In the last four years, their lives have been turned upside down by a global COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges of remote and hybrid classes and becoming accustomed to the “new normals” that went along with all that.
So, why wouldn’t the commencement ceremony for the Class of 2023 be turned on its head by threatening weather?
“Like many of you, we’ve been watching the weather very closely today,” said WHRHS Principal Dr. Christopher Jones in his welcoming remarks. “So we’re going to do something a little different, and we’re going to have our dessert before our dinner. Out of an abuncance of caution, we are going to flip the ceremony, thereby offering the graduates what they really came here for.”
The graduating class loudly cheered as Jones announced that diplomas would be awarded first, in hopes that the weather would hold out for the remainder of the program.
It did – but, just in case, there was a plan for that.
“If it rains, we will stay for the ceremony,” he said. “If it thunders, we will not.”
The plan for a dangerous storm involved having the graduates – and their parents, Jones emphasized – report to the Performing Arts Center in the high school for the ceremony’s conclusion.
New School Committee Chair Beth Stafford, a former Whitman Middle School teacher, congratulated the class on behalf of the School Committee, addressing that fact.
“I have one word that I will use tonight to describe this class, that word is adapt,” she said, noting the changes the Class of 2023 have had to face. “You adapted from elementary school to middle school, and then to the high school, but the biggest issue was what you had to do in high school. … This ability to adapt will be very important in your future endeavors.”
Whether in the workforce, higher education or the military, they will have to adapt to new situations, leaving home, following orders, bosses and more, Stafford said.
“With your past experiences, you will be able to adapt to any changes that you will face in your future,” she said.
It certainly came in handy on graduation day, as uncertainty about thuderstorms forecast for about the time the ceremony would be hitting its stride, motivated school officials to not only pushed the commencement ahead an hour, but handed the diploimas out first.
With rain holding off until well after the commencement, seniors not only enjoyed an uninterupted, if unusual, ceremony, there was more time after it for them and their families and friends to mill about the football field for photos after its conclusion and before darkness decended.
Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak, who admitted to anxiety when having to speak before large groups, spoke to the class about his expectations, challenges and hopes for them.
“I expect you to be a good citizen, take part in your community – use your voice – remember to vote and to be a good neighbor,” he said. Manners, humility, kindness and passionate about living life to the fullest rounded out his expectations.
“I challenge you to take care of your mind and your body,” he said. “This gets really hard the older you get and the less time you have when life gets in the way.” Grace, stepping out of one’s comfort zones, thinking outside the box and listen to others regardless of viewpoint, with civility. Finally, he hopes for their success, according to each student’s definition of what that is, joy and that they believe in themselves.
Student speakers also touched on these themes [for complete texts of student speeches, see our graduation section].
For Valedictorian Noah Roberts, the journey to graduation came down to being able to answer the question: “Who are you?”
He candidly discussed the challenges and effects of mental illness and addiction on his family [see related story, page one] and the importance of caring for yourself.
“Trust me, I know that there is no such thing as a “normal” family situation, but make sure to give the ones that you see as family, whether by blood or by bond, an extra-long hug today,” Roberts said, thanking his grandmother and younger brother for their love and support.
“Nana, my entire being will be eternally grateful for the numerous sacrifices you have made for us,” he said, eliciting some tears from the woman who raised him when his mother could not. “you have always been there for me, and I genuinely don’t know where I would be without you, I love you nana. As for Cody, thank you for being my rock; through thick and thin you have stuck with me.”
He also thanked teachers and school staff who have helped him through his school years, for everything from extra help with physics to an extra chocolate pudding in the cafeteria.
He also spoke of the stress students like himself also self-impose.
“Even in high school, I felt that I was under so much pressure to be the best, because if I failed to do that, then what good was I?” he said. “I’m not sure if this mindset is true for all high school students, but what I realize now is how that mindset is not only unhealthy but is also dangerous.”
He closed by encouraging his classmates to remember to be themselves in all they do as the best way to answer is initial question: Who Are You?
Salutatarian Leah Cataldo spoke briefly about the need to relish life as it goes by in the blink of any eye, with all the changes it confronts you with, and while reminiscing is enjoyable, “our pasts are nothing compared to our futures,”
ON Hope
Classmate Brian Bouffard, winner of the annual student speech competition, advised a healthy dose of hope, while echoing Stafford’s advice on being adaptable.
“During the pandemic, so many popular activities were forced to close. Restaurants, movie theaters, and family get-togethers grinded to a halt in the face of an omnipresent, insidious disease. But we endured,” he said. “I noticed this same trend in our school, too. … We were able to recognize the necessity of these conditions, and got through it together.”
It’s been a difficult four years, but Bouffard pointed to his recollection of a “Got Hope?” poster in a middle school guidance office that still carries an important message.
“We have all learned what hope looks like: hope is perseverance. Hope is endurance. Hope is togetherness,” he said. “I have hope for all of you, class of 2023. I have hope for your futures, for your dreams. I’ve seen firsthand what all of you can do, and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring. There’s no challenge we can’t work through. It is for this reason that I have hope. We have to have hope… because where would we be without it?”
In addition to the school’s traditional moment of silence in respect to those who have served their country in uniform, members of the graduating class who will serve and those who have given their lives in uniform, Dr. Jones also asked for a moment of silence in respect for the family of student Ava Patete, who had been killed in an incident involving an MBTA train earlier in the week.
An aim to improve the climate
HANSON – Many high school valedictorians would envy an acceptance to Harvard or MIT as they plan their college career. Hanson’s Noah Roberts was accepted to both – plus a handful of others he was considering.
As his mortar board décor indicated during the Friday, June 2 commencement exercises at Whitman-Hanson Regional High School, MIT won out. It didn’t seem like a difficult decision for him to make because Roberts knows where he wants to go, and the most efficient way to get there.
His inspiration in studying engineering is the desire to work in an arena that helps make a change for the better in the world.
“There’s so much that needs to be changed in the world – that’s blatantly obvious,” he said. “But there’s no way I could do everything I want to do.”
The energy crisis and global warning led him to decide – citing the potential for an impact on class level and therefore political stability in different countries.
“It all stems from this energy issue and it’s really scary for the future, which is why I personally want to work toward and feel that I’m in a position now, that I can work toward,” he said, saying the praise he’s received for his accomplishments makes him a bit uncomfortable. “I’m just doing my best. I’m not doing anything special.”
Life wasn’t always so certain for him and his younger brother, Cody, as Noah candidly outlined in his emotional valedictory address to his classmates and their families.
“Over the course of my life, I have been surrounded by a variety of different expectations, all stemming from external circumstances,” he said. “As a little kid, not much was expected of me, as growing up in a household of mental illness and drug abuse generally is not the best baseline for a successful academic career.”
But he had a strong support system to help him along that journey.
“Trust me, I know that there is no such thing as a ‘normal’ family situation, but make sure to give the ones that you see as family, whether by blood or by bond, an extra-long hug today,” he advised his classmates. “As for me, my gratitude will always begin and end with my nana and brother. Nana, my entire being will be eternally grateful for the numerous sacrifices you have made for us: from delicious breakfasts every morning, to staying up late to make sure I get home safe, even after I arrive 30 minutes later than I said I would, to always being right somehow (which doesn’t seem very fair to me), you have always been there for me, and I genuinely don’t know where I would be without you, I love you nana. As for Cody, thank you for being my rock; through thick and thin you have stuck with me. If I could offer you any advice, it would be quite simple: keep your head up, you have great things ahead of you.”
In the audience there were tears from family members his grandmother Carol Sherwood called their village.
About two weeks before graduation, Noah and his grandmother, spoke with the Express about his already lofty achievement of so many high-profile college acceptances, what guides him and his plans for the future.
“I don’t know how I was in that situation,” he said of the Harvard/MIT decision. “A lot of it had to do with my major, since I want to do more like engineering, mechanical engineering, things with energy.”
His grandmother, whom he calls Nana, was a big booster for MIT as well.
The campus environment and an “ambiance for wanting to innovate for the better,” which greatly attracted him to the school.
“MIT is a better engineering school,” Sherwood said. “I think we all get caught up in the ‘Harvard! Oh, my gosh, I got accepted. That’s where I should go.’ But that may not be the best fit.”
She noted that her grandson was also accepted to Tufts University (his third option), Northeastern, and Worcester Polytechnic Insittute.
“They’re all good schools, and they’re getting harder and harder every year to get accepted,” she said.
“It’s just tough,” Roberts said. “I did a lot of research into admissions and the ease of application is [better] nowadays, that it’s more difficult because so many people are applying.”
Where once 5,000 or so high school seniors might have applied for a given year’s places at MIT, these days there might be closer to 30,000 applicants, he said.
“And each of those students is doing a lot more things,” he said. “They’re taking advantage of more opportunities within their own high schools that it really makes it more difficult for admissions decisions.”
While he may never know what tipped the scales in his favor at either Harvard or MIT, Roberts said they look for “actual people,” as opposed to students stacking their resume with activities geared toward making that good first impression.
“He’s very big into service,” Sherwood said. “It’s huge, and I think that’s what a lot of them are looking for, too – what else are you going to do?”
Roberts added that, while service is important, it can’t just be baseline.
“Do you do this with some type of passion, or why do you do this?” he said. “It’s so easy to just join National Honor Society and just put it as a resume filler.”
He belonged to the NHS as well as the English Honor Society, the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society and the Science Honor Society. He was also a member of the School Committee’s Student Advisory Council, whose members surveyed students at the elementary and middle schools about the issue of school start times, which the committee has been debating this year. He’s also done volunteer work with the Project 351 program since he was named a student ambassador at Hanson Middle School in 2019 and has participated in the town’s Memorial Day events.
“They’ve all been just fun and kind of shaping who I am,” he said, foreshadowing the theme of his valedictory titled “Who are you?” [See special section for text].
At WHRHS, he’s also been a class officer, culminating as president of the Class of 2023, as well as joining other school clubs [robotics and the Environmental Club and sports teams such as track “to fill the time” and meet people, making a lot of friends along the way.
“I think the admissions people are getting better and better at looking beyond just what’s written on the paper and trying to just see that there’s an actual person trying to get into the school and would they fit in this environment?” he said.
“They could have put it in the wrong pile,” he joked. “I’ll never know.”
He would have a hard time convincing his grandmother that kind of a mistake was even remotely possible.
Sherwood, a cafeteria employee at Indian Head School, raised Noah and Cody since they were small.
“It took a community,” she said adding that the Hanson schools could not have been a better help with her raising of the boys.
“It’s going to be very hard when my next one graduates next year, because I will have been raising children for 50 years,” she said. “My daughter [Noah’s mother] had some mental health issues and I had temporary custody for many, many, many, many years [before the] judge said, ‘no more temporary.’ It was never a question – of course.”
She credits Noah with being a very hard worker, who has been focused on what he wants and what it will take to get there.
“He knew that I didn’t have anything for him to go to college on,” she said. “I told him a long time ago, ‘you’re going to have to do it yourself,’ and he did. … I know I’m prejudiced, but I know there’s nothing, in my eye, that you can’t accomplish if you really want it and put your mind to it and try hard – and he is a perfect example because he gives and he gives and he gives, no matter what the school asks of him.”
Sherwood said he really does want to make a change in the world. And she’s certain he will.
Roberts is the first to admit he is lucky in many respects, and there are other students working equally hard, who just don’t have the same opportunities with which he has been gifted.
He said he’s matured through these experiences from an introvert to more of an extrovert.
“I feel comfortable talking to people and just becoming more interested in both people and the world around me, that it’s a lot easier to spark a conversation,” he said. “It’s almost your social muscle and you have to train it.”
Project 351 was a key tool in that maturation.
“I don’t know where he is a lot of the time until I call the school.” Sherwood said.
“Google Calendar is a blessing,” he said. Admitting that he over-committed last year to the point where it was detrimental to his health. “This year, I’ve learned to schedule a lot better and prioritize.”
Sherwood said deciding what to let go was the hard part.
CES graduates have a lot to celebrate
For the 17 Community Evening School students graduating on Thursday, June 1, the road to the commencement ceremony in the WHRHS Performing Arts Center may have been more challenging that for those receiving their diplomas the following evening, but it made the accomplishment sweeter.
“It gives me great joy to see these students … finishing what they started some 12 to 13 years ago,” said Superintendent of Schools Jeffrey Szymaniak as he reflected on his own rocky start as an educator teaching “students who didn’t fit the traditional school environment.”
His first job was teaching 12 freshmen in Abington, “who absolutely, positively didn’t wat to be there. They pushed me. It was hard. It was draining and, honestly, sometimes – many times – they drove me nuts.”
But by the end of that first year, he had learned his purpose as a educator was to find alternative ways for students to learn, grow and find success.
“I’ve been involved in alternative pathways for students to receive a diploma ever since,” he said. “I give you that background, because, graduates, I get it.”
The struggles CES students face can be difficult and that they have to work to be there every day, are truisms he said he understands.
“I know things didn’t go as planned and getting your diploma has not been easy,” he said, expressing pride and joy for what they had accomplished and asking them to find their people in the audience and recognize their pride, too.
“They see you,” he said. “They see your struggles and, tonight, they see your accomplishment. … You found a way to finish, and you have the right to sit on the stage tonight. For that, you have earned tremendous respect.”
The school also continued the CES tradition of handing out diplomas, as each student was afforded the opportunity to decide from whom they wish to receive it. Parents, grandparents, boyfriends, fiances, teachers and administrators have been represented in that group over the years.
CES Co-Director William Glynn offered humor and wisdom in his keynote speech of “helpful commentary on what comes next,” including five ways of living that make “the huge, crushing weight of life bearable” and can also make it exciting, interesting and valuable beyond measure: Know when to move on; embrace happiness; speak up; take risks and celebrate and congratulate other people’s successes.
“He is the person that many turn to in both happy and difficult times,” his co-director Joseph Chismar said in introducing Glynn.
“Don’t dwell on past mistakes,” Glynn advised. “Move on, get up and go. Don’t chase the loss.”
The change from moving on, whether physically or mentally and emotionally can change one’s life.
“There will be hard moments,” said of embracing happiness. “There will be hard days …This is the reality of our world. There will also be … moments of genuine happiness and positivity in your lives. Treasure and cultivate, recognize and do the real work needed to extend those times of happiness.”
When it comes to speaking up, Glynn said it can change lives.
“If you find yourself in one of those moments where you think, ‘Gosh, somebody should really say something.’ You! You are the somebody who should say something.”
Whether at work, or in the voting booth, use your voice he said.
“Those people who tell you it doesn’t matter are fools,” he warned. Democracy is hard, being engaged and active is hard, speaking up is hard, but it is worth doing. Being silent is easy, and it is a trap.”
Everything doesn’t have to stay the same, he said, advising the graduates to take risks, which is essential to living a fulfilling and exciting life.
“Sometimes it will work out, sometimes it will fail and sometimes it will be a disaster – and sometimes it will be glorious beyond your wildest expectations,” he said.
Finally, celebrating others and expressing kindness and congratulations costs nothing and makes people feel great while putting “legit goodness out into the world.”
“Say the words,” he said. “You aren’t lessening yourself when you say these words, you are literally cultivating a world of fraternity and positivity.”
Receiving diplomas were: Guinevere Ambrose, Guilherme Rodrigues Azevedo, Aidan Vincent Bernier, Kalli Marie Bonner, Julyanna Marie Colby, Rafael Costa Da Silva, James Bernard Gillan, Autumn Mary Gray, Brenn PAtrick Keefe, Dali Kelsch, Brooke Nancy Presente, Joecelly Estrela Teixeira Rodrigues, Pedro Henrique Gomes Sampaio, Jennifer Freitas Scofano, Benjamin Joseph Sheehan, Wesley Keydson Silva Marques and Kaik Ribeiro Souza.
MBTA pedestrian fatality investigated
Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak announced with deep regret on Wednesday, May 31 that a Whitman-Hanson Regional High School student died Tuesday night.
The student has since been identified as Ava Patete,16, a goalkeeper for the W-H girls’ Soccer team from East Bridgewater. Funeral plans by Chapman Funerals and Cremation, 98 Bedford St., Bridgewater, have been anounced for Saturday, June 17. {See obituary, opposite].
The incident is still under investigation.
A person described as a juvenile female was killed by a train Tuesday night, May 30, according to a statement released by Whitman Police and Fire Departments.
MBTA Transit Police notified Whitman Police at about 8:30 p.m. that the crash occurred in Whitman involving a southbound train, which possibly struck a pedestrian on the tracks.
Whitman Police and Fire responded to the scene, where the victim was pronounced deceased.
“We are all tremendously saddened to hear of this tragic loss,” Szymaniak said in a statement issued through John Guilfoil Public Relations, which also handled press releases on the incident from police and fire officials. “Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends of the students and all those who knew them. We also extend our condolences to our friends at East Bridgewater High School, who were also affected by this tragedy.”
High School Principal Dr. Christopher Jones asked for a moment of silence in memory of the student during the DFS Scholarship Night ceremonies on Wednesday, May 31.
“Before we start the ceremony to celebrate the success of the students that are sitting with us, as many of you know, our community suffered a tragedy this past evening,” he said. “I ask, out of respect for the family that you keep them in your thoughts, prayers and wishes as they go through this difficult time.”
As he spoke, students who knew the girl killed Tuesday night were gathered, sitting around a signal pole at the South Avenue MBTA crossing, in remembrance of their friend. Over the next several hours, memorial offerings of flowers, signs reading “Forever our Ava” and other sentiments, balloons and a teddy bear had been left.
Whitman Police Chief Timothy Hanlon and Whitman Fire Chief Timothy Clancy also extended their condolences to the family.
Grief counselors were available May 31, and will remain available in the coming weeks to assist students and staff as the school district mourns and for anyone needing their services.
Szymaniak said the district encourages students and the school community to talk to counselors, faculty and parents, as this tragedy is sure to raise emotions, concerns and questions for us all.
Additional resources for students and families relating to gried and loss can be found at, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, and, courtesy of the National Education Association.
Mass. State Police detectives, MBTA Transit Police, Hanson Police, East Bridgewater Police and the Whitman Department of Public Works also responded to the scene.
The crash is under investigation by Mass. State Police detectives assigned to the Plymouth County District Attorney’s office and MBTA Transit Police.
Questions raised on raising revenue
WHITMAN – Questions have been raised about a Town Meeting vote on the amount of tax money vs. free cash used to balance the fiscal 2024 budget.
Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter reported, in response to a taxpayer’s question that a Town Meeting article to use free cash to reduce the funds raided taxation needed to balance the fiscal 2024 budget.
Dawn Byers, a School Committee member, addressing the Select Board as a private citizen asked in the public forum on Tuesday, May 23 for the clarification, aware that it would not be up for discussion at the meeting, but in hopes it could be explained at a future meeting.
“I have some follow-up questions regarding Article 42 from the May 1 Town Meeting,” Byers said. “I do hope, as you proceed with setting the tax levy over the next several months, you will perhaps be able to address this in a future public meeting.”
Article 42 asked Town Meeting to vote to appropriate a sum of money from available free cash to reduce the amount of money to be raised by taxation for fiscal 2024.
Byers asked that the board explain what is being done with Article 42, which was approved by the Town Meeting, and why the Select Board proposed the article. She noted that the Finance Committee had not voted on it because there was no dollar figure at that time it came before them, but an amendment on Town Meeting floor inserted the amount of $455,323.
“There was a lower amount and when the schools came in, we had a compromise,” Carter said. “We juggled some things around from capital and so forth, and that was the amount we needed from the remaining free cash to just close the budget.”
Carter said it had been discussed all through the budget process that the town would be using funds from free cash to close the budget.
“After that was done, there was $53,000 some-odd remaining in free cash,” she said. “That was it.”
Byers said it sounds like the town is not fully taxing to the levy, but instead chose to use free cash or is perhaps not recognizing some new growth.
The board will be returning to the issue at coming meetings, Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski indicated.
“We do often hear the term Proposition 2 ½ override, but this feels like the opposite – is this an underride and is it the board’s intention to report it to the Department of Revenue as such when the FY ’24 tax levy is set?” she said. “[It] is a significant amount of tax revenue.”
An accountant in her professional life, Byers asked what the purpose of the one-time free cash funds was, what was the benefit to the town and and who benefits by reducing the amount of money to be raised by taxation.
“I did attend Town Meeting,” Byers said, noting that it had lasted nearly three and a half hours and the article was the second to last to be voted on that night. “We were all there until 11 p.m.” she said.
“While I do agree it was approved by the voters just prior to 11 p.m., I think it’s an extremely important financial decision made by the town that deserves to be further explained,” she said.
In other business, with the Whitman Police Department down a number of officers with a couple more planning retirements in the coming months, Chief Timothy Hanlon requested that the Select Board start the process of calling for a civil service list.
The board approved the request unanimously.
“The process is going to be a little bit more lengthy than it was in the past, when we had the opportunity to reserve officers and see how they fit in on more or less a part-time basis and go through the part-time academy,” Hanlon said.
With the new police reform law, there is no more part-time police academy, however, and the department has exhausted its reserve list as two of them began the police academy May 22, but until they graduate, Hanlon said the department is going to have to fill the remaining vacancies by starting a new civil service list.
Vice Chair Dan Salvucci asked if it would affect promotions within the ranks, and Hanlon said it depends on what ranks retire, as a majority are officers and one is of rank.
The board also approved an amendment to the host community agreement with Soul Flower Inc., permitting the firm to split the company into multiple corporations – retailer Chill & Bliss LLC, product manufacturer Fusion Drop LLC, cultivator Crafted Cannibis LLC and existing licensing transporter Soul Flower Express LLC – for business purposes, according to Carter. All are Massachusetts LLCs and have been approved by town counsel.
“The HCA restricts their ability to so, so they need this amendment,” she said. “It should not change their operations as approved by the [Select Board] under the host community agreement.”
New use for old math
By Tracy F. Seelye, Express editor
When NASA mathmetician Katherine Johnson needed to calculate how astronaut John Glen could safely re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere after his Gemini mission as the first American to orbit the Earth, she didn’t use “new math.”
Johnson used Euler’s Method, first published in 1768. Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler’s method is based on the theory of bending, as applied to structural beams and other structural members under different stresses to the maximum load it can take in the axial (vertical) direction before it bends.
Hardly old enough to merit the, “But, that’s ancient,” retort dramatized in the 2016 film “Hidden Figures,” but it is old math.
Now, thanks, to a math text, “Principals of Geometry,” published in the early 1800s and donated to the Whitman-Hanson Regional High School, by resident Michelle Maning, perhaps history can repeat itself.
Well, maybe a student might be inspired to apply an old math formula to a project in a modern math or history class.
“It is fragile,” Manning said. “I can’t find [the printing date], it’s missing a few of the front pages, but the illustrations say 1813 – ‘Aug. 12, 1813. J. Taylor, 50 High St., Hillburn, London.’”
Manning’s stepfather, Joseph P. Deegan was born Jan 6, 1942 to Irish immigrant parents. He grew up in a brownstone on Broadway in South Boston. He was an only child and had little family in America.
Manning got the book from her father, who had been an only child whose mother died when he was 3 and his father died when he was 16. The old woman who lived downstairs in the building where he grew up in South Boston looked out for him until he was of legal age.
Joe joined local 4, the operating engineers union when he was 18 with whom he was a member for 61 years. He worked many years for Shaunessy Crane in Boston and became shop Stuart. In 1968 he purchased his small home in whitman for an astounding 17,000. He lived there happily with his wife Barbara until his death in May of 2021.
“He knew very little of his own family, because there wasn’t anybody here –everybody died so young,” she said.
When her dad died two years ago and she was clearing out the attic, she found the math text.
“It’s full of intricate mathematical drawings and illustrations,” Manning said of the book and surmised that it was owned by an ancestor in Ireland and made the voyage to America with one of his parents. It more than likely belonged to great grandparent or more. “It’s my hope that the book will inspire many students with both its history and lessons.”
“I don’t have any children and I don’t have any family now,” she said. “So, when my time comes, I don’t want anyone giving this to Good Will or worse, throwing it away.”
Then she had to take into consideration the condition of the book.
“It’s not in the kind of shape where it can be curated,” she said. “But, I figured I’m an alum here, why not give it to the math department here? I think using some of these illustrations for exercises would be hilarious.”
Math teacher Deborah Caruso said the book is a “really cool” gift and suggested a plaque recognizing the gift and placement in a school display case might be appropriate at the very least.
“I figured I’d chat with my math department and see,” she said. “We have lockable display cases in the hallway.”
She said there could also be some amazing application problems in the book, as well.
“I’ve enjoyed looking through it, but I know you guys might enjoy it more,” Manning said.
“I know the math teachers will be so excited to take a look at it,” Caruso said. “We will find some interesting ways to bring it into the classroom, for sure.”
Not only could classroom exercises be designed on illustrations from the book, there are several students who love math and would be interested in “what it used to be, and how it used to look,” she said.
“You could share it with the history department, too,” Manning said. “Books were so valuable when this was printed. …You had to be a very wealthy person to have a book. It was an art and took a long time.”
Honoring the fallen on Memorial Day
Heart-felt personal tributes by Select Board members to late family members and town residents who served in harm’s way during America’s wars, parades and ceremonies marked Memorial Day in Whitman and Hanson on Monday, May 29.
“As a community we tell their stories and we visit their gave sites
Whitman Select Board member Shawn Kain recalled the service of his grandfather, Robert Hughes, who was born in Boston in 1922. Hughes had lived in Whitman for a long time and had left at age 16 to join the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the Depression.
The CCC was a New Deal program giving urban youths work and an opportunity to live in camps in rural or wilderness areas to get away from the unhealthy living environment of the cities.
After he became old enough, Hughes joined the Army and, during World War II, parachuted into the Normandy, France countryside on June 6, 1944 with the advance wave of paratroops as part of the D-Day invasion of Europe.
“I think of that moment and how powerful it was … and the sacrifice that he made,” Kain said. “I just can’t get over how unfathomable that is. My grandfather is my hero and, today, Memorial Day, as a community we remember our heroes. We tell their stories, we visit their gravesites.”
For those who didn’t come back, Kain said, the community holds a special place in their collective hearts for them and thank them for their service.
Select Board member Justin Evans paid tribute to WWII Medal of Honor posthumous recipient. 1st Lt. John Fox, who lies in Colebrook Cemetery. The Board had attended memorial ceremonies at Colebrook before the parade.
Evans recalled how Fox, an African-American soldier had radioed artillery fire on his position while being overrun by German forces in Italy. He had been found after the battle, along with more than 100 dead Axis soldiers surrounding his location.
“Part of the job at Memorial Day is recognizing some of these sacrifices,” Evans said, noting it took some 50 years before Fox’s family to gain the recognition of Fox’s all-Black unit. … [Another part] of that effort is continuing to fight for freedom and equality.”
Select Vice Chair Dan Salvucci saluted his father, who had enlisted uring World War II, and re-enlisted for transfer to the Pacific after the war in Europe had ended.
“I asked him why he did that, and he said, ‘My job wasn’t over.’ That’s the type of people who sacrificed of themselves,” he said “We can’t thank [our veterans] enough,”
Select Board member Laura Howe thanked residents for turning out to remember the sacrifices of the fallen.
State Rep. Alyson Sullivan R-Abington, told Whitman parade-goers about a conversation he had with a Gold Star wife in that town earlier in the day.
“There are so many mothers and fathers that we are thinking about today,” she said. “Today isn’t about a cookout or a barbecue or even the parade in an of itself. To all our Gold Star families and friends of Gold Star families, today we are thinking of you all.”
A shortened parade route then wound around Whitman Park to the Civil War Monument at the crest of the park’s highest hill where the combined Whitman middle and high school band s played the national anthem and “Taps” – the latter also performed at Town Halls before memorial wreaths were placed at Town Hall’s honor roll monument and monuments to Civil War fallen and service in al wars.
Hanson’s parade, however, had to work around band music because of what Veterans Officer Joe Gumbakis described as misunderstanding about an agreement to alternate the WHRHS band between the two towns, due to music faculty changeovers.
“The band kind of fell through this year, for us,” he reported to the Hanson Select Board on Tuesday, May 23. After discussions with the district, he said the issue has been resolved and the rotation schedule would return next year.
Conservation Agent Phil Clemons said the Congregational Church in Hanson, where he is a co-leader of a group “willing, able and preparing to lead in the national anthem and ‘God Bless America’ at the appropriate times.”
“There’s a plan in place for that, and it will not be missed,” Clemons said. “And we will not fail to do it.”
The parade, with an adjusted format, began with an abbreviated ceremony at Indian Head School and wreath-laying at Town Hall, with the remainder of the program, including the participation of the re-enactors of the 22nd Mass. Vol. Infantry, honoring the original Union regiment that served in clashes such as the Seven Days, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg and the Wilderness. A family-oriented living history group. The 22nd Mass., also includes female members portraying the U.S. Sanitary Commission, which promoted healthy living conditions in Union camps.
Some of the women in the group also portray the widows and other mourning female family members of the Union’s fallen.
The American Legion Post held a cleanup Saturday, May 27 in preparation for a post-parade gathering.
“It was s a great success, we had many volunteers that helped out, Veterans from the Legion, Sons of the Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Select Board Members, our Veterans Agent, and many others,” Legion member Selectman David George said. “A special thanks goes out to Michael Guest from MW Guest Property Services in Hanson, as they showed up in full force with a working crew to include Michaels Wife Shannon and their five children.”
George termed the day’s efforts a job well done as horseshoe area, pavilion, and the whole yard was cleaned up front and back, New flags were installed on all flag poles, mulch donated by MW Guest was spread and flowers donated by the Ladies Auxiliary were planted.
Local elections see low voter turnout
On an election day notable for a light turnout and a rainy afternoon, voters in Whitman and Hanson sent something of a divided message at the ballot box – returning some incumbents in contested Select Board races, and opting for a change in one Whitman post. The town also approved a debt exclusion for a new DPW building, but opted to keep the Treasurer-Collector position an elected, rather than an appointed one.
Incumbent Select Board Chair Randy LaMattina, who had been the subject of other town office holders’ damaging comments during board public comment periods over the past few months, as well as a campaign of “slander” on a private Facebook account, lost out in a four-way race for two seats on Whitman’s Select Board.
Fellow incumbent Dr. Carl Kowalski was the top vote-getter with 605 votes. Animal Control Officer Laura Howe, was next with 502, to take the other seat up for votes. LaMattina Garnered 441 and Finance Committee member Rosemary Connolly received 437 votes.
In Hanson, Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett won re-election in an extremely light turnout of 463 voters, receiving 291 votes in a three-way contest for two seats. Newcomer David George received 234 votes to also gain a seat on the board, and fellow freshman candidate Thomas Chambers received 176 votes
“I think it’s going to be a competitive race, “LaMattina said while doing some sign-holding Saturday morning. “You run on what you’ve done or want to do, you don’t run on slandering people.”
He pointed to concern over where their tax dollars are going was the main issue voters he spoke to mentioned.
“That’s going to be a challenge, obviously, with big projects on the horizon,” he said.
LaMattina said Monday that, while the loss was bittersweet, he accepted it without reservation.
“It stings to lose because the town means a lot to me,” he said. “But it’s politics. … The town voted, I accept it and our family will still try to contribute as much as we can to the town.
“Four people took some votes from me,” he said. “[Residents] obviously bullet-voted, because there were a lot of blanks. … I don’t mind losing, but I do mind losing to lies, slander and innuendo.”
A Facebook campaign on a private page had been spreading misinformation about his wife and daughter – including where his daughter attends school – and charging that the Select Board was corrupt, he said.
“It was all on Facebook,” he said. “It’s fine for people to disagree with you … it was just attacks on me.”
LaMattina said he knew his pushback against the school district on the budget issue would cost him votes, but he said he felt it was the right thing to do.
I am very happy that Carl got in,” he said.
Kowalski said that, while optimistic, he never knows how the voters will cast their ballots.
“There are people who would like change,” he said. “Change isn’t always as good as a rest.”
Kowalski expressed gratitude to Whitman residents for his re-election.
“I will work hard to have thus earned their trust over what may be a difficult period of time,” he stated. “Of course, I will miss having Randy LaMattina with me, for he was an extremely hard-working and talented Board member and chair, but I am sure that Laura Howe will work equally hard to fill his shoes.”
He said he was thrilled that the DPW question was passed and eager to work for the passing of the Whitman Middle School project when it comes up next fall.
Connolly, for her part, said she was running to inform the public more than in hopes of winning an election. She wanted to “get out there and talk honestly about [town] finances, something that’s not happening at the selectmen level,” she also said there is so little engagement between the public and the Finance Committee.
Howe said she plans to work on a website for herself as a member of the Select Board, as well as an animal control page on Facebook, putting the link on Whitman Pride and unfriending that group.
“I am honored and moved to represent the community that I hold so dear,” she said. “I am optimistic that together we will bring forth new ideas in a ever changing world and cement a strong foundation for the future of our community.”
“I feel things that have happened there should not be accepted or appreciated as a kind caring honest wife mother grandmother Animal Control Officer and, gratefully, now selectman,” she said.
In Hanson, the big story was a small number – that of the handful or voters who cast ballots Saturday.
“I’m really hoping that we get some good turnout,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said Saturday morning. “Things, so far, seem to be very slow. We don’t have any ballot questions [and] there’s not any hotly contested races. … I’m just hoping that people show up, because your vote counts in a town this size, and this is the type of election where people could be decided by a handful of votes.”
She said Monday that she was grateful for the voters’ support and indicated that town finances are the first
“I think I’m going to do OK,” George said. He said most of his conversations with voters have been about money and town finances.
In Hanson, there was some spirit of bipartisanship going on outside the Hanson Middle School polling place as Select Board challenger Tom Chambers helped Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett and her husband raise a pop-up tent against rain predicted later in the day.
“I look forward to working with the Select Board and keeping Hanson a great town to live in,” George said of his win Monday.
Candidates in both towns were out holding signs in the morning expressed nervous hope about the day’s result.
“I’ll wait until the end of the day,” Chambers said. “I’m not going to make a prediction.”
He said he’s been researching the state’s 40B regulations in preparation for his hope of winning a seat, as voters had been talking to him about it.
“Once I sink my teeth into something, once I find an issue, I’ll research it up and down, 110 percent and make my decision based on what’s most beneficial to the town.”
DPW Commission Chair Kevin Cleary was grateful for the support from the Select Board and other town boards as well as the members of the police and fire departments, but added it is always hard to predict what voters will do.
“They all support us,” he said of the town officials and public safety rank and file, noting that social media was a bigger tool this time out than it was the last time a DPW building went on the ballot in 2013. “We did a better job of getting out there with the website, getting information [ to voters]. Just grassroots.”
He credited the website as being a valuable tool.
“I am proud of the residents of the Town for understanding the important duties that the DPW performs and the need to provide the employees with a new facility that will have the basic features that will allow them to continue to serve our community, DPW Commissioner Kevin Cleary said. “I would like to thank the DPW Commissioners, the DPW building committee, and the DPW employees for their hard work in getting the project approved. Thank you to everyone that stood out in the rain on election day to support the project. I would also like to thank the other town departments and our town leaders for supporting the project. We look forward to opening a new facility in the Fall of 2024.”
School Committee hopeful Kevin Mayer, who was waging a campaign for a “common sense” approach to education, garnered 447 to come in third after incumbent winners Steven Bois – with 594 votes—and David Forth – with 475 votes – to represent Whitman on the W-H School Committee. A fourth candidate, Kaitlin Barton, received 353 votes.
“I want to keep it basic – more common sense,” Mayer said of his campaign themes. “I’d like to see the schools start to get more involved in some career-driven stuff, too. You don’t always have to push college.”
He said the days of encouraging very high school student to go to college are over.
“You can make more money in the trades than you can make, a lot of times, getting out of school,” he said.
Mayer said he sees the fallout from that in his fence company, where finding employees is hard as students, pushed to obtain degrees they’re not using might be hesitant to take a job outside of their major subject.
“I like giving back to the town,” he said. “I own a business here, I grew up in Hanson. To get involved is always nice.”
Whitman Town Clerk Dawn Varley said early and absentee votes had been light, as well.
“I think it’ll be an average turnout,” Varley said during the first hour of voting Saturday. There had been under 100 absentee and only four early votes cast ahead of Election Day itself. She estimated that about 1,300 votes would be cast. By the end of the day 1,113 votes had been cast, about 10 percent of the 11,213 registered votes in town.
“They were lined up early this morning,” she said. “Usually, there’s only a couple, but there were quite a few people here. The weather might play a big part – there’s a lot of factors. … What I do think is unusual is that, politically, it’s been quiet. There’s not a lot of signs. … It’s quiet for two heavily contested races.”
Hanson Town Clerk Elizabeth Sloan said there were only 86 ballots cast in three days of early voting last week.
“It is very disappointing,” she said. “We’ll be surprised if we get even 1,00 today, total, with early voting.”
Boards choose next leaders
Some new faces will be wielding the gavel at meetings of the regional school committee in the coming fiscal year as town boards held reorganization sessions on Monday, May 22 and Tuesday, May 23.
The School Committee kicked things off Monday by electing Beth Stafford as the new chair by a 8-2 vote on a first ballot. Fred Small had also been nominated.
The committee reorganization was the only agenda item. Hanson member Glen DiGravio attended remotely by phone.
Presiding until a chair had been voted, Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak also welcomed new Hanson member Steve Cloutman, who was elected to fill out the final two years of former Chair Christopher Howard’s term after he resigned earlier this spring. Szymaniak also congratulated Whitman members Steve Bois and David Forth on their re-elections as well as Hanson member Hillary Kniffen, who was also re-elected on Saturday,, May 20.
The Vice Chair selection took two ballots after nominees Fred Small and David Forth were deadlocked with five votes each, Steve Bois had also been nominated for the first vote, but withdrew is name by voting against himself. On a second ballot, Chris Scriven threw his hat into consideration, winning the vote by a vote of 6-4.
Steve Bois was elected treasurer by unanimous vote with Dawn Byers elected assistant treasurer by 9-1 vote. David Forth received 9 votes to 1 be selected secretary-clerk.
Subcommittees and new membership for the Regional Agreement Committee were delayed until the committee’s next meeting in order to give new members time to familiarize themselves with the available subcommittee assignments.
The select boards held reorganization sessions Tuesday, where Hanson kept its officers from last year – chaired by Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett, with Joe Weeks again serving as vice chair and Ann Rein elected as clerk once more.
It was back to the future in Whitman, with Dr. Carl Kowalski voted as chair, Dan Salvucci as vice chair and Justin Evans as clerk. Evans was also selected as the board’s liaison to the Regional Agreement Committee, while Hanson tabled their committee and subcommittee assignments until their board members can review their present commitments, although new member David George volunteered to serve as liaison to the Veterans Serives Officer and the Police Department. He is a veteran who worked in law enforcement before retiring.
Legal advice delays OK of flags, sidewalk paint
WHITMAN – Sometimes a singe individual can create an issue where there hadn’t been one before – for example, poet Amanda Gorman’s Biden inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb,” was pulled from Miami-Dade, Florida schools following a single challenge to its “appropriateness,” the latest ban of literature and history books in that state’s schools.
Whitman town officials have, in the past year, received a complaint about small pride flags, bought with an employee’s own money, to decorate flower boxes at the Council on Aging as a signal for LGBTQ elders who may have no support elsewhere, that they are welcome.
Now a request from Whitman Pride to has moved Town Counsel to advise that the town form a policy on flag displays and painted sidewalks to remove any problems from the approval process for either.
“We’re not saying no, we’re saying we need a process,” Select Board Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said.
The Select Board voted on Tuesday, May 23, to refer the matter to the By-Law Committee, after members have a chance to ask questions of Town Counsel prior to its next meeting – on June 20. While that may be too late to hinge a sidewalk painting project planned at Whitman Public Library on the annual June Pride Month activities for the LGTBQ+ community, it is a project proponents wish to advance.
Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter said Kathleen Evans had reached out to the library about painting portions of the sidewalk in rainbow colors for Pride Month – at the side entrance to the building and a small area at the front.
“It’s something that has not been requested before and I just think that maybe it should go for a by-law[ revision],” she said.
Because of a recent Supreme Court decision involving the City of Boston and its flag displays at City Hall, after a private Christian group demanded it’s flag be placed there in response to a Pride flag. Boston receives more than 280 requests for flag displays a year, but that application was the only one rejected.
Justice Stephen G. Breyer, writing for six members of the court, said the central question in the case, Shurtleff v. City of Boston, No. 20-1800, was whether the city had created a public forum by allowing private groups to use its flagpole or was conveying its own speech by choosing and endorsing the flags it approved.
“All told, while the historical practice of flag flying at government buildings favors Boston, the city’s lack of meaningful involvement in the selection of flags or the crafting of their messages leads us to classify the flag raisings as private, not government, speech — though nothing prevents Boston from changing its policies going forward,” Breyer wrote last year.
That is why Whitman’s legal counsel advised that the town institute a policy for flag or painted sidewalk displays before taking any action on the current application.
Select Board Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said he has spoken to Town Counsel about the matter.
“It appears to me that displaying the flag – no matter what flag it is – and to paint a crosswalk, no matter what kind of designation the cause is – this has nothing to do with what is planned to be painted [at the library],” he said. “It would mean that, in the future, we would have to approve everything. Anything. It could be KKK or the [Proud] Boys, and so I thought we should be cautious on it.”
Counsel Michelle McNulty opined that, since the town does not have a policy governing crosswalk painting or flag display approval process, the town needs to have one in place before the board takes any action on any request, to protect both the town and applicants.
Kowalski suggested the matter be passed to the By-Law Committee without discussion, but as Kathleen Evans’ wish to explain her project was granted – that meant Select Board member Justin Evans, who is her husband, had to leave the room.
Select Board member Shawn Kain expressed concern over passing it to the By-Law Committee without being able to ask questions of town counsel first.
“It would be helpful to have some guidance from counsel here, because the massage I [got] as a lay person reading these documents, I thought it said if you don’t explicitly have a by-law, which states how we fly flags and that kind of stuff, then you can’t really restrict because if you restrict one, you should be restricting others,” Kain said. “There was some ambiguity about it.”
He stressed it was not the cause that caused his concern.
‘I think it’s a cool imitative, I think it’s cool for Pride Month,” he said. “I’d like to support it, but obviously I don’t want to go against what’s recommended by counsel.”
He asked if there was a way to expedite the request.
Kathleen Evans said ideally the project was intended to be done in time for Pride Month in June, but it could be done in a different month. She said that, if it paves the way for other Pride displays in town, it would be worthwhile to have the By-Law Committee create a policy.
“I’m not comfortable with Justin having to leave,” Kain said.
“She said he has to remove himself from the room, because he could affect it just by being here – and he’s an imposing figure,” Kowalski quipped. “Just by being here he could affect what goes on in the room.”
Kathleen Evans said she and a group got together last year to do the sidewalk project as an inclusive project, and that other South Shore communities, such as Hingham have done similar projects in the past year alone.
“It seemed like it would be really feasible and the library expressed interest in doing it,” she said. “I think inclusivity is important and this would be a really cool way to get people involved in a project that would last.”
Kowalski said he totally agreed with the project and the reason behind it, but the town had to “make sure we don’t open the path for people who aren’t as interested in sensitivity to other people.”
Rosemary Connolly, of Franklin Street, asked if some of the groups like the Proud Boys that Kowalski had mentioned, would be covered under hate speech regulations.
“I really think we need something in writing,” he said. “I was just using those [groups] as an example.”
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