson Hurd is a Halifax resident who grew up in Hanson and from time to time writes about her childhood memories. She shares these remembrances of Christmases past with our readers. Look for Part 2 next week.)
Should towns share accountants?
WHITMAN – Could Whitman and Hanson share accounting services?
Interim Town Administrator Frank Lynam asked that question during the Tuesday, Dec. 20 Select Board meeting. The board expressed their willingness to give Lynam authority to explore the issue.
“I would like to look at the possibility of engaging either an accountant or an accounting service – probably, preferably an accountant that could divide his or her time between the towns of Whitman and Hanson and the formula should be relatively easily based on transactional workload,” Lynam said, suggesting a formula could be formulated that is acceptable to both. He stressed that he is not saying the town would hire someone right away.
“All I’m asking for is to see if the board is amenable to my pursuing this a little further in finding out what the level of interest might be in Hanson and whether or not it’s in our mutual interest to do something like this,” Lynam said. “If there isn’t, nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Both towns are currently without an accountant after their accountants – who in both cases, were working one day per week – resigned in Hanson’s case,
[see related story page 1] and accepted a position as treasurer/collector in Whitman.
Whitman is currently contracting with Eric Kinscherf, who had also offered his services to Hanson, but that town is issuing a request for proposals for the work.
Lynam said that, while the arrangement with Kinscherf is working out well, it raised the question of what the town really needs in terms of accounting services.
Whitman is a town of 14,000 people with a budget of $43 million. Hanson has about 9,000 people with a budget of between $31 million and $32 million.
“The logical thought that occurs to me is, ‘Can we team together and take a regional approach to accounting,” Lynam said. “Franklin County Council of Government does that very well.
Hanson’s former accountant Todd Hassett also provided services for several towns, with Hanson being a one-day-a-week service, he noted. Whitman also has had accounting services for one day a week and it has been working.
With today’s technology, he said it is easier to maintain operations and records electronically, which takes a lot of the concern out of it.
Vice Chair Dan Salvucci asked if a larger group of towns would be worth looking into for a regional approach, but was in favor of exploring the idea.
The larger the group, the more demands are going to be placed on a person,” Lynam said about a larger regional effort.
Select Board member Shawn Kain said he felt having someone like former accountant Ken Lytle on staff is a valuable resource for the town and the Select Board, and a new town administrator might want to take a different path.
“I wouldn’t mind doing something like this for short term to get us through a period of time, but I feel like it’s a big decision to make as far as the financial team is concerned,” he said.
Select Board member Justin Evans said it is an interesting thing to explore and went a step further, asking if – since the two towns are already in a region with regard to the schools – there might be precedent for adding accounting services to that mix.
“Boy, what could go wrong with that?” Select Board member Dr. Carl Kowalski said.
“I think that our work load for the two towns vs the region are significant enough that I wouldn’t want to put one service handling all three,” Lynam said.
Meanwhile, Lynam is working to “develop a potential candidate” for the Town Administrator search in the wake of the withdrawals of one of the three finalists before the scheduled interviews at the last meeting.
However, he said he as not in the position to publicly “out” that person because they were not prepared for that at this point.
“But we may have an opportunity in the very near future to address that need,” he said.
Regional agreement
In other business, Evans sought the board’s consensus regarding issues they see are important during the regional agreement as the committee plans to meet next on Jan. 9.
“This is the third go at amending a regional agreement in the last five years or so,” Evans said. “Assuming that all the work we’ve done with MARS (Mass. Association of Regional Schools) and DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) and we use that as kind of a template for where we want to take the new regional agreement – and including the statutory method that we incorporated in 2020 – if we just take that as a framework, I’m looking at any other direction that the board would like to go.”
First on Evans’ list is middle school field leases, but that is further down the agenda and can wait. He also wants to focus on the way busing is handled in the district, especially since there initially wasn’t the financial incentive to discover deficiencies like they did last year.
“If we wrote into the regional agreement [that] non-mandated students wil be bused to school … that puts the effort back on the district to find savings,” he said.
Kowalski agreed that non-mandated busing must be formalized and the whole relationship clarified, including reimbursement questions, in the regional agreement.
Adding up CPA services
HANSON — With the resignation of Town Accountant Todd Hassett, the Select Board on Tuesday, Dec. 13 voted to contract with an interim town accountant and meet after the New Year to develop a long-term strategy for hiring a new town accountant.
“[Hassett] has been with us for 10 years,” Town Administrator Lisa Green said. “He’s dedicated a lot of his time and expertise to doing well by the town. He is very well respected by all the department heads and all the employees and he really does a fantasic job and I want to reiterate that his service will be greatly missed.”
In the interim, however, Green said the town needs to have coverage and has received a proposal for interim accountant services from CPA Eric Kinscherf. But, based on Select Board concerns over cost and hours, Green prepared a request for proposals that went out this week.
Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett said one of the concerns Hassett has spoken of was that while any person seeking the interim post may be competent and well-versed, the town should make sure that the town does not want junior members of an accounting firm working on Hanson’s accounts.
“Our point person who’s going to be the one meeting with our department heads, our person who’s going to be your point of contact and working with our auditors and working with the town treasurer and the assessor and all that stuff, should be him or another senior member who we should have an opportunity to meet,” she said.
The interim accountant would be on-site four hours a week, and would be available by phone or email for any questions that arise.
Select Board member Joe Weeks noted the town would be paying the interim accountant $1,500 per week, the equivalent of $72,000 per year. Plympton pays $64,000 for 25 hours a week, so he asked how many hours a week would Hanson’s interim be working.
“They will work as many hours as they need to make sure the town is being represented and serviced,” Green said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said it is a similar arrangement to the one the town had with Hassett and the dollar amount is also very similar to Hassett’s.
“We’re losing Todd at the end of the month” FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “We have to have an accountant to be working with people. I don’t think anyone’s suggesting this would turn into long-term, and if it were to turn into long term, we would have a more comprehensive conversation.”
Hassett has said the town needs a town employee in the accountant position.
In other business, the Select Board approved a request from Stalwart Productions to film portions of a film, “Invitation to Bonfire,” at Camp Kiwanee and to use the former Maquan School parking lot for production parking. The tentative date for that filim is currently in mid-January.
The board’s votes were more of a formality, since a contract has been negotiated, but they gave it unanimous support.
Green said the film company had approached the town for permission to film and introduced assistant location manager Jamie Merz to speak about the request. Camp Kiwanee Facility Manager Roger Means and Deputy Fire Chief Robert O’Brien also attended the Tuesday, Dec. 13 Select Board meeting, as they have attended meetings with the film’s director and production crew to review how the facility will be used and safety requirements.
Green also asked the health agent and Conservation Commission to attend, as fake snow is planned for use during scenes being filmed at the camp.
“I think we want to definitely – and I’m sure guys would do this – is follow the Boy Scouts’ ‘leave no trace’ motto,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said.
“I, myself, am an Eagle Scout, so I think I could do that,” Merz said, noting the producers have not yet determined if fake snow would be used.
“You should have led with that,” FitzGerald-Kemmett joked.
“Invitation to a Bonfire,” is part of an AMC show based off a book by the same title.
“We’re looking to film over at Camp Kiwannee for two days,” Merz said. “We’re in our last couple episodes of our series and a majority of our action takes place inside and outside of Frontier Cabin.”
The scene involves two actresses walking toward the cabin, a few conversations inside where one is poisoned.
“And then we are going to simulate burning down the cabin, Merz said. “I assure you, we will not actually be burning down the cabin.”
The majority of the fire work involved in that scene will be done in Brockton, where the production company will construct a replica cabin and burn that down, according to Merz.
There are some “practical effects” that Stalwart Productions wants to do on-site, and they are talking to the Hanson Fire Department about how to do that safely.
There are four key elements to that: installation of fake fireplace in the cabin constructed of a steel box fueled by propane tubes; a curtain from that fireplace going onto a dummy for the fire to trail along; Steel plating on the cabin floor would be used to protect the building from the blazing curtain.
“I’m having a little mini-stroke, but I’m sure you guys are on it,” said FitzGerald-Kemmett as he described the effect process.
Merz assured the board at least three firefighters, a pumper truck and a number of the production company’s special effects personnel would be on hand.
“Pretty much 90 percent of the fire we’re using is propane-based,” with a crew member staffing it, he said. “If anything were to go wrong, they’d just shut it off.”
FitzGerald-Kemmett said to Green that she hoped the town has looked into liability insurance and that the town is named in the policy.
Merz said the town is fully covered by a $1 million policy.
Whether or not the film crew needs to use fake snow, he said a white tarp under a snow “snow blanket,” and a cellulose product, such as paper is placed over those. They may also use a spray starch onto the top of those layers to resemble a frosty landscape of snow.
“That just gets rolled up and taken away,” he said. The cellulose is hosed down, noting that the material safety data sheets have been provided to the town.
Conservation Commission Chair Phil Clemons only concern was the particulate size of the cellulose, particularly if it is small enough to become airborne and, thereby dangerous around open flame.
Merz said he would look into it, but said it was more as a background effect.
“Back in the ‘wild West’ days, yeah, people would leave a mess,” Merz said.
Recreation Chair Frank Milisi said the production company has been very responsive to the town’s concerns and have put down a $5,000 deposit to ensure the site is cleaned up before they leave.
Green said she received an email from Police Chief Mike Miksh about the filming at Kiwanee in which he said he has no issues with the project and looks forward to working with the crew.
Visions of sugarplums …
GINGERBREAD DREAMS: The Hanson Public Library hosted a pretty sweet Gingerbread House Decorating Workshop on Thursday, Dec. 15! Mandy Roberge, of Wicked Good Henna, provided gingerbread houses and various types of frosting, fondant, and a generous candy buffet to help participants make their own unique creations. Courtesy photos, Hanson Public Library
Whitman green lights three pot stores
WHITMAN – The Select Board on Tuesday, Dec. 13 to offer host community agreements (HCAs) to three of four applicants —Flower & Soul, Berkeley Botanicals and Stories — affording them the opportunity to move forward with the process of opening a retail recreational cannabis business in town.
All five board members selected Flowers & Soul and Berkely Botanicals and four selected Stories. Mitchell Cannabis Co. was not selected based primarily on the order in which applications came in.
“You can make a decision on the whole,” Town Counsel Peter Sumners said. “The decision should be based on the benefit to the town, weighing the pros and cons of each business.
The criteria were: geographic diversity of businesses coming in, anticipated impacts on the town or surrounding neighborhood where a business would locate; experience of applicants, anticipated tax revenue to the town; apparent ability of an applicant to actually open their business and succeed and the applicants’ social equity status.
No one reason should be the determining factor, and it is not “an exhaustive list,” but examples of pros and cons for the towns that the board should consider, according to Sumners. As a tie-breaker, if there was one, the board should consider the order in which applications were presented, he said.
Before the board’s decision, Sumners also presented amendments to the town’s host community agreement (HCA). While the board had not taken a formal vote on the HCA at previous meetings, it had agreed to move forward by consensus, according to Sumners, who said comments from applicants on how the agreement works in practice led to the changes.
“We’ve taken [the comments] into consideration and made a few minor changes to the form HCA that I’m recommending you use as your final version,” he said.
Those changes are: requiring the HCA to be signed by all the members of the board instead of only the chair with authorization of the board; corrections to some typographical errors; changed an unrealistic requirement that no air be allowed to enter or leave a premises, rather requiring that installation of equipment to filter air entering or exiting a facility to mitigate any odor issues; and clarifying the payment of impact fees to other municipalities.
“The new law requires impact fees to be directly related to impacts in your individual town,” Sumners said. “If another town gets more money from an impact fee than you, that’s not grounds for reopening [negotiations], that’s the terms and conditions of the agreement. You still have to identify the impacts in your own town.”
Sumners said he did not think any of the changes would be objected to by any of the applicants seeking an agreement and did not require a vote on the changes unless the board decided to enter into an agreement with any of the applicants by the end of the meeting.
The board concurred that the agreements would be in the form reflecting those corrections.
“At our last meeting, we heard four presentations from four very qualified applicants,” Chair Randy LaMattina said. “The town Zoning Bylaw only permits up to three recreational retailers. The mission of the board this evening is to determine which of the interested applicants … with whom it wishes to execute a host community agreement.”
Voters at the May 2022, accepted an amendment to the town Zoning Bylaw to allow siting of marijuana businesses within Whitman, with the condition that applicants must execute an HCA with the town. The decision to reach an agreement is at the discretion of the Select Board.
Sumners said the board must have a rational basis for its decision under the standards for accepting any retail marijuana businesses.
“This is a discretionary decision for the board,” he said. “You should have a reason for doing that.” The selection of any applicant over any other should also be based in a reason, he said, noting there is no specific criteria the board has to consider, but there are things the board should not consider, including any personal reasons based on personal relationships or discrimination on any basis toward any protected class.
Each board member went over the applicants they felt met the criteria before a consensus was reached and LaMattina asked for a motion to adopt a new HDA and to execute it with up to three applicants. Ranking of the applicants was permissible, Sumners said.
Shawn Kain pointed to his support of only two of the applicants; Flowers & Soul – because of its location 356 South Ave., in Whitman (operating as SoulFlower), in an area of Whitman identified as one the board wanted to see developed, its layers of a new and professional business and the fact that owner Brian Wall is from Whitman, has a strong financial background and currently owns another retail store in Halifax – Berkely Botanicals – because of the strong industry experience of the owner/mangement team, the location 305 Bedford St., is a good complement to the Regal Shoe building and the research put into their presentation.
“For a lot of reasons Shawn said, I thing Flower & Soul … differentiated their business,” said Justin Evans, of the proposal for three distinct businesses in an area the town wants to develop. He also favored Berkely Botanicals, which “had a great team, great location [and] a lot of experience,” with a good business plan and Stories.
“I really believe in their mission,” he said and cited their great management at security teams. “It also helps that those were, sequentially, the first three teams to apply.”
Vice Chair Dan Salvucci also preferred the Flowers Soul presentation as well as Berkely Botanicals and Stories.
“They’re on three ends of the town, and I think that that would cover the needs of the town in all areas,” Salvucci said.
Dr. Carl Kowalski concurred with the choices of Kain, Evans and Salvucci.
“I live in the neighborhood where Flowers & Soul is going in, and I’m really happy about that,” he said. “I was particularly impressed by the philosophy that Stories described.”
Kowalski noted that his wife had worked in the substance abuse field for nearly 50 years, and the emphasis on their knowledge of the opioid epidemic discussed by Stories affected him.
“I like their philosophy,” he said, adding that Berkely Botanicals also knows what they’re doing. “So does Mitchell Cannabis Co. All four of the applicants are qualified to have a position here.”
Kowalski leaned on the order in which the businesses applied to make his final decision for Flowers & Soul, Stories and Berkely Botanicals.
“When I thought about it, it was all about impact for me community and financial,” LaMattina said he said in support of Flowers & Soul. “Growing up in the east end, I worried about what happens to that building down there, and I think the development and the investment in that piece of property is absolutely outstanding.”
He also echoed Kowalski’s concerns about the opioid issue in preferring the medical aspect of Stories’ business plan at 769 Bedford St..
“I do want to thank everyone who applied and has an interest in this town,” he said before announcing his third choice. “My decision, again goes back to impact, community and financial. I would rather keep this in a commercial area, not so much between homes. For that, I would go with Berkely Botanicals.”
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