In honor of beloved former Library Director Nancy Cappellini, the Hanson Public Library will host its fifth Annual Nancy Cappellini Family Fun Day on Friday, April 21.
Starting at 10 a.m., enjoy light refreshments, face painting, a springtime growing craft, and more. If you’d like try the springtime growing craft, please bring a clean, plastic ice coffee cup with a lid to serve as your mini greenhouse! At noon, join Craig Harris and Drum Away the Blues. Enjoy a family-focused event and drum away any stress, find emotional balance, and discover the joys of making music. Drum Away the Blues is sponsored by State Aid to Public Libraries.
Please reserve your spot for the Drum Away the Blues program. All other activities will be first come first serve. Registration will be open for Hanson residents only from March 27-April 16, then registration will be open to all April 17-21.
Please visit the library’s website,, to sign up and learn more about the fifth Annual Nancy Cappellini Family Fun Day and all of our other upcoming programs. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 781-293-2151.
Whitman braces for ‘significant cuts’
WHITMAN – Select Board members heard concerns about potential municipal layoffs as a result of budget pressures, public meeting decorum and progress on a proposed DPW building during their Tuesday, April 11 meeting.
In the wake of last week’s joint select board meeting with Hanson counterparts, the board received a bleak financial forecast.
“We have presented a level budget here,” said Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter, adding that the town has used almost $293,999 in free cash to balance the budget, making their calculations based on a 5-percent increase in the school assessment. Most of that free cash is used between the warrant articles and closing the gap on the budget, with only about $9,000 left
“We’ve used everything on this budget, so it’s very tight,” she said. “I trimmed a lot as I went through the budget. It’s balanced.”
Chair Randy LaMattina warned of “significant cuts” to town services if the school budget not reduced. He said that, at some point, the board must be ready to make close to $600,000 in cuts if the schools do not make reductions at the Wednesday, April 12 School Committee meeting.
“The cuts are going to be real, so we’re probably talking about multiple firefighters, multiple police officers, possibly closing the library, and it’s unfortunate,” he said.
“We’re talking about significant cuts,” Carter agreed noting that, considering municipal salary levels, some 10 to 12 positions might be lost. The town personnel staff is “a little over 100 people, she said.
“It will be significant and several departments will be impacted, there’s no way around it,” she said if the schools do not make budget cuts.
Meeting decorum
The budget picture, and some of the emotional discourse surrounding it, has motivated former Town Administrator Frank Lynam, who had been serving as an interim TA until Carter was hired, to sponsor a citizen’s petition article for the Town Meeting warrant on public meeting decorum and the recording of public sessions as a way of ensuring it, while furthering transparency.
The bylaw revision would require all town boards and committees to make either an audio or video recording of all meetings, excluding executive sessions, and transmit the recordings to WHCA for broadcast or streaming on its YouTube channel for future access.
He noted that a number of boards and committees meet publicly and the information they discuss and the presentation of those meetings are public.
“I have an issue with a particular board that seems not to be very concerned about either propriety or professionalism – and I am talking about the Finance Committee,” he said. “In several meetings that I have listened to audio recordings of, they participate in a bantering discussion that belittles the employees of the town that present to them, myself included.”
While Lynam said he is “not that thin-skinned,” he finds it difficult to understand why a board charged with the responsibility to make financial recommendations to the town “would take such a side road into personal attacks on the various people that present to them.”
He suggested the way to sure that is to make sure everyone participates in the public process.
“If it was going on cable rather than for the benefit of the nine members of the committee and perhaps the four or five people present from the public, you would see a different demeanor and a different presentation,” he said.
Town employees work very hard and diligently to do their jobs often facing public scrutiny and concern about what they are being paid, what they “really do” and how hard they work, Lynam. Still, he doesn’t take umbrage when people unfamiliar with town government ask such questions.
“But I really resent it when somebody who should understand it, and has been involved in the process, chooses the route of character assassination to talk about the town administrator, or the director of technology or any of the other department heads that have appeared before them to present budgets,” he said.
Lynam said he has listened to it enough and thinks it’s time to professionalize things.
“In the end, you’ll have access to more information,” he said.
Select Board member Shawn Kain, expressing mixed feelings on the issue because he has served on the Finance Committee, but he has also felt some of the tension Lynam referred to.
“For selfish reasons, I’d like it if [meetings] were either on cable or if there was an audio because I’d like to – on my own time – just to go through and listen to some of the meeting to gain more knowledge,” he said, adding that transparency in that way does hold people accountable.
Lynam said he received recordings under public records request in researching the petition. The logistics are relatively simple, he argued because the technology already exists, but current practice for some boards and committees has been keeping an audio recoding until minutes are done – at which time they are supposed to be deleted. He was able to obtain them as a result of his request because that process is not fully followed.
“We are accountable for how we conduct business,” he said. “I don’t see it as punitive, I see it as informative.”
He pointed out that Hanson already follows the practice of either audio or video recording all of their committee meetings, posting them on YouTube.
Lynam has discussed the issue with the Finance Committee chair, who is opposed to it out of concern that recordings would make people less likely to speak candidly.
LaMattina said he “100-percent agrees” with the article Lynam proposes.
“Although we’re on TV and we might have a crowd sometimes, the lack of a crowd does not mean you can just talk about people, slander people, lie about people and think, ‘this is what we do,’” he said.
Recent discourse at the Finance Committee meetings have centered on Carter allegedly receiving a job she didn’t deserve, that Lynam’s service didn’t amount to much.
“It’s pretty disgusting, to be honest with you,” LaMattina said.
While Cultural Council Secretary Julia Manigan expressed concern over the discomfort cameras in meetings could cause, School Committee Vice Chair Christoper Scriven argued it’s “the least we can do to be as transparent as possible.”
“I think we owe it to the residents of this town to conduct all of our business in a civil manner,” he said.
Select Board Vice Chair Dan Salvucci said all meetings should be recorded to avoid finger-pointing at a specific committee.
Select Board member Justin Evans agreed it is a “good move toward transparency.”
DPW project
DPW Commissioner Kevin Cleary updated the board on what the DPW is doing to educate the public about the new building project, upcoming events and current cost estimates. The Building Committee has been working on the project since $1.1 million was appropriated at the last annual Town Meeting for hiring the owner’s project manager (OPM) and architect/engineer, and they have been working through schematic designs over the past four months, he said.
Another day of public tours is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., on Saturday, April 22. A few trucks will be available for children to explore, and hamburgers and hot dogs will be available as refreshments on that date.
A question-and-answer presentation on the project is slated for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 26 in Town Hall auditorium. The OPM and architect and Building Committee members will attend and provide a short presentation.
The website is also up and running at
Cleary said the project’s design work began with three different options and went with the option for a complete facility with administrative, storage and mechanic’s workspace.
The front building will be demolished and the back building refurbished, using as much as they can retain. The design work is between 50 and 60 percent complete at this point.
Initial cost estimates make for an warrant article seeking $17.8 million in addition to what has already been appropriated. Cleary said he was confident in the cost estimates he has been receiving.
“We are still looking at that number, talking about what we can do to lessen it without taking away from the size of the building,” Cleary said. Sub-bids would be sought in early to mid-June if the article is successful, followed by general bids and a 12-to-13-month construction period.
Evans and Kain expressed their concern about holding a Town Meeting vote before the numbers are firm. LaMattina said it just makes sense to finish the building right, rather than have an outlying building that will need serious renovation after that.
“The cost is in the forefront of everybody’s mind, which I greatly appreciate,” he said.
“What we’re doing now is trying to lower the cost,” Cleary said. “We’re not going to add anything more that’s going to increase it…. We’re getting information so, if anything, we lower the cost.”
Kain was impressed by the building design and agreed it is warranted and necessary, but he also has reservations about the timing.
“Especially with the climate of us borrowing money and the number of projects on the table I think really being thorough and taking time and doing things right, I would rather wait and have the number in hand rather than go without the number,” Kain said.
Building Committee member Frank Lynam said the project cannot go to bid before Town Meeting votes even if all the numbers and estimates are in hand.
“Until Town Meeting votes, we don’t have a project,” he said.
COVID update
Giving the regular COVID update in Fire Chief Timothy Clancy’s absence, LaMattina reported that there were 212 tests performed since the last board meeting, with five positive cases for a positivity rate of 2.36 percent.
“Once again, [it’s] trending in the right direction,” LaMattina said.
Budget ideas, Regional pact changes weighed
While Select Boards voted last week not to support the school district budget, residents of both towns have suggested ways to keep a level-headed discourse on school funding plans.
“The schools’ budget and the town’s budget are now in competition with one another, more than likely on the Town Meeting floor,” Whitman resident John Galvin said. “[It’s] not going to be a good result – it’s a lose-lose situation no matter how it goes.”
Following the public comments on budget considerations, the committee discussed issues up for consideration by town meetings as part of the revised Regional Agreement, now being addressed by that subcommittee. Consensus votes were taken on the 2/3 vote margin, regular reviews of the agreement every three years, condensing language in some sections (such as lease agreements), capital emergency repairs and transportation. The meeting is available for streaming at the WHCA YouTube channel and is on rebroadcast rotation on the access education channel.
All but the 2/3 vote issue were given the green light of consensus.
The 2/3 vote margin failed to reach consensus with a vote of 4-5-1. Regular three-year reviews were supported unanimously. Emergency repair and lease agreement language changes were supported 9-1. Operating cost methodology (statutory method of calculating the assessment formula) language changes were supported was also unanimously as was transportation policy.
Galvin, who has served on Whitman’s Finance Committee and Budget Subcommittee in the past, suggested to the School Committee on Wednesday, April 5 that he had a “third option” that not only level-services the schools, but also the towns.
Hold-harmless, the result of a “simple subtraction equation” – taking the DESE formula for the foundation budget and calculates what the minimum budget needs to be, then subtracts the required municipal contributions (which keeps in mind property values and resident income levels) to determine what Chapter 70 funding will come to the district. The difference from the previous year’s Chapter 70 figure – if it was less than what the district was awarded – that is the hold-harmless figure.
Galvin said this year’s hold-harmless has the district more than $4 million “in the hole.” Next year his calculations put it at about $650,000.
Galvin proposed that Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak and Chair Christopher Howard meet with the town administrators and chairs of both Select Boards to ask what the maximum they can give to the schools without having to have layoffs and maintaining level services.
“Ask them what the maximum is and then ask them to give a little bit more,” Galvin said. “In return, the district [could use] one-time money this year only to balance the budget.”
He suggested if the schools were to use $840,000 of one-time money, the school budget could balance while the towns could have level services.
“It’s a one-time fix to get us to next year,” he said, when the possibility exists that “not only do we come out of hold-harmless, but we come out of hold-harmless significantly.”
He said there is risk, but it sounds better to Galvin than having to make layoffs. Whitman Select Board members have said the idea is worth considering and Galvin said he would like to see Hanson’s Select Board consider it.
Galvin only asked that the School Committee include the idea for discussion on the next meeting agenda.
Hanson resident Frank Milisi, who described himself as “one of those crazy people who watches the meetings pretty much every week,” also has some budgetary advice to impart before the Regional Agreement discussion.
“I think the one thing the School Committee really needs to do in the next year— years, hopefully — is really start to get a little [public relations]-focused with the towns,” he said, adding he is a strong supporter of the schools. “Everybody here has the best intentions of the kids at heart, making sure they have the best education they possibly can. If you have a robotics program … new languages you want to bring into the schools I would suggest you advertise those intentions well before the budget season.”
Bringing the ideas to the Select Board in each town by letters outlining the expected costs and asking for their opinions would be a good start, he said.
Jim Hickey, a Perry Avenue resident of Hanson, noting that while he is a member of that town’s Select Board, he was speaking in the public forum as a private citizen, said Hanson’s board has already voted that a 2/3 vote is the best way to get the town’s point across. Whitman voted against a 2/3 vote margin.
“I understand it was my idea, it was the simplest way,” Hickey said. “By voting on everything on a 2/3 vote just to keep it simple, but the main things are the budget and that sort of thing.” He also mentioned that, during the joint Select Board meeting held the day before, Whitman board member Justin Evans had said property values and median income are starting to sway Whitman’s way.
“It’s not that way yet, and we have the statutory [funding formula] and Hanson has accepted it,” he said. “If it happens that at some point, say in the next five or six years, Whitman ends up being the wealthier town, the statutory method is here forever … but with a 6-4 advantage, without a 2/3 majority vote, the year that happens the school committee could take a vote to go back to the alternative method.”
While School Committee members were nearly unanimous in doubting that could happen, members voting on the issue were unable to reach a consensus on that one point.
Once the Regional Agreement discussion began, much of the discussion centered on the issue of that vote margin required to pass agenda items up for action before the committee.
“Our job is to take what we hear here in terms of feedback and support or not support back to the Regional Agreement Committee so we can all come together and figure out how we proceed from there,” Howard said of the task before him and Vice Chair Christopher Scriven.
He suggested the non-binding votes as a way of gauging support for the RAC’s work.
School Committee member Fred Small said if the statutory method is in the agreement it is the only method that can be used without changing the agreement.
A 2/3 vote requirement would have to clarify whether is means two-thirds of the entire committee or just of those present unless state law supersedes it, such as might be the case with school choice, David Forth suggested. He said, while the intent of the 2/3 suggestion is aimed at achieving town balance, Forth has never seen a vote decided purely on a town residence basis. Personalities were likely to hold more sway, he said.
Scriven said he has always viewed Whitman, Hanson and the School Committee itself as three segments of a partnership, but wanted to hear the other members’ concerns before he decided.
“When things get difficult, I think it’s incumbent upon a good partner to think about the other partners, so I ask that we do that,” he said.
Hanson’s Hillary Kniffen said she sees value in settling financial questions by a 2/3 vote, but expressed concern about the ability to get anything else done if all votes require that margin.
“I don’t associate us along town lines,” Dawn Byers agreed, favoring a majority vote. “We are Whitman-Hanson, and it’s one word to me.”
Hanson’s Glen DiGravio agreed.
“When I signed up, or ran, or however I got here – I still don’t understand how I got here,” he quipped. “But I never, ever thought I was here to represent my town. I’m here for the students of Whitman-Hanson and the taxpayers and, if we start voting for our towns, I think we’re doing a disservice to the committee.”
He added he doesn’t feel any committee members do vote along town lines.
Howard argued that the more a clear consensus allowed by a 2/3 vote might be helpful, but noted he is on his way off the committee – and RAC never discussed the issue.
Small noted that most other government at all levels – unless otherwise specified – is run by majority vote.
The RAC also felt the agreement requires regular review, building in a requirement that it be done every three years.
“I think this is an easy one,” School Committee member Beth Stafford said. Small agreed that it “makes a lot of sense,” but questioned whether three or five years – as previously required with no “action item” Howard said.
Forth agreed, but wondered how it might be enforced. Assistant Superintendent George Ferro suggested it be placed on an annual agenda or calendar as soon as it is adopted to make sure it is not forgotten.
Hanson eyes funding options
HANSON – The Select Board focused on how to use one-time funds in the effort to close the town’s budget deficit as members reviewed Town Meeting warrants at its Tuesday, April 4 meeting.
Town Administrator Lisa Green said she and her staff have spent many hours between meetings updating the draft warrants for the annual and special Town Meetings on which the board had voted to place or place and recommend articles at its March 28 meeting.
For example, several capital articles pertaining to the schools were combined into a single Article 7 with line items – including a pair of line items, for an elevator repair and a septic system repair at Hanson Middle School, which were not placed on the October special Town Meeting warrant.
Green said she was uncertain why the omission took place, when the October session did take up an emergency request from the school district for door security after they fell victim to a cyber attack over the summer
“It could have been that these were determined not to be an emergency to fall under the October special Town Meeting, and now they are coming before the May annual Town Meeting as reimbursements,” she said.
The other requests under Article 7 are one-time purchases such as technology requests, for which free cash or American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funds could be used, Green said.
Vice Chair Joe Weeks asked how much money in ARPA funds the town has to spend on one-time expenditures.
“I think it would important for us to put out there in Town Meeting,” he said. “It’s an important revenue question to ask. … We have to start talking about next year’s budget, like now.”
Knowing how much the town has available in ARPA funds at the start and end of Town Meeting business will be important in illustrating how much money it takes to fund the town with money that officials will never have available again, Weeks argued.
Green said Hanson has $1,191,040 in ARPA funds available through Plymouth County as well as two disbursements totalling $1,294,000 through the Treasury.
“We have not touched this money,” she said except for $100,000 from ARPA for a fire station feasibility study; $85,000 for a generator for the Library/Senior Center and $200,000 for the HVAC system expended at the October special Town Meeting. However, Plymouth County had rejected both the generator and HVAC system uses because the HVAC funds must first be spent and then reimbursed by the county. The generator does not fit the accepted use parameters for COVID-related costs.
“We can certainly use the treasury money that we have in the bank, because that can be used for any general government services,” she said. “But, as of right now, we haven’t done the projects and spent any of the money.”
Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett noted the town has to “jump through major hoops” to access the ARPA funds administered by Plymouth County.
“We need to get strategic about how we’re going to spend it because we have to spend it by 2026,” she said.
Board member Ed Heal said he would like a table projected on a screen at Town Meeting showing how much was available in the funds and how much has so far been allocated “so they can actually see that their votes do something.”
Both he and FitzGerald-Kemmett had doubts about how to do that, but agreed another forum such as a Select Board meeting, or a handout at Town Meeting might be better forums in which to present that information.
The special Town Meeting articles were then approved for placement on the warrant.
In the annual warrant, the board discussed whether a $25,000 request by the Thomas Mill Committeee to replace the wheel and rebuild the stand at the historic mill. When the wheel had been removed for work, it was discovered that the stand’s wood was rotting, Green said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett asked the board for feedback, but suggested that $25,000, “when we’re in a fiscal situation … where timing is everything.”
“In my gut, I feel like this needs to be deferred to, potentially, October Town Meeting,” she said. “We are the ones who have to decide whether this is the best use of town money.”
Board member Jim Hickey said as a one-time situation, it could qualify for ARPA funding.
“This is a perfect example of one of those projects that you need to look into it before you [proceed],” he said. “But, if we don’t do it now, next May, or even October, it could be $30,000.”
“It is a community landmark,” Board member Ann Rein agreed. “It’s something that people like and I think that’s a good use for one-time money.”
Green expressed doubt that ARPA funds, which support general government services, could be properly used for the Mill wheel project.
Weeks said he is looking at finances for the year – and probably next year as well – with the point in mind that the town still does not know if the school assessment increase will come in at 3.75 percent with a $600,000 deficit or “if we’re going to be stuck paying more than that.”
“I come from the place of, under normal circumstances, my motion would normally be … to place and defer to Town Meeting,” Weeks said. “We still don’t know the dollar amount for the school. … We have to be super conservative right now.”
He said he loves the people overseeing the project and thinks they are doing a great job and should place their request before the board, but he is concerned that one-time funds may be needed to fund the town for now.
Rein suggested that a fundraising effort, such as Crowdfunding might be an alternative.
FitzGerald-Kemmett suggested reaching out to the state representatives to seek an earmark for the “very modest amount” for the iconic town landmark.
Hickey said it was the board’s duty to place the article, whether or not they voted to recommend it. The board voted to place the article to defer the issue to Town Meeting.
The board conducted a brief hearing with National Grid on utility pole locations near 201 Franklin St.
Bill Gillespie of National Grid said the utility is looking to place a pole and push-brace to hold the existing pole until it can be removed because of wires. The base of the push-brace should extend about 10 feet from the existing pole.
Hickey said he liked taking care of a problem before it becomes a problem.
Bowling for Dollars for Scholars rolls out April 29
Dollars for Scholars will hold its eighth annual “Bowling for Dollars for Scholars” from noon to 5 p.m., on Saturday, April 29, and Sunday, April 30, at the Hanson Bowladrome (adjacent to the Hanson AA) at 171 Reed Street in Hanson.
For every string bowled during the event a donation will be made to benefit Whitman & Hanson Dollars for Scholars. The cost to bowl will be $10 per string with no charge for shoe rental. Door prizes and complementary food will be available throughout the two day event.
All funds raised during the event will benefit the Class of 2023 in the form of scholarships. For more information, please contact Mike Ganshirt at 781-252-9683 or visit
Towns dissent on FY ‘24 school budget
HANSON – Members of the Hanson and Whitman select boards unanimously voted, in a joint meeting on Tuesday, April 4, against either endorsing or supporting the fiscal 2024 WHRSD budget as presented to the two towns. Each board voted separately on the motion.
They have requested their respective town administrators to send letters to the district about the vote, and stressed it was not intended to signal a lack of support for education.
“The thing that I really love about you guys being here is that this opens up a dialog between the two boards which is very much needed, in fact, it’s a dialog between the two towns, which is very much needed and, in fact a dialog between all parties is very much needed,” Hanson Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett said in opening the session she termed historic. “We’re here to talk about the elephant in the room, which is the school assessment.”
Members of both boards stressed their concerns and votes were not an indication of any lack of support for education, but of fiscal sustainability for their communities. The boards met in a joint session at Hanson Town Hall to discuss the financial implications of the school spending plam on municipal budgets, the urgent need for sustainable school budgets and their disappointment that there was a need for the towns to unite on budget issues in an effort to prevent cuts in other departments
“We’re really struggling right now,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said of her town’s budget, which she said could afford a 3.75-percent assessment increase, but still has more than $600,000 worth of cuts to make somewhere – after one round of budget trimming had already been done.
“When I say cuts, I want to be crystal clear that we have not targeted a department or people or positions, or anything. We may have to look at capital improvements and the like.”
She said cuts do not always translate to people’s jobs being cut.
Whitman Select Board Chair Randy LaMattina said that community is at a point where it can shoulder a 5-percent assessment increase right now, but “not a single penny more.”
“Anything more than that, we will have to start cutting,” he said. “If this [school] budget, as presented, were to go through, we would be facing crippling cuts within our town departments.”
While LaMattina declined to speculate on cuts, he cautioned they will be real, they would include jobs and would be “disastrous” for the town.
“I don’t think it’s the same as previous budget years,” he said. “We’re basically less than two weeks away from having to post our budget and I don’t think we’ve ever come down, since I’ve been involved in town politics, to a situation like this where it doesn’t seem we’ve really been listened to.”
He said that while Whitman has been pretty clear for a while about what the town could afford, “it seems to have gone over people’s heads” and he hopes the boards’ unified position will be clear.
“Their ask is what we’re really here to talk about,” LaMattina said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett agreed that the budget the towns are being asked to agree to would eviscerate Hanson’s budget.
“I don’t even want to speculate about what it would look like,” she said, making it clear that the Hanson Select Board is one that supports education, and she expressed confidence that Whitman officials feel the same way.
“You are looking at the daughter of a career high school history teacher,” she said. “I am not an anti-education person by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve spent years of my life raising money for the schools in a variety of capacities.”
When budget asks are reasonable – or even slightly beyond – she said she could probably support it.
A couple of years ago an override effort carried the threat that, without it police and fire layoffs would be needed, FitzGerald-Kemmett said, adding she is certain the residents do not ever want to see the town go through that again.
“There’s no way that this board can include the budget presented to us in our warrant,” she said. “We just can’t.”
Hanson Select Board members Joe Weeks, Ed Heal, Ann Rein and Jim Hickey were especially vocal in agreeing with FitzGerald-Kemmett that, while education is important, there are members of the Hanson community that simply cannot afford what is being asked.
“My grandparents live in town, and other people’s grandparents also live in town and we don’t want to tax people out of the town,” Weeks said, noting that, as Hickey has pointed out before, that a third of Hanson residents are of retirement age and on fixed incomes.
“We have to be mindful that we are advocating for the entirety of our constituency – not just a portion of it,” Weeks said, adding that the schools are doing their job advocating for education. “I may agree with that, but in tough times like this, it becomes incredibly more difficult, for us as leaders, to make incredibly hard decisions and lead and try to come to a decision that makes sense for everybody,”
“I’m against mismanagement,” Hickey said, emphasizing that he is not against education. “There are positions that are not needed. … The district got money from COVID, as the towns did, what did [the schools] do with that money if we were giving so much more of the one-time money?”
LaMattina said the boards, as policy makers in their respective towns, cannot support the school budget, but also stressed it’s not an education issue.
He also said the boards have to look at what got them to this point with the school budget, arguing it’s the district’s use of COVID funds such as the one-time ESSER grants for recurring cost positions, that concern him most.
“I actually used the word ‘reckless’ last year,” he said.
Using the funds to institute all-day K, while a predictable and needed risk, was still a risk and Whitman is having to use some one-time funds of its own this year to afford the 5 percent.
“We’re not seeing any growth in any other department,” he said, noting that both towns have been very vocal in where they’ve made cuts and what they can afford.
He said he was also disheartened to learn that the budget has not been included in the Wednesday, April 5 School Committee agenda.
Whitman Vice Chair Dan Salvucci said even a 5-percent increase would hurt other departments and that, like Hanson, Whitman has already made cuts.
“We’re running real thin to get to 5 percent,” he said.
Ambulance service challenges as well as staffing issues have cropped up in both towns due to the need to transport patients to hospitals at greater distances since the Brockton Hospital fire late last year.
Whitman’s Shawn Kain also pointed to sustainability as a key concern.
“We’ve gone to great lengths to understand how to create a financial plan that’s going to keep us in a sustainable situation,” Kain said, noting that Whitman has been lean on public safety over the last few years, but that the hold-harmless situation with the schools is eating most of the revenue.
“I think the 5 percent represents a number that allows us to fund the schools at a level that is sustainable, but also gives us some revenue to work with in other departments,” he said, but added a argument could be made that even that is not enough. “It’s not an easy dilemma.”
Whitman Select Board member Justin Evans also pointed out that, even at 5 percent the town is projecting about $270,000 in free cash.
“Because the schools are building the one-time money they used last year into their budget, into the assessment this year, we are using one-time money to keep up with it,” he said.
Whitman DPW building on ballot again?
WHITMAN – The Department of Public Works is hoping history won’t repeat itself.
Eleven years after voters rejected an $8 million debt exclusion to fund the design and construction of a new DPW building, the town is trying again – with a warrant article and ballot question seeking to fund a build a “complete facility, including administration space,” which was not part of the last proposal.
The exact dollar figure being sought is not yet available.
The DPW hosted an open house on Saturday, April 1 – and are planning to hold a second one on Saturday, April 22, featuring a touch-a-truck area with DPW and Fire Department vehicles, for the kids; and free hot dogs and hamburgers.
The problems they pointed out are the same that confronted voters on May 7, 2012, plus a few more.
“The thing is, there’s no ‘no-cost’ solution for DPW building,” Parks and Highways Superintendent Bruce Martin, who said that, while there is not yet a firm number on the new building, it can’t be ignored as the problem it is.
“It’s out of code, it’s unsafe, all those things,” he said. “Every year we let it go [it adds up].”
Select Board Vice Chair Dan Salvucci said that, while there were open houses, video tours broadcast on cable access and newspaper stories, the difference this go-round is the advancing age of the building.
“No employee should be working in these conditions,” Salvucci said. “Will taxes go up for this building? Yes, of course, but the thing is this is something that the town needs.”
There are no shower facilities for water and sewer workers to clean up in after addressing situations such as main breaks, he noted. He also said it is needed to protect the town’s investment in expensive DPW trucks and heavy equipment.
“This is Whitman, we have water and sewer,” he said. “We’ve got the facilities of almost a city, as far as water and sewer are concerned.”
Now, as in 2012, visitors were able to see for themselves that the original green building, constructed in 1907, is inadequate for proper ventilation, has a poor electrical system, maintenance bays – featuring 1950s technology – are too small to work in and the building fails to meet OSHA standards. It is also the only shelter for expensive new equipment and is inadequate for that.
There was also a fire in the ceiling of the building several years ago, Martin added.
“It’s literally falling apart,” he said.
In 2012, then-Parks and Highways Superintendent Donnie Westhaver noted that the building was “built five years before the Titanic sank, to put it in perspective.”
It’s not getting any younger, DPW officials say.
“This building is smaller Martin said Saturday of the differences between the two plans. “We decided to bring the administration [offices] over just to get everybody in the same building and that building really isn’t accessible.”
The administration building was not included in the last building project proposal.
“We were actually going to get a lot more for the money,” Martin also said of the last plan. “Now, so many years later, we’re going smaller, but for similar money.”
Martin said the building subcommittee, which meets Wednesdays, has come up with the informational cards that can be handed out or mailed, and feature a QR code so people can view details of the project on a smartphone.
“How can we educate the residents?” he said has been the main discussion point. “Hopefully, we can get the message out. They’ll see all that or come down to one of the open houses and see what we’re working with here.”
The 2012 debt exclusion lost by 161 votes [293 in favor to 454 against] in a low-turnout election in which Westhaver faulted the turnout as much as the way the question was worded to voters.
“I think some people went to vote with Proposition 2 12 in mind,” he said. “People see that phrase and it scares them.” He argued that some explanation of what a yes or no voter would do was called for.
The $9 million project would have used $500,00 from stabilization; $200,000 in sewer enterprise and $200,000 in water enterprise funds in addition to the $8 million debt exclusion.
In the intervening years, additional soil borings and a site investigation were conducted [2017] to better understand soil conditions at the site. An initial foundation design and concept sketches for a new facility were created [2020] and a “shovel-ready” project passed at Town Meeting last year ad Construction Monitoring Services was retained as Owner Project Manager (OPM) in August and Helene Karl Architects was engaged to design the new facility in November.
The DPW Building Committee has voted to move forward with a concept that includes a complete facility, including administration space this year.
When the war came home
HANSON – There’s always another story inside the pages of those history books, often featuring people you never expected.
For Melrose author Jane Healey, there have been more than one untold story within the more well-known histories of World War II, fueling her storyteller’s muse for a third journey into the genre of historical fiction about that period with “Goodnight from Paris,” published on March 7.
Like her previous books, “Beantown Girls” and “The Secret Steelers” – both of which have been bestsellers and/or editors picks for historical fiction, her latest book offers a glimpse into the remarkable difference women made during the war years of 1939-45.
On Thursday, March 30, Healey discussed her latest book, the story behind it and her writing process at the Hanson Public Library. The talk will be broadcast on Whitman-Hanson Cable Access TV.
A free-lance writer for Boston Magazine and other publications after leaving a tech career, about 20 years ago, Healey had begun to scratch the fiction-writing itch she had long felt. That led to her first book, “The Saturday Evening Girls’ Club,” about a group of Jewish and Italian women in Boston’s North End. in 2017.
“I had always wanted to write a bigger story,” she said. “I had always wanted to write a WWII story, since my grandfather was in WWII.”
She researched and wrote about Red Cross “clubmobile” girls she had leaned about, which led to “Beantown Girls” being published in 2019.
“That was kind of my breakout book,” she said.
When her publisher was looking for something else for Healey to write during the COVID-19 pandemic, Healey thought of ideas she had filed away about women who worked for the CIA’s precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, whose ranks, incidentally included a secretary named Julia Child). That idea became “The Secret Stealers” in 2021.
When researching that book, Healey had come across stories about Drue Leyton- Tartiére from a couple of different sources.
“Goodnight from Paris” tells a familiar tale of the risks assumed by the resistance in France, as they helped downed allied fliers escape from behind German lines and back to England. Like famed American chanteuse Josphine Baker, who received the high honor of being inducted into the Panthéon – France’s mausoleum of heroes – after her death, Healey’s story revolves around real-life American actress Leyton-Tartiére.
The spark for the book came when Healey saw a story about Canadian pilot Lauren Frame, who had received the Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur [Legion of Honor] from France in 2020. Researching the story Healey came across the story of the woman living in the French village of Barbizon who sheltered and helped him and members of his bomber crew for seven weeks – Drue Leyton-Tartiére.
“To this day [when Frame was in his 90s], he praises the women and men of the French Underground, and in particular, Drue Leyton- Tartiére,” a speaker in the program about Frame said.
“What’s different about this [novel] is that it’s biographical fiction, inspired and based on a true story,” Healey said. “Tonight, I’m going to talk about who she was, how I learned about her and the history behind the novel – but I promise you, I’m not giving away any spoilers.”
Healey sketched a profile of a Hollywood actress, born Dorothy Elizabeth Blackman in June 1903 in Kenosha, Wisc., to well-off parents. After marrying young and having a son, she left her family and reinvented herself in the film industry – eventually following French actor Jacques Tartiére back to Paris before the war. Medically unqualified for the French army during the war, Tartiére joined British forces as a translator and was later killed during the war. Drue had refused the advice of friends and relatives to return to the U.S., staying in France for the duration.
“In the 1930s, she was a star on-the-rise in Hollywood,” Healey said, noting Drue was often described as “the next Greta Garbo.” After some rolls in “Charlie Chan” movies with Warner Oland and bit parts in other films,
One of Healey’s source materials was an out-of-print autobiography penned by Leyton-Tartiére in 1946, that she “bought for too many Euros” on eBay.
In 1942, Germans in occupied France began rounding up American expatriots following Pearl Harbor and the United States’ entry into the war. One of them was Drue, who had been broadcasting a radio show for France Mondiale run by the French Information Agency, back to the states up to that point, using the name in which she starred in movies – Drue Leyton. She had occasionally done broadcasts with legendary American journalist Dorothy Thompson, who was one of the first American broadcasters to be kicked out of Nazi Germany.
Leyton-Tartiére, along with several other American women in France, were first interned at the monkey house of a zoo on the outskirts of Paris using her married name Tartiére – the Germans had planned to execute Drue Leyton as soon as they occupied France – before being moved to a model concentration camp in the mountains of southern France, aimed at placating the international Red Cross inspectors. She faked an illness to receive a medical release and returned home to Barbizon, where she had farmed food for friends in Paris before her arrest, and was asked to rejoin the underground.
“It was so wild,” she said of the zoo story. “I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard of this story.”
But she resisted writing “Goodnight from Paris” at first because WWII novels is a crowded genre and she wasn’t initially interested in doing another one. But Drue won her over.
Healey said she found it more difficult to write a novel based on a real person that it would have been if she invented someone out of whole cloth.
“Out of the four books, this was the hardest ones, by far, because it’s a real person,” she said. “I didn’t want to take too many liberties. I wanted to honor her story.”
Ed the Wizard will perform “Magic for Seniors” at 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 12 at the Whitman Senior Center.
From Mind-Reading to Coins to Cards, there will be something magical for all, including the teaching of easy impromptu magic effects that the patrons can perform for their grandchildren. Be prepared to be amazed, amused, and possibly volunteer, with Ed the Wizard’s award-winning performance.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Whitman Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
Whitman mulls timing of WMS vote
WHITMAN – The timing of a debt exclusion vote on the Whitman Middle School building project is still an open question, as the Select Board works through the process of deciding when to schedule a vote and how many ballots would be involved.
The Board on Tuesday, March 21, again discussed whether a separate election day should be set for a school funding vote, or whether it could be included on another voting day, since 2024 is also a state Presidential Primary election year.
The Board is slated to take up the issue again at its Tuesday, April 4 meeting.
“I’m most curious on what the impact would be on your department, either holding a special Town Election before a Presidential Primary – when we’re probably already early voting – or is it possible to have it concurrently with a single, two-ballot election?” Select Board member Justin Evans asked Town Clerk Dawn Varley.
Varley strongly cautioned against scheduling it for the same day as a March Presidential primary election day, because that election always involves more than two ballots.
“You’ve got three parties, then you have absentee/early voting ballots,” she said. “Now there’s six ballots, then you have the debt exclusion ballots, plus, that has to have an absentee ballot, so you’re talking about my office juggling eight ballots.”
A special election in conjunction with the annual Town Election is the simplest, cheapest way to accomplish the goal, Varley said, describing it as a “whole election,” including both ballots. She said if the town can’t wait that long, the best alternative is a special election.
“My position has always been that I think we need to look at what draws more of the voting population out,” Chair Randy LaMattina said. “We have to look at this and say, consistently, we have more voting population brought out during a Presidential Primary.”
Vice Chair Dan Salvucci agreed.
“The voices of as many town residents that we can get on the vote is the main thing,” he said.
Evans said the turnout numbers are certainly higher on the Presidential primaries, but in years where one party did not had a competitive primary, the numbers are more in line with an debt exclusion election.
Member Shawn Kain said the decision should hinge on whether it is the right thing to do.
“I’m not concerned with more work and more money,” he told Varley. “If it’s the right thing to do I think we can find a way to help you out.”
Varley said she was more concerned about confusion.
“The whole process is very confusing,” she said.
“A single day, two-ballot election is disastrous, especially with it being a Presidential Primary,” Varley said. “What happens is, you basically run two elections. You have to have two check-ins … You can’t “sell” the ballot [ask people if they want a school election ballot when a person asks for a primary ballot]. … I would strongly recommend not to do that.”
Presidential primaries generally have a higher turnout – 34 percent in 2000, 16 percent in 2004 – and in 2002, 22 percent of Whitman voters cast ballots in an initiative for the Fire Department. Other override elections have had turnouts in the range of 39 to 48 percent, however.
Varley said that her only requirement would be 35 days’ notice in which to schedule a vote.
“If it’s advertised – which I think it would be – and the interest is there, you would have the voters come,” she said.
Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter said having a single election with two ballots would save the town the cost of a separate election in some ways, and would reimburse some costs, but not for two elections.
The town does not use check-out tables any more. The town also “owns” the school referendum ballot, she said, explaining Whitman wouldn’t obtain state reimbursement for election costs and early voting would also be required because the state permits it for the primary.
Varley said mail-in ballots for absentee voting in the school election would have to be mailed separately with different labels on them. She also has them printed on different colored paper along with the needed instructions.
It would also not be possible to know – or check – to see if the ballots were put in the wrong directions, she said, adding that Town Clerk staff would not be permitted to switch ballots if they believe ballots are in the wrong envelopes.
In the last election using two separate ballots, Varley said she mailed them out separately about a week apart to help with confusion, but early ballot depositing would also necessitate the rental check-in machines to maintain separate voting lists for each ballot.
A person voting in the primary, however, could return to Town Hall to cast a vote in the school vote, because they are separate elections.
Evans asked if it would be possible to schedule the special Town Meeting required before the school project goes to the ballot, in early enough before the MSBA vote in the fall before to capture the remaining excess levy before the tax rate is set.
That would be sometime in late September, according to Building Committee member John Galvin. He and Evans both made the point that the Board could schedule the process early enough to provide the 35-day window to schedule the special election, and permit the special Town Meeting on the ballot question for 14 days before that.
Galvin said both the owner-project manager on the Whitman Middle School project, and the designer said the full financial documents could be available to the Select Board in time for an end of September Town Meeting.
Both would take place before the final MSBA vote.
“We have been told by both the OPM and the designer – the MSBA meeting is on Oct. 26 – but the meeting is pretty much a celebratory meeting,” Galvin said. Whitman would not even be scheduled for that meeting if the answer was going to be no.
Carter said she was not sure if the excess levy capacity could be known by November.
“It is definitely an artistic science,” Galvin said.
Kain said any confusion about the timing of a vote would not be helpful.
In other business, Fire Chief Timothy Clancy gave his regular COVID-19 report, saying the town had only 11 cases out of 227 tests performed, for a positivity rate of 4.85 percent.
“This number is remaining steady … since two weeks ago when it went down 50 percent,” he said. “Overall, we are trending down with our COVID numbers.”
The town has also been approved for the wastewater testing machine, which will help with the monitoring of COVID levels in wastewater.
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