Middle schoolers tour shops at Open House at South Shore Voc Tech
HANOVER — When all was said and done at the weekend’s open house at South Shore Vo-Tech, an estimated 400 potential students walked through the doors to view and consider the next step of their high school education.
Director of Guidance and Admission Michael Janicki was on hand to welcome students in to the open house, where they were encouraged to sign in and fill out an application of interest.

Olivia Buckley of Whitman, top, works on SSVT T-shirts in the graphic arts design studio. CLICK HERE to see more photos on the Whitman-Hanson Express Facebook Page. (Photo by by Stephanie Spyropoulos)
“At the open house we have extended an invitation to allow students to narrow down their interests and begin the process of guidance to their future whether it is college, career, or military,” Janicki said. “Right off the bat, by participating in today’s open house, they are getting an opportunity to think of their future goals and aspirations.”
With the culmination of products and ideas many changes are occurring at the school. One of the recent projects is the carpentry canopy, which allows students and staff to learn on each new phase of construction, especially shingling and siding projects, with the true temperature of outside elements gives the students a true-to-life experience on a job site, said Carpentry Department Head Derek Mariani.
With the canopy ideas presented to, and approved by, Superintendent/Director Dr. Thomas Hickey and the school committee, support for the nearly completed project has been strong.
The space contains framed windows, joist settings, lighting and outside electrical outlets among other construction projects.
“The mock-up area contains smaller scale concrete foundations with anchor bolts and beam pockets to apply skills, girders, floor joists and decking,” Mariani said. “The waist high roof mock up develops skills with complete hip, valley, and cheeks at a safe height.”
Numerous local businesses and graduates of SSVT assisted and donated time and products to create the canopy for students. The area is large enough to build sheds for the public, lay out rafters, stairs and steel studs — allowing for completion of projects, which cannot be completed inside the shop due to scale limitations.
The Brass Lantern served culinary delights inside the fully operational commercial kitchen with a full strawberry shortcake bar right down to the homemade whipped crème. A Cuban luncheon was also prepared and served by students in the sit-down restaurant, with other students operating the bakery where fresh pastries trays were being loaded into display counters.
Culinary seniors Mariah Mazzilli and Mary Louise Jepsen were hand-piping cupcakes to fill the pastry case, which held a variety of sweets from giant chocolate chip cookies to holiday-inspired desserts.
Robotics projects demonstrations in the electronics shop was a popular spot all morning as teachers and students talked about upcoming grant money opening up additional projects for their program. The grant will also allow the department to advance its space in the workshop area and allowing them greater technology in building and competitions.
Matthew Cahill of Abington, a recent graduate, returned to visit his teachers during open house and expressed his enjoyment and success at Wentworth Institute of Technology where he has maintained a 100-percent grade average on his lab segment in electronics and robotic.
Both drafting and graphic design majors were also on hand to explain and demonstrate their projects as potential students and parents asked questions and looked on.
Hanson resident Harry Gauthier, a graphic design student, recently completed posters with public service announcements against drinking and driving as well as upcoming event posters for Halloween and the Brass Lantern. He is aspiring to go on to a design school as his future plan. Olivia Buckley of Whitman was screen printing T-shirts for SSVT apparel as part of the graphic design and communication program.
The hallways were filled with club representatives and students willing to share their success stories from their high school, which is preparing them for their futures as soon as they walk in the door.
For more information on South Shore Vo-Tech visit their website at ssvotech.org.