While Select Boards voted last week not to support the school district budget, residents of both towns have suggested ways to keep a level-headed discourse on school funding plans.
“The schools’ budget and the town’s budget are now in competition with one another, more than likely on the Town Meeting floor,” Whitman resident John Galvin said. “[It’s] not going to be a good result – it’s a lose-lose situation no matter how it goes.”
Following the public comments on budget considerations, the committee discussed issues up for consideration by town meetings as part of the revised Regional Agreement, now being addressed by that subcommittee. Consensus votes were taken on the 2/3 vote margin, regular reviews of the agreement every three years, condensing language in some sections (such as lease agreements), capital emergency repairs and transportation. The meeting is available for streaming at the WHCA YouTube channel and is on rebroadcast rotation on the access education channel.
All but the 2/3 vote issue were given the green light of consensus.
The 2/3 vote margin failed to reach consensus with a vote of 4-5-1. Regular three-year reviews were supported unanimously. Emergency repair and lease agreement language changes were supported 9-1. Operating cost methodology (statutory method of calculating the assessment formula) language changes were supported was also unanimously as was transportation policy.
Galvin, who has served on Whitman’s Finance Committee and Budget Subcommittee in the past, suggested to the School Committee on Wednesday, April 5 that he had a “third option” that not only level-services the schools, but also the towns.
Hold-harmless, the result of a “simple subtraction equation” – taking the DESE formula for the foundation budget and calculates what the minimum budget needs to be, then subtracts the required municipal contributions (which keeps in mind property values and resident income levels) to determine what Chapter 70 funding will come to the district. The difference from the previous year’s Chapter 70 figure – if it was less than what the district was awarded – that is the hold-harmless figure.
Galvin said this year’s hold-harmless has the district more than $4 million “in the hole.” Next year his calculations put it at about $650,000.
Galvin proposed that Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak and Chair Christopher Howard meet with the town administrators and chairs of both Select Boards to ask what the maximum they can give to the schools without having to have layoffs and maintaining level services.
“Ask them what the maximum is and then ask them to give a little bit more,” Galvin said. “In return, the district [could use] one-time money this year only to balance the budget.”
He suggested if the schools were to use $840,000 of one-time money, the school budget could balance while the towns could have level services.
“It’s a one-time fix to get us to next year,” he said, when the possibility exists that “not only do we come out of hold-harmless, but we come out of hold-harmless significantly.”
He said there is risk, but it sounds better to Galvin than having to make layoffs. Whitman Select Board members have said the idea is worth considering and Galvin said he would like to see Hanson’s Select Board consider it.
Galvin only asked that the School Committee include the idea for discussion on the next meeting agenda.
Hanson resident Frank Milisi, who described himself as “one of those crazy people who watches the meetings pretty much every week,” also has some budgetary advice to impart before the Regional Agreement discussion.
“I think the one thing the School Committee really needs to do in the next year— years, hopefully — is really start to get a little [public relations]-focused with the towns,” he said, adding he is a strong supporter of the schools. “Everybody here has the best intentions of the kids at heart, making sure they have the best education they possibly can. If you have a robotics program … new languages you want to bring into the schools I would suggest you advertise those intentions well before the budget season.”
Bringing the ideas to the Select Board in each town by letters outlining the expected costs and asking for their opinions would be a good start, he said.
Jim Hickey, a Perry Avenue resident of Hanson, noting that while he is a member of that town’s Select Board, he was speaking in the public forum as a private citizen, said Hanson’s board has already voted that a 2/3 vote is the best way to get the town’s point across. Whitman voted against a 2/3 vote margin.
“I understand it was my idea, it was the simplest way,” Hickey said. “By voting on everything on a 2/3 vote just to keep it simple, but the main things are the budget and that sort of thing.” He also mentioned that, during the joint Select Board meeting held the day before, Whitman board member Justin Evans had said property values and median income are starting to sway Whitman’s way.
“It’s not that way yet, and we have the statutory [funding formula] and Hanson has accepted it,” he said. “If it happens that at some point, say in the next five or six years, Whitman ends up being the wealthier town, the statutory method is here forever … but with a 6-4 advantage, without a 2/3 majority vote, the year that happens the school committee could take a vote to go back to the alternative method.”
While School Committee members were nearly unanimous in doubting that could happen, members voting on the issue were unable to reach a consensus on that one point.
Once the Regional Agreement discussion began, much of the discussion centered on the issue of that vote margin required to pass agenda items up for action before the committee.
“Our job is to take what we hear here in terms of feedback and support or not support back to the Regional Agreement Committee so we can all come together and figure out how we proceed from there,” Howard said of the task before him and Vice Chair Christopher Scriven.
He suggested the non-binding votes as a way of gauging support for the RAC’s work.
School Committee member Fred Small said if the statutory method is in the agreement it is the only method that can be used without changing the agreement.
A 2/3 vote requirement would have to clarify whether is means two-thirds of the entire committee or just of those present unless state law supersedes it, such as might be the case with school choice, David Forth suggested. He said, while the intent of the 2/3 suggestion is aimed at achieving town balance, Forth has never seen a vote decided purely on a town residence basis. Personalities were likely to hold more sway, he said.
Scriven said he has always viewed Whitman, Hanson and the School Committee itself as three segments of a partnership, but wanted to hear the other members’ concerns before he decided.
“When things get difficult, I think it’s incumbent upon a good partner to think about the other partners, so I ask that we do that,” he said.
Hanson’s Hillary Kniffen said she sees value in settling financial questions by a 2/3 vote, but expressed concern about the ability to get anything else done if all votes require that margin.
“I don’t associate us along town lines,” Dawn Byers agreed, favoring a majority vote. “We are Whitman-Hanson, and it’s one word to me.”
Hanson’s Glen DiGravio agreed.
“When I signed up, or ran, or however I got here – I still don’t understand how I got here,” he quipped. “But I never, ever thought I was here to represent my town. I’m here for the students of Whitman-Hanson and the taxpayers and, if we start voting for our towns, I think we’re doing a disservice to the committee.”
He added he doesn’t feel any committee members do vote along town lines.
Howard argued that the more a clear consensus allowed by a 2/3 vote might be helpful, but noted he is on his way off the committee – and RAC never discussed the issue.
Small noted that most other government at all levels – unless otherwise specified – is run by majority vote.
The RAC also felt the agreement requires regular review, building in a requirement that it be done every three years.
“I think this is an easy one,” School Committee member Beth Stafford said. Small agreed that it “makes a lot of sense,” but questioned whether three or five years – as previously required with no “action item” Howard said.
Forth agreed, but wondered how it might be enforced. Assistant Superintendent George Ferro suggested it be placed on an annual agenda or calendar as soon as it is adopted to make sure it is not forgotten.
Whitman DPW building on ballot again?
WHITMAN – The Department of Public Works is hoping history won’t repeat itself.
Eleven years after voters rejected an $8 million debt exclusion to fund the design and construction of a new DPW building, the town is trying again – with a warrant article and ballot question seeking to fund a build a “complete facility, including administration space,” which was not part of the last proposal.
The exact dollar figure being sought is not yet available.
The DPW hosted an open house on Saturday, April 1 – and are planning to hold a second one on Saturday, April 22, featuring a touch-a-truck area with DPW and Fire Department vehicles, for the kids; and free hot dogs and hamburgers.
The problems they pointed out are the same that confronted voters on May 7, 2012, plus a few more.
“The thing is, there’s no ‘no-cost’ solution for DPW building,” Parks and Highways Superintendent Bruce Martin, who said that, while there is not yet a firm number on the new building, it can’t be ignored as the problem it is.
“It’s out of code, it’s unsafe, all those things,” he said. “Every year we let it go [it adds up].”
Select Board Vice Chair Dan Salvucci said that, while there were open houses, video tours broadcast on cable access and newspaper stories, the difference this go-round is the advancing age of the building.
“No employee should be working in these conditions,” Salvucci said. “Will taxes go up for this building? Yes, of course, but the thing is this is something that the town needs.”
There are no shower facilities for water and sewer workers to clean up in after addressing situations such as main breaks, he noted. He also said it is needed to protect the town’s investment in expensive DPW trucks and heavy equipment.
“This is Whitman, we have water and sewer,” he said. “We’ve got the facilities of almost a city, as far as water and sewer are concerned.”
Now, as in 2012, visitors were able to see for themselves that the original green building, constructed in 1907, is inadequate for proper ventilation, has a poor electrical system, maintenance bays – featuring 1950s technology – are too small to work in and the building fails to meet OSHA standards. It is also the only shelter for expensive new equipment and is inadequate for that.
There was also a fire in the ceiling of the building several years ago, Martin added.
“It’s literally falling apart,” he said.
In 2012, then-Parks and Highways Superintendent Donnie Westhaver noted that the building was “built five years before the Titanic sank, to put it in perspective.”
It’s not getting any younger, DPW officials say.
“This building is smaller Martin said Saturday of the differences between the two plans. “We decided to bring the administration [offices] over just to get everybody in the same building and that building really isn’t accessible.”
The administration building was not included in the last building project proposal.
“We were actually going to get a lot more for the money,” Martin also said of the last plan. “Now, so many years later, we’re going smaller, but for similar money.”
Martin said the building subcommittee, which meets Wednesdays, has come up with the informational cards that can be handed out or mailed, and feature a QR code so people can view details of the project on a smartphone.
“How can we educate the residents?” he said has been the main discussion point. “Hopefully, we can get the message out. They’ll see all that or come down to one of the open houses and see what we’re working with here.”
The 2012 debt exclusion lost by 161 votes [293 in favor to 454 against] in a low-turnout election in which Westhaver faulted the turnout as much as the way the question was worded to voters.
“I think some people went to vote with Proposition 2 12 in mind,” he said. “People see that phrase and it scares them.” He argued that some explanation of what a yes or no voter would do was called for.
The $9 million project would have used $500,00 from stabilization; $200,000 in sewer enterprise and $200,000 in water enterprise funds in addition to the $8 million debt exclusion.
In the intervening years, additional soil borings and a site investigation were conducted [2017] to better understand soil conditions at the site. An initial foundation design and concept sketches for a new facility were created [2020] and a “shovel-ready” project passed at Town Meeting last year ad Construction Monitoring Services was retained as Owner Project Manager (OPM) in August and Helene Karl Architects was engaged to design the new facility in November.
The DPW Building Committee has voted to move forward with a concept that includes a complete facility, including administration space this year.
Hanson deficit remains concern
HANSON – Based on the Whitman-Hanson Regional School District budget certified on March 15, Hanson officials have “had to re-adjust some numbers” in the budget.
But working with interim Town accountant Eric Kinsherf, Town Administrator Lisa Green said they were able to bring the deficit down from $1.38 million to $616,000.
“We’re really working diligently to bring our budget down to a balanced budget,” she said.
The Select Board, on Tuesday, March 21 voted to close the warrant for the annual Town Meeting, which will be held on Monday, May 1. Placing and/or recommending those articles completed so far.
“We are in a cash crunch this year,” said Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett, who said she has spoken to Whitman Select Board Chair Randy LaMattina about the WHRSD budget.
“They are as concerned as we are with the school assessment being in the 7- to 8-percent [range], when we had very clearly expressed that the absolute maximum that we can pay is a 4-percent increase,” she said. “One of the concerns is that, over the last two years, the district has used one-time money – grant money – in the budget, so when we’re saying it’s a level-funded budget, that’s really not accurate. It’s level-funded plus the grant.”
She argued that keeping the budget at that level was really quite a large increase.
“With our very modest growth that we have in the town, this is beyond unsustainable,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “We don’t have any sort of magic pill that’s going to change this.”
She is proposing a joint meeting between just the two select boards to talk about what finances look like for the town meetings and to find a way to speak with a united voice.
“Even with what Ms. Green has told us, that’s a large deficit,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “We’re all adults and I think we know that means costs need to be cut and there’s only so many ways to do that.”
She said one of the things she has liked seeing this year is the way each town board has been reaching out to their counterparts in Whitman and vice versa “to calibrate.”
“This is the way it needs to be,” she said.
Board member Jim Hickey said, while he wouldn’t suggest leaving the schools out, he supported the two towns talking first and then going to the School Committee.
FitzGerald-Kemmett agreed.
“There are things we’re putting off doing,” she said. “We’re making modest headway, thanks to creativity and grants and hard work, but we can’t gut our town government, we just can’t.”
She also suggested the town has no time at this point to even entertain an override this year.
“The Whitman [Select] Board is a good board,” Vice Chair Joe Weeks. “They’re good people, so I don’t think this is in any way a controversial thing. People elected us to have conversations, especially difficult ones and find solutions, and not just kick the can down the road.”
The minute this year’s problem is solved, he said, they have to get to work on next year’s problems.
The board had voted during the meeting to strike four WHRSD capital requests from the warrant not recommended by the Capital Improvement Committee because the town does not have the funds to address them. The Capital Committee had about $350,000 to fund projects in the warrant.
“We really struggled to prioritize what we could, given that budget,” said Weeks, who serves on the Capital Committee, of the $350,000 they were allocated. “We recommended to the town $313,000 of the $350,000. The reason why we couldn’t get up over $350,000 because there wasn’t something that could bridge the gap in between those and we have a relatively conservative board that didn’t want to over spend what was given to us.”
He said the total cost of all the requests made for capital projects this year was about $25 million, and the committee was only able to spend $313,000.
“We were given line items with no way to prioritize,” said Board member Ed Heal, who also serves on the Captial Committee. He said no explanations about the requests were provided.
FitzGerald-Kemmett also cited a concern over equity in the district that prompted the striking of an article to regarding capital improvement articles at Indian Head School.
“I wouldn’t want Indian Head doing something that we can’t do for the other schools that we have,” she said. “We’re in a budget deficit.”
In other business, Library Director Karen Stolfer gave an update on events and activities to the board, including the application for a construction grant, which will help with the library’s expansion needs.
There is no cost to apply, she said.
Board members voted to support the grant application.
There are two project categories for the 2022-23 grant, small populations [2,500 or less] and standard. Hanson is applying for the latter.
The library’s plans require 16,000 square feet, placing Hanson in the medium tier for their plan developed in 2018. Focused on need this time out, with nine to 10 grants planned, Stolfer said the process will be more competitive this time around.
The grant covers 50 percent of costs up to $100,000 and the town is required to appropriate up to $150,000. A letter of intent is due April 28, with a full application due by May 2024. Schematic designs are due in 2025-26 with construction due for completion in 2029
Stolfer is working on the required statement of need.
“I’m happy to report that people are coming back to the library,” Stolfer said, adding that they are borrowing items and the use of digital resources, which “skyrocketed” during COVID, is continuing. “We’re getting lots of requests from local organizations for our meeting rooms and, of course, one of our biggest draws is our programming.”
A lot of programs are being slated for school vacation week in April, including the annual Family Fun Day on April 21.
She also spoke of the Library of Things, a collection of nontraditional items, including metal detectors, puzzles, a laser levels and Roku streaming sticks that can be checked out.
School choice gets the green light
The School Committee revisited the school choice issue on Wednesday, March 15, voting to accept school choice for all grades except 11 and 12.
Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak said the process would only be open based on student enrollment and class size.
He reported that district legal counsel Andrew Waugh reiterated that all school districts are school choice unless they opt out.”
A tie vote, like the one cast on March 13, would mean W-H is a school choice district “because the School Committee did not make an affirmative vote to opt out,” Szymaniak explained. “We need a 6-4 vote to opt out.”
Waugh made some further recommendations for the committee to consider voting again in hopes of reaching a 6-4 decision to withdraw from K-12 school choice for the school year 2023-24.
The committee again voted 5-5 on the opt-out option.
Waugh further recommended in such an event, that a motion establishing parameters around how the district should participate in school choice.
Szymaniak suggested the motion that the district withdraw from school choice in kindergarten through grade eight, and 11 and 12, while allowing it in grades nine and 10 – and for students in any grade, whose family moves out of the district as school choice – for school year 2023-24.
The committee then voted 9-1 to accept school choice for all grades with the exclusion of grades 11 and 12. Vice Chair Christopher Scriven voted against.
It was an amended motion at the suggestion of member Dawn Byers as questions began popping up about Szymaniak’s suggestion.
Scriven asked what the rationale was in allowing high school freshmen and sophomores but not any other grade, as well as the benefits of doing so and the considerations made in offering it.
“In grades nine and 10, those students have a fresh start in coming to school,” Szymaniak said, just like any other student at the high school. “That’s what we’ve done in the past. In grades 11 and 12 [administrators] have less control of that student, graduating from school.”
Where K-eight is concerned, Szymaniak said there just hasn’t been space for school choice students and the district has been more focused on lowering class sizes in those grades.
“That, for me, facilitates the issue that is most concerning to a lot of us that oppose this,” Scriven said.
Member Hillary Kniffen said if enrollment considerations were a reason for not taking school choice in lower grades, why not allow them in so they could become part of the community, which would negate that concern among opponents of school choice.
“It sounds like we’re talking out of both sides of our mouths,” she said.
Member Dawn Byers moved to amend the motion for school choice to be open to all grades, with a cap per grade based on enrollment.
“I’ve got one seat in second grade, I’ve got four seats in fifth grade, I’ve got seven at ninth-grade … We don’t have to accept 199 kids if they all want to come here,” she said. “We have the control as a district.”
A policy limiting class size could also be used.
Member Beth Stafford said she would prefer to cap it at 10th grade, because of the possibility and incoming student might not have the credits to allow them to graduate on time.
Szymaniak said he would be looking at keeping class sizes to 20 at the elementary grades, 20-23 in middle grades and 25 at the high school, in determining how many school choice students might be allowed in.
“Our high school enrollment this year in grade nine is the lowest we’ve ever had,” Szymaniak said, noting that where they usually have 270 students, this year they are looking at 230.
If the committee voted to open school choice for all grades, he would look at the numbers in order to announce how many students would be accepted and a lottery system would be used.
If students are looking for schools with good sports teams for their school choice plans, the MIAA requires varsity athletes to apply for a waiver and the receiving administrator and athletic director have to sign off on it, or that student-athlete has to sit out the year.
“You can’t deny [acceptance] unless it’s a drugs or weapons violation,” Szymaniak said of students with disciplinary issues. Otherwise districts are not allowed to ask why students are interesting in coming.
“We’re not even supposed to meet with that family prior to,” he said.
WHRHS Principal Dr. Christopher Jones said he is very pro-school choice, as it does a lot for the school, but he asked what consideration is given a parent who wants to choice two kids – one in ninth grade and one in 11th.
“I would tell that parent it’s not an option for that 11th grader,” Szymaniak said.
In other business, Student Advisory Committee members gave a slide presentation on their findings from an outreach survey of students in all five district schools regarding multiple line items in the FY 2024 district school budget.
Students were strongly in favor of some change in start times, with Indian Head students in Hanson supporting an earlier start, Duval students nearly unanimous that some change was needed.
“A majority [of Duval students] informed us that they woke up at 7 a.m., and just watched TV or played video games with the time they had before school started,” the survey found. At Indian Head, “many told us they had busy lives afte school, and it was difficult to get to extra-curricular activities while getting home [from school] around 3:30 p.m., every day.”
Conley students also preferred an earlier start time.
Getting off a school bus in the dark during the winter wan another source of dissatisfaction with the start times.
Opinions were more mixed for Hanson Middle School students, where the older ones preferred an earlier start and younger students preferred a later start time, but there was little demand overall for a change. Whitman Middle School students, meanwhile, were split over a slightly different start time,versus no change.
A majority of high school students supported a later start time.
School choice debated
The School Committee, following its annual public hearing on school choice participation on Wednesday, March 8, tabled action on school choice pending an opinion from counsel on available options after members split down the middle on the issue.
The district must vote by June 1, or it accepts K-12 school choice by default, as, without at least a 6 to 4 vote either way, the district will take part in school choice.
A motion by Committee member Fred Small to accept school choice for grades nine and 10, with kindergarten through grade eight open, at the superintendent’s discretion, only to siblings of those high school students enrolled through the program, was deadlocked 5 to 5.
Voting yes were Small, David Forth, Beth Stafford, Dawn Byers and Steve Bois. Voting against were Christopher Howard, Christopher Scriven, Hillary Kniffen, Glen DiGravio and Michelle Bourgelas.
Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak noted that school choice is open to all schools and that all school committees must vote to close a district to school choice, or limit its participation, stating their reasons for doing so before June 1. The vote would have to be whether or not to close the district to school choice.
“You’re voting not to do something,” Chair Howard said before the discussion began.
Szymaniak also noted that athletics has also been the subject of conversation centering on school choice in the past, and provided committee members with a list of current choice students, where they are from, the sport they play and which are former W-H students whose families moved out of town, but who wanted to stay to graduate from WHRHS.
“It’s a data point … just to see where we’re at,” he said, adding that, of 45 school choice students, 34 are high school students and 12 are identified as playing a sport.
From a purely financial viewpoint, Whitman Finance Committee member Kathleen Ottina noted district enrollment has gone down 15 percent since school choice was first accepted in 2012. She argued that, eliminating a program that increases enrollment would bring even greater scrutiny on the district budget than they are currently seeing.
“In the past, we’ve closed school choice to every grade, except grades nine and 10 and students who were staying in the district if they chose to move out,” Szymaniak said. “We didn’t have school choice grades one through eight or 11 and 12. We chose to close those grades because of enrollment. Last year we chose to close all grades to the district.”
He added that there are financial implications to the decision before the committee talks about budget or approve an assessment.
Vice Chair Scriven asked, if the district votes against accepting new school choice students, does that mean students whose families move out of the district would be unable to continue attending W-H.
In those cases, Szymaniak said, he would ask the superintendent of the new district if they are willing to pay the costs of such students to continue at W-H.
“They don’t have to,” he said. “If it were choice, they’d have to do that. It would be a conversation [otherwise].”
Szymaniak said he already has a parent asking about that now, but he has held off contacting the Pembroke superintendent until after the committee votes.
Stafford asked about the circumstances of the nine non-high school students now attending W-H schools under previous school choice votes. Szymaniak explained they were in-district students before their families moved.
“That would kind of be a stipulation, I would think, for anything we would do,” she said, but she expressed concern that it was “picking and choosing who gets to stay.”
She said she has heard from a parent with a child in the district now, but they are from a different town – and are on the list, but are not in sports.
“They have a child in seventh or eighth grade and wanted to come but can’t if we vote no and she was very upset about that, because her older child has had a wonderful education here and the other child is not going to [be able to] do that,” Stafford said. “We have a lot more students here [on the list] who came here for a reason other than sports.”
She said committee members have to be careful about arguments that school choice students at WHRHS are taking opportunities for playing sports with kids they grew up with, since the same could be said of high school students whose families move to town when they are in those grades.
“Whenever we discuss things, we have to be careful of our choice of words,” Stafford said. “I don’t even really care about the money issue. My point is, look at all the kids who came just for an education.”
She pointed to girls’ soccer seems to be the main concern regarding soccer, and said no students have been kept out of AP courses because of school choice students.
Kniffen said she spoke about the issue last meeting and stands by her comments, advocating that students moving to W-H in their freshman year, obtain a waiver from the MIAA to be cleared to play a sport.
“Whether we want to admit it or not, sports are the thing that develops culture and community for the students at this school,” she said. While she agreed students weren’t kept out of AP classes, Kniffen said 30 kids in an AP class “isn’t great,” either.
“It is so important that we take care of our own,” she said, noting the district receives $5,000 per school choice student and it costs more per student to provide and education. “It does not provide opportunities, it takes them away.”
Michelle Bourgelas echoed Kniffen’s points.
“We talk a lot about equity,” she said. “How does school choice offer equity to our W-H high school students?”
DiGravio asked if any school choice students had disciplinary problems at their home district schools.
Szymaniak said they have to take the students who apply so long as there are spaces for them under school choice, but said there are “ways to have a conversation with families,” including the requirement that the parents are solely responsible for transporting the students. If there are more students than school choice spaces, a lottery is held.
While there have been school choice students who have posed disciplinary problems, they tend to move back to their home districts.
“In my tenure the number of students presenting disciplinary cases has been slim to none,” Szymaniak said.
Byers, who supports school choice noted that a fair number of W-H sports teams are no-cut, with volley ball – with one school choice student – being an exception.
“It’s the right thing to do to be inclusive,” she said.
Howard’s main concern was that the money coming in with school choice students doesn’t fully cover educational costs.
“When I have students in front of me, I don’t care if you’re from Dighton-Rehoboth, W-H, whatever, I’m going to give it all to you, and I know a lot of people say the same,” said WHEA president and history teacher Kevin Kafka, who noted there are five staff members tied to partial funding through school choice.
Like Stafford, he cautioned people to be very careful in linking a process to a legal process. There have been no investigations or proof that school choice has been used improperly.
Forth, who attended WHRHS with school choice students said such students become part of the community and made an impassioned argument on their behalf.
“They’re not a ‘school-choice kid,’ they’re a Panther,” he said, noting that students also come to W-H via move-ins, the foster care system or McKinney-Vento – which requires homeless students placed in shelters out of town to be transported back at district expense to attend school in their home districts – or English language learners. “They either are impacted by the district, or they contribute … they enrich our experience, they are our peers. They’re not ‘someone from another town.’”
In response to a question from Committee member Small, Szymaniak said school choice students do not have a great impact on class size because the 45 students are spread out across grade levels.
“Class size at the high school is very good with the exception of foreign language,” he said. “I think it’s been a good thing for our school … but I also hear where people are.” He said if a student lost a specific opportunity, such as a part in a school play, as a parent he would be upset.
“To me, this is an issue of community and access,” Scriven said. “The relationships that we nurture, and the people that we interact with on a daily basis in our community really, really matters for a lot. … Kids in our community should be our top priority.”
He argued that it is the average student that is most negatively affected by school choice.
In other business, the committee heard a review of budget numbers, their impact on the district’s hold-harmess status and possible ways to use excess and deficiency funds to improve the towns’ assessment figures. No changes have been made to the budget from the previous week.
“I thought it would take a lot longer to get out of hold harmless than it looks like we’re going to, because we just made up a substantial amount of it in one year alone,” Business Manager John Stanbrook said.
When the district comes out of hold harmless, Chapter 70 funds should increase to the district,” Szymaniak suggested, adding that the district had thought it would take until FY 2028 to get this far. Stanbrook agreed.
“We get credited more [toward emerging from hold harmless] for English language learners, low-income students and [increased] overall enrollment, and from going to half-day kindergarten to full-day K,” Szymaniak said. “There was a definite increase in our foundation budget, which then lowered our hold harmless.”
Howard noted it has decreased from about $4 million to $500,000 to $600,000.
“When we talked about it last year, no one expected a jump that big,” Howard said. “So there’s some cause for optimism going forward.”
With a little help from his friends…
WHRHS held an evening of art, music and raffles on Thursday, March 2 to retir benefit retired music teacher Devin Dondero, who has been diagnosed with cancer. The event was well-attended and raffle baskets donated by local businesses and organizations, as well as food prepared by culinary arts students were on sale to help defray medical costs. Retired music tacher Donald Legge and faculty band members, right, cranked out the “House is Rockin,”a Stevie Ray Vaughan classic as students in the audience cheer their performance, above. See more photos, page 6. Photos by Carol Livingstone
Benefit aids ailing retired teacher
In June 2022, as the school year wound to close, the senior class members were not the only ones looking ahead to the next step in life. W-H music teachers Devin Dondero and Donald Legge were also ready to close the books and try something new.
Life, sometimes cruelly, has other plans.
Shortly after his retirement, Dondero was diagnosed with late-stage bladder cancer.
Tonight, Thursday, March 2 – from 6 to 9 p.m. at the high school library – the Fine Arts Department at WHRHS will host a fundraiser to help defray some of the medical expenses involved in that battle with cancer.
The concert, art raffle and reception – which Dondero plans to attend, according to Instrumental Music Teacher Brian Rowe.
Rowe asked that anyone who finds themselves in close proximity to, or wishing to greet Dondero at the event, wear a mask to protect him from further illness. Dondero had just received medical clearance to attend on Monday.
“As a school community, that has been devastated with the news, of his health, because he’s probably one of the healthiest and most athletic guys I have ever met,” Rowe said. “He’s one of those guys, where his health is his wealth and music is his passion.”
Both Dondero and Legge, at the time of their retirement, planned that the next chapter was a chance for more opportunities to perform — jazz trombone for Dondero and guitar for Legge — as they awaited, bringing their musical journey full circle.
Both majored in music performance, and taught to pass on their love of music.
They would be giving some lessons, yes, but performing was their main focus. Dondero, who also plays bass, is part of a blues trio for bass, but said the trombone gigs pay better.
“I think we realized at the stage of our development here as music educators, it was the time to go,” Dondero said at the time. “For two very important reasons — it’s going to be better for the department because now they’re hiring three people, which is really good because that means the department will take a huge step forward.
“Devin was a respected member of our school community and was especially beloved by his music students,” said Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak. “Although his diagnosis is devastating, I’m hoping this event can ease some of the fnancial stress that he and his famiy are feeling.”
Rowe is one of those younger people, taking Dondero’s position at W-H.
“To see a guy go through something like this and battle with cancer again,” Rowe said.
Dondero had faced cancer once before and beat it.
He said the school community learned of Dondero’s illness a couple weeks ago, noting his students felt the full brunt of the sad news when they returned to school after their weekend.
“Definitely the morale of the band room was low,” Rowe said, noting he and new choir director Gregory Daigle along with the parents’ organization, W-H Friends of Music, the idea for the benefit evening was developed.
Rowe described the event as an evening of raffles, art and music.
Baskets made from items donate by local businesses and organizations will be raffled as well as student artwork from design classes. Culinary students are creating refreshments to serve and sell, as well, and music students will be performing.
“Anybody can take part,” Rowe said. “It’s a raffle-oriented occasion and we are also providing a live QR code we’ll be sending out to parents and the community that they can donate virtually through, in case they are unable to attend.”
The event will be taped for rebroadcast over WHCA-TV and, Rowe hoped it could be livestreamed on whca.tv.
‘We’ll be having a great night of music, art and food that will [honor] a guy who worked so hard to bring fine arts to the community,” Rowe said. “The students who are performing today and are giving their time, are really a product of his hard work and his dedication to the community. This is really a great testament to him for what he’s brought to us and we’re hopefully going to make a sizeable dent in some of his medical costs – to keep him happy, keep him healthy for as long as we possibly can.”
Burst pipes worse than thought
HANSON – Sometimes the damage you can’t see is worse than that you can see.
The Hanson Multi-Service Senior Center has found that to be the case after pipes frozen during this month’s polar cold snap resulted in a flooded floor when those pipes burst.
Director Mary Collins had planned on some repairs, covered by the town’s insurance and the ability to use the rest of the facility because the rest room was still useable, would mean no interruption of services to the elder population.
Then came some bad news – followed by some good news – that changed Collins’ plans.
The bad news: “We’re on the road,” Collins said last week. “We had some damage done by water as a result of a pipe that burst during our last cold spell.”
The good news: That road is leading to Camp Kiwanee’s Needles Lodge, which had been offered to the center initially. Programs will begin at Kiwanee on Monday, Feb. 27.
“We’re incredibly grateful to Dori Jamieson, who is the administrative assistant as well as the Camp Kiwanee Commission, for reaching out and offering the facility” she said, also extending thanks to Select Board members, Town Administrator Lisa Green, and the police and fire departments for their assistance.
“They have been instrumental in staying on top of it,” Collins said. Facilities Director Charlie Baker and Senior Center custodian Mal Hession reported the burst pipes at 5:30 a.m., Monday, Feb. 6 to her and turned off the water to prevent further damage. Security cameras showed the pipes had burst at about 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 5.
“Because he was so quick about the phone call, I was able to reach out to Charlie Baker and he, in turn, called the plumber,” she said. “When I arrived that morning, the plumber was already here.”
She also said local Inspector Kerry Glass has also been incredibly helpful.
“To me, it’s a testament to how our departments work so well together,” she said. “The library has been incredibly supportive of us in general, because they know how much everything that we do here means to us.”
Collins had been initially concerned about damage to the walls that she could see.
“But then, there was a lot of other things that we couldn’t see,” she said.
Hanson’s insurance carrier, MIIA came quickly to assess the damage by a claims adjuster, who, in turn had a remediation team travel to the center to conduct tests.
“That’s when we realized how widespread it was,” she said.
Water damage will require complete replacement of some walls, while others only sustained damage as high as a few feet up from the floor.
“They speculate that it will be about a two and a half week period that we will be at Camp Kiwanee,” she said. “Plans are in place with Camp Kiwanee as well as our IT Director Steve Moberg, He’s been on top of it and has made arrangements for phones and our computers, so we don’t anticipate any stoppage of services that we can provide.”
All regularly-scheduled services and programs will continue as usual.
The library has also had to make decisions about certain activities that used the Senior Center on weekends, Collins said.
An animal program that had been planned for the Senior Center on Feb. 24 had to be moved to the smaller library Community Room.
“It may be a tight squeeze for them, so that’s where the concern is,” she said. “This has impacted everyone, but – again – we will be available by phone. We are going to continue to provide our services Medicare applications, you need to discuss fuel assistance, we’re there.”
Meals on Wheels will be delivered to Kiwanee for preparation and packaging for volunteer drivers to distribute from there. Pre-packaged meals have been ordered for the Tuesday and Wednesday congregate lunches, held at Kiwanee.
There is handicapped parking available, and assistance will be available and visible, Collins said.
The company contracted by MIIA to do the repair work will come in and do the required demolition of damaged area, removal of debris and the rebuild, starting Friday, Feb. 24, when they will start identifying what needs to be moved into a storage pod.
Hanson Pack 34 held its Blue and Gold Ceremony Thursday, Feb. 2, during which 15 Cub Scouts crossed over and become Boy Scouts. Above, – Blake Miller received his Boy Scout epaulets At left, Brady Adams crosses over to Boy Scouts See more photos, page 6.
Courtesy photos, Craig Guido
Whitman, Carter reach TA contract
WHITMAN –As they welcomed a new town administrator – set to start work on Feb. 21 the Select Board heard a sobering update on the state of the town’s finances from Budget Subcommittee member Shawn Kain.
Former Treasurer/Collector Mary Beth Carter has accepted a contract proposal to become town administrator, interim Town Administrator Frank Lynam announced during the Tuesday, Feb. 7 Select Board meeting.
“I’m already loading up her email,” he joked. “While I’ll be happy to assist in the transition, I’m looking to that light at the end of the tunnel [so I] can go back home and do what I was doing when I was doing nothing.
Chair Randy LaMattina thanked Lynam on behalf of the board and the town for coming back.
“I think, for the transition, you’re going to make that as smooth as it possibly can be,” he said.
“I’m excited for the town,” “Lynam said. “We’re moving into a new era [with] a different focus and I have nothing but confidence in the board’s selection of Mary Beth Carter.”
Carter thanked the board, as well.
“I truly appreciate your confidence in me,” she said. “I have known many of you for several years, and a few of you for over 19 years. You know my work ethic – and it has not changed. I will work tirelessly as an agent of the Board of Selectmen to carry out mandates and policies set by you.”
She pledged to work collaboratively with department heads, boards and committees to assist in the preparation and final presentation of the budget for fiscal 2024.
“I am really looking forward to being back in Whitman,” she said.
Budget review
Kain began the meeting’s work with a report on the town budget status and the Budget Working Group’s progress, noting it would take a couple weeks to fully update Carter so she can give her feedback for future action.
“We’re looking at the excise tax and the trash [fees], and because we’re through January now and we have an indication of what the first commitments were,” Kain said, noting that 75 percent of excise taxes were collected in the first commitment in January. “We have a pretty good indication of where we’re at, and surprisingly, we’re doing really well.”
He thought there would be a dip in excise tax revenues, but so far collections are $140,000 over what was collected by this point last year, pointing to estimates on both excise taxes and trash fees moving in the right direction.
Expenditures are showing this year is a “bit of an anomaly” for contract steps and lanes because of recent negotiations, he said, particularly in the fire department where an unusually large number of firefighters reached their 20-year mark.
“Big picture, again we’re looking at our level service,” Kain said. “When we look at level service, and that does include some of the salaries that we’re talking about … and the schools’ at 5 percent [assessment increase], we’re really close to a balanced budget.”
He is concerned that the town side still doesn’t know where the school budget will end up, however. Town figures are estimating 5 percent, but it looks like it would be more, Kain said, noting School Committee member Dawn Byers questions about what the town can afford.
“She talked about a false narrative, meaning that there is a little bit of confusion in the community about this,” he said. “What we can afford … of pretty much what we can afford within the tax levy.”
He said Byers is suggesting the town consider what it could afford if it didn’t take into account the tax levy and just compared it’s education costs to other towns, saying it’s “a different kind of big picture argument.”
“For us, one of the things that we really need to consider is what we can afford within the tax levy,” he said, where the Madden report was clear that 5 percent, or up to it, was what could achieve a balanced budget along with level-serviced town expences.
“For me, it still seems relevant that that 5 percent is still a good number to use,” Kain said.
Right now, with numbers coming in from the schools and department heads, the budget gap is a little over $1 million.
Lynam said the town is “kind of downplaying” the impact of the 5 percent on the town. While he agrees with the analysis that consultant John Madden did and that the town needs to support education, the 5 percent absorbs every dollar of revenue the town grows – and then some.
“That’s the type of thing we have to keep in mind,” he said. “We continue getting additional revenue from other local receipts, but at some point in time, just like the 3-percent budget growth started to become unattainable at the district level when we had state support and it faded, we are now building a budget that’s going to be difficult to maintain, even at 5 percent with the efforts we’re making.”
He said it was more critical that they jointly growth and expenditures to make the budget work, because voters will be the ultimate arbiters of how much will be spent.
“We have to start looking longer and harder at things,” he said.
LaMattina requested that Lynam meet with Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green about the reality of what they are dealing with, because he is concerned that the School Committee has not yet voted a budget ceiling.
“It is frustrating that there’s a lot of things that possibly could be added between now and then that we will not be able to fund in this budget,” he said.
Lynam also expressed concern that the town has been financing capital improvements through free cash.
“That’s not always going to be possible,” he said.
“This is a really valuable, document guiding us going forward,” Select Board member Justin Evans said. “If we can … continue this process every year, it’ll help shape how we look at the whole budget cycle.”
He noted that town budget increases are also nearing 5 percent and cautioned that, if the town wants the schools to control budget increases, the town should do so as well.
COVID report
According to Fire Chief Timothy Clancy’s regular COVID-19 report, saying he is hopeful that the town’s numbers will follow predictions that numbers should be going down shortly, adding the town is still “not doing too bad.”
Over the preceding week, however, Whitman saw 35 cases among 291 tests performed for a 12.02 percent.
“We see a significant jump of almost 4 percent in the positivity rate, but also realize that’s not always accurate. It’s based on seven additional cases and we did less testing.”
He said health officials would continue to watch the numbers and keep selectmen advised.
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