HANSON – The Healey-Driscoll administration is asking towns what they need from state government, and the Select Board plans to tell them just that by the Friday, Oct. 20 deadline.
Board members on Tuesday, Oct. 10 pointed to the need for more money – for schools, infrastructure, and elder services, as well as the need for equitable changes to the way regional school agreements are governed as key concerns for the town.
“I need them to give us more money for schools and infrastructure,” said Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett.
Town Administrator Lisa Green was drafting the email to the governor’s office for the board. Green had also attended a meeting between Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll and area municipal representatives at Bridgewater State University recently. Organized by the UMass Collins Center, it covered areas that impact municipalities such as laws and regulations as well as areas they want to see the administration work on to change, update or revise laws to make things easier for towns and cities to address residents’ needs.
“The administration and the governor are very interested in being partners with municipalities,” Green said. “They’re reaching out now … to get feedback on areas we would like them to focus on.”
While FitzGerald-Kemmett said she could not place enough emphasis on the schools, she agreed with board member Ann Rein that infrastructure is also key.
“The way school looks has changed dramatically in terms of the emotional support components and the number of special needs children and all of that, and it’s like a runaway train in terms of funding,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said.
“I think we need to look at both infrastructure and the schools, because there’s a lot of infrastructure that needs help” Rein said.
“I think that we need to have them, if they’re willing to listen to it, we have a whole bunch of people who are going to look at regional agreements and things like that,” Vice Chair Joe Weeks said. “If they’re going to listen to us, I want them to look at the way in which they structure regional agreements so that they benefit everybody – not just one town.”
He also said, that while they talk about kids a lot, Hanson has a lot of elderly on fixed incomes.
“Our elder services and elder affairs need a lot more money and a lot more attention,” he said. “I think we’ve got to look at both ends of the life spectrum.”
Green said health and human services was a concern the Bridgewater State meeting also touched on, as well as school transportation.
“I really think we’re going to be coming up against a perfect storm of public safety departments vs. the schools [at the annual Town Meeting in May] and there’s not going to be enough money to go around,” Weeks said. “I really don’t want to get into a ‘who is more important’ and ‘which budget line item is more important than the next.’ We constantly have our first responders sacrificing themselves and making dedications so the town can stay afloat.”
He urged outlining to the governor exactly the kind of budgeting challenges small towns like Hanson with little commercial property taxation are facing when they have to lean on residential property taxes.
“We’re always putting neighbors against each other and that’s not the town we want and that’s not what I would think the governor would want,” he said.
The October Town Meeting, starting with $2,267,948 from free cash and other enterprise and stabilization accounts, and concluded with $1,486,433.56 remaining.
While that figure is good, there is still uncertainty about the fiscal 2025 budget. FitzGerald-Kemmet said she would like to see the town accountant continue to search for past allotments that were voted, but never spent and/or grant reimbursements to bolster that number.
“I think we all know that there’s a cliff that we’re about to fall off if we don’t have an override,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “I don’t know what that override looks like – maybe there’ll be some rabbit pulled out of a hat – I don’t know.’
In other business, the board deferred the matter of supporting a borrowing issue for a proposed Whitman Middle School back to the School Committee as it is really not germane to Hanson.
Tri-Town Veterans Day Parade planned
The 70th Annual Tri-Town Veterans Day Parade (Rockland, Abington and Whitman), hosted this year by the Town of Rockland, will take place at 10 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 11.
Participants will stage on North Union Street by Summit Street and Larry’s Auto and will march down Union St., crossing Market Street and ending in the parking area of tire old Rockland Plaza.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Jeff Najarian at 781-985-4721
Changes ahead in ed policy?
It’s that time of year, again when the Mass. Association of School Committees (MASC) seeks support of resolutions regarding educational issues at its annual conference.
As there are often some controversial topics on that list, this year is no different, as the W-H School Committee voted on Wednesday, Oct. 11 to support higher fines for passing school buses and changes to the MCAS test, while expressing concern about a requirement for a diversity coordinator and rejecting a safe gun storage education plan as outside a school committee’s responsibility.
The recommendation calling on the General Court to enact legislation to give cities and towns the ability to install digital detection monitoring systems on school buses in the interest of pursuing fines against drivers who pass stopped school buses as well as legislation raising those fines.
The fines are intended to be a “significant schedule of fines” as a penalty for the violations either witnessed by a police officer or recorded by a digital video monitor. The equipment would be a district expense.
Right now, the fine is $200.
“Is there a way the [expected] $41.8 million in tickets could be sent back to us?” Member Glen DiGravio asked. “That would be fantastic. It would pay for itself.”
Member Fred Small said the legislature was speaking about that possibility.
“If this came through in legislation, I’m sure there would be grant funding for safety and security from the governor’s office so that all buses would have that,” Szymaniak said.
The MASC has also recommend all districts appoint a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) coordinator to work toward anti-racism is only putting a title to a person, Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak said. The MASC is recommending that all districts adopt the position at its annual conference this month.
“We have that person in place,” he said. “If it has to be a certain, specific title, that makes me a little anxious.”
They hired Director of Equity and MTSS Nicole Semas-Schneeweis
School Committee on Wednesday, Oct. 11, but Szymaniak expressed concern that, he would have to rename the position and take away other responsibilities.
Committee member David Forth, who will represent the W-H School Committee at the MASC asked for guidance as to what questions he should ask.
“You can get up and speak and tell why we voted that way or what our question is,” Chair Beth Stafford said.
DiGravio asked if the resolution would make the position mandatory for school districts that don’t already have it and if there are districts that don’t have such a position now.
“These are just recommendations,” Stafford said.
Stafford asked the committee for meeting norms they wished to suggest for discussion and possible adoption. They will be revisited at the next meeting, when a full committee could attend. Member Steve Bois was absent from the meeting.
The review of MCAS results is also up for a change as the MCAS seeks a more consensus-building wider approach to an evaluation system with “meaningful input from legitimate stakeholders,” investigating the extent of bias in the testing and seeking an immediate moratorium on the MCAS test while an alternative method is developed.
Stafford reminded the School Committee that the MTA is sponsoring a petition to put the issue on a ballot.
“The devil we know is better than the devil we don’t know,” said committee member Hillary Kniffen, who teaches sophomore English. “It’s not going away, they’re talking about replacing it with something else. … I worry about this.”
MTA is working to remove the MCAS a graduation requirement.
DiGravio asked for clarification about what the resolution means by “high-stakes” and “bias.” The stakes are that students must pass it to graduate.
Bias, on the other hand, pertains to cultural bias in the wording of questions, especially for students who come from another country, and problematic accommodations for students with learning differences.
“It is a flawed test, to say the least,” Kniffen said.
“I have always been against it being a graduation requirement because I have a grandson who has Down Syndrome,” Stafford said. “He’ll never be able to pass that and not being able to do a portfolio [demonstrating his learning progress], why can’t he get a diploma?”
She said he would receive a certificate of attendance instead.
“Not good enough,” DiGravio said.
Both Kniffen and Stafford said they have never taught to the test.
Another bias is that students attending private schools do not have to take the MCAS to graduate.
Szymaniak said research has never support the efficacy of high-stakes tests. The committee endorsed the three resolutions and voted on several others.
Vice Chair Chris Scriven said the committee members should “all remember that they’re one of 10. We best serve our committee and our constituents when we act as a committee,” he said.
Member David Forth said communication and collaboration are important. Members do not always see things eye-to-eye, but the two approaches have helped reach an understanding of each other that benefits teamwork.
Member Hillary Kniffen said that once action has been taken on a vote, members should support the official position of the School Committee. It is a norm she has found in researching several other such outlines of norms across the state.
“The time to discuss our viewpoints [on a specific issue] … to have those conversations with people in the community and send emails, is prior to when that public hearing and vote is going to be taking place, not after,” she said.
Stafford said she wants to see the committee come to meetings with an open mind, members should think before they speak, treat one another as professionals and have a suggestion for every complaint.
Public Comment, again focused on the proposed Whitman Middle School project with Finance Committee member Rosemary Connolly spoke about an agenda item dealing with public presentations, noting there are locations available for them at libraries, the WHCA public access channel.
“I want the public to understand that school committees have very complex jobs,” she said. “School committee budgets are separate from municipal budgets – not just regionals, but also in regular towns and cities – because they have to adhere to strict laws and procedures.”
She also said school committees have to meet student achievement and reasonable cost goals to present to their towns.
“That’s a big ball to carry in a [relatively] short meeting,” she said, and they are provided with a lot of vetted information from sources including the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. “To have a public entity come in and introduce something, could end up being political theater and it could be an abuse of the public trust that we swear to uphold.”
Connolly explained that Whitman’s Finance Committee and Select Board have each run into such situations unintentionally after allowing the public to come in to make presentations.
The Finance Committee had identified a weakness in busing and brought it to the schools about January 2022. Two citizens then came forward with a solution, presented as fact in a public meeting of both boards she said. The public thought the information was true, but Connolly said it was determined to be fraud in a meeting with DESE.
The problem identified by the Finance Committee still has not been solved, but “all of this theater had the public believing that it had been fixed,” and has caused political mistrust. Connolly said the people who put the “solution” forward have been looked on as experts and she fears the “face would be given” to the problem again.
Select Board member Justin Evans of Candlewick Lane, spoke to the decision the committee faces in the decision to borrow for the Whitman Middle School project: level debt vs. level principal.
“The way the town has always borrowed for projects has been by level principal, that way you take a premium the first year and the payments decline each year after that,” he said, noting there are other projects on the horizon. “That lets the town build other capital projects in over the 30 years it’s taking that debt out.”
Select Board member Shawn Kain of Forest Street spoke again about the public comment period.
“I don’t know why this is such an important issue to me,” he said, noting that he has been reflecting on why that is, but the closest thing he said he could come up with is that members of the public could come to a meeting and share. “I believe it’s very important that people can actively participate in that process,” he said of the way people used to be permitted to also speak during debate of issues before votes are taken.
Hearing begins WHCA license renewal
WHITMAN – Whitman would not have been able to survive as a town government, as a town educational system, as a faith-based community without WHCA, officials and residents said of Whitman-Hanson Community Access Television’s service during the pandemic during a hearing on the decennial license renewal Tuesday, Oct. 3.
“Because of WHCA, we were able to get through COVID, as a government, as a community and we owe you a lot,” Select Board Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said, noting that not only was he able to hold board meetings, but WHCA also allowed him to attend weekly Mass. “I couldn’t have gone otherwise because I just couldn’t be in a situation where there were COVID possibilities.”
The hearing was part of the process toward Whitman’s future cable needs and interests and to review the performance of Whitman-Hanson Community Access Television during the tenure of its current cable license.
WHCA representatives were before the Select Board for a public ascertainment hearing (47USC, Section 546, Section 626 of the Cable Act) regarding renewal of its cable television license of Comcast Cable Communications Management LLC in the community. The meeting was recorded for rebroadcast on WHCA-TV and streaming on its YouTube page.
The current WHCA license was issued June 3, 2014 and expires June 2, 2024.
Select Board member Justin Evans recused himself from the hearing to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest – as he is assistant director of pipeline safety for the commonwealth, and Comcast has a separate proceeding before him in that capacity.
Executive Director Eric Dresser, Comcast Senior Director of Government and Regulatory affairs Michael Galla, who attended as an observer, and attorney William Solomon. Dresser, too, spoke of the changes COVID brought to the service’s operations.
“Something that is still very top of mind, is COVID-19 and how WHCA sort of changed into a whole different thing during that time,” Dresser said during his remarks on recent and key contributions of WHCA in the community. “[It] kind of came into the forefront for a lot of people who, maybe, knew about us in the background, watched us from time to time and all of a sudden they were weekly users.”
During the pandemic, WHCA deployed a “fleet” of staff-guided virtual meeting options and developed best practices for their use; created a scheduling system for using the resources and trained people unfamiliar with Zoom in its use; managed timely playback of meetings; provided a platform in addition to and in lieu of their studio that could be used easily and safely; while monitoring and aggregating information from federal, state and local officials on COVID to provide an easy central location for vital information access.
Solomon said cable licensing is done under the 1984 Cable Act, empowering the community to decide what its interests and needs are going forward, which are done through the ascertaining process.
“This is a continuing part of that process … so the parties get to something that works for each party,” he said. “It encourages working together. What people have to say here is of great importance.”
Based on that, both during the hearing and provided in writing, as well as capital plans and other documents, Galla can conclude what sort of license meets those needs and how Comcast can do that, while representing its interests.
“He makes the case to the other folks at Comcast, so we have to make that case to him, and he cares what you say,” Solomon said, noting repetition of points was the best way of underscoring the importance of something they want to see. “This is your chance to make a difference from funding for the next 10 years on something that matters more than it ever has – community television – never has it been more important in the COVID and post-COVID world, and never have there been greater challenges to making sure that it works for both the town and for the cable company.”
Community television in general has changed because of the pandemic, Dresser agreed.
“As chaotic as it was, it was really rewarding,” he said in thanking the community for the opportunity to serve. “We’re proud of that work we did and we look forward to continuing as a valuable community resource.”
The W-H Community Access Board, with three representatives from each town includes President Arlene Dias, Vice President Dave Beauvais and Treasurer Marcus Linn, all of Hanson, and Clerk Gerald Eaton and members Marcus Casey and John Galvin, all of Whitman.
Dresser outlined the highpoints of the organization’s work since receiving its initial license in 2005. There are now 43 departments and entities in Whitman and Hanson served by WHCA, including 23 town departments and 19 town committees through 441 total government programs since 2018. They have also covered 707 unique educational events in the same period. More than 2,500 unique programs aired on the channel including 52 series as well as one-off programming produced by and for the public.
Dresser said they work to keep the pulse of the communities, especially for important COVID information since March 2020. WHCA continues to work with faith-based organizations as well.
Some community members also attended the meeting to expound on the benefits of WHCA to the community.
“We’ve had a great partnership with WHCA over the years,” Fire Chief Timothy Clancy said, speaking for both him and Police Chief Timothy Hanlon who could not attend because of another commitment. “We’ve been able to push our message out.” The public safety departments have done a lot of shows over the years, ranging from Chief Talk, to meeting coverage and filming of open houses, but their assistance during COVID.
“We needed a media to get the information out,” he said. “We used social media platforms, the local newspaper, even regional newspapers, but the one recurring area people always went to was cable.”
Oakwood Avenue resident David Forth, recalled moving to town in 2008 and watching friends from school on a cable access cooking show.
“I’ll never forget the sense of astonishment in seeing my friends I went to school with on TV talking about our community and how inspiring I found that to be,” he said. “Through the lens of the WHCA media platform, I began to lay the foundation of what it means to be a member of this community and developed a lasting endearment for the culture within it.”
When he was 19 in 2020 and decided to run for School Committee, he said he saw how a pandemic changed the nature of a grassroots political campaign as residents, especially those older or immuno-compromised were hesitant to engage with candidates face-to-face.
“WHCA was at the forefront of leading this positive change for our community, providing a vital asset that is needed now more than ever,” he said.
“I can’t say enough about WHCA and how it has grown since 2005,” Vice Chair Dan Salvucci said.
DPW Commissioner Kevin Cleary spoke of WHCA’s coverage of school events as well as its work during the pandemic.
“During COVID-19, I don’t know what the town would have done without them,” he said. “We needed to do town business, we needed to keep things running and, with Eric and his staff allowing and enabling us to continue to meet and do our business was huge.”
The professional videography of conditions at the DPW building was also vital in getting out the message of why a new building is needed, he said.
Town Clerk Dawn Varley also lauded WHCA for getting out election results and voter information. June O’Leary also recalled the early days of cable access, saying it has grown because it is useful and needed.
“Cable has always been there to help project what things this town does produce,” she said, noting people’s reluctance to socialize and volunteer today. “It’s not just streets and houses, it’s people and if you’re not communicating with them, then you’re not doing it justice.”
Kowalski said WHCA means “a ton” to Whitman and he looks forward to their next 10 years of serving the town.
Whitman warrant closed
WHITMAN – The Select Board voted 4-1 to close the warrant for the Monday, Oct. 30 special Town Meeting, at its Tuesday, Oct. 3 session after member Shawn Kain expressed concerns about article 15, which is aimed at closing a funding gap for the DPW building project after a recent cost increase. He voted against the warrant closure.
“To be honest, as I’m thinking about our borrowing situation and projects coming ahead of us, I feel like it’s not a great precedent to set for projects to come back to the table and ask for more money,” he said.
While he said he liked the way town officials have identified money sources to free up, he said he wouldn’t mind spending $500,000 to $1 million from stabilization with the remaining to come out of the project itself by reductions to things like soft costs or other areas.
“I’m really hesitant to go back to the people knowing that, even if there are some trade-offs with a past project, it’s still going to be passed on in rates,” Kain said. “I’m not really comfortable doing that right now, given our current climate.”
Carter replied that the notice has been pulled from the printing because ARPA funds will reduce one of the rate hikes officials had discussed during the borrowing authorization meeting for the sewer force main project.
“It’s going to be less of an increase than what was initially projected,” she said. “The rates of $1.25 [in a second round of increases going out Oct. 15] because of the ARPA, doesn’t need to go up quite that much.”
After running some calculations and noting that Town Accountant Karen Clancy planned to run more calculations Oct. 4.
“Because the town is applying for $2.2 million in ARPA funds, we won’t be borrowing $2.2 million for authorization for the sewer force main, and instead, will be borrowing for this project.”
The force main is being paid for through rates, which were increased $1.50 a year ago for the first half of the increase with another $1.25 in bills going out Oct. 15. Those two rate increases were 100 percent of the projection for the sewer force main project.
Doing the force main project with $2.2 million in ARPA funds being applied, as well as it’s coming in under budget, and then having $2.2 million in the new DPW project – where the rate increase will be split between water and sewer, where reductions on the force main and proposed new borrowing plus the $1.50 we went up last year will come in under what the town projected for just the sewer force main project.
Kowalski said, that, a few weeks ago, when it was discovered the DPW needed the $2.2 million because of soil problems on the property, which is a problem that had to be dealt with, the board asked them, in a joint meeting, if they could find some ways to come back in two weeks and say it’s going to be less.
He credited the DPW, Carter and Evans with working hard to come up with a solution.
“What’s really impressive is two weeks later, they come up with a solution that’s not going to cost the taxpayer any extra money,” he said. “I think they deserve a lot of credit for that. It wasn’t an easy ask for us to make of them and they came through with flying colors, from what I can see, so I personally don’t have a problem with Article 15 at all.”
Kain said it was hard for him to disagree because he thinks they did a lot of good work that is beneficial to the town in the use of ARPA funds, but in totality, the amount of borrowing the town will be doing over the next couple of years is great.
“Any way that we can lessen the burden on the taxpayer, I think is something we should really consider,” he said. “It’s OK for you to disagree, but for me, I think I would rather go into the stabilization a little bit and keep the rates lower and have them cut some things out of the project.”
He agreed making those cuts would be tough, “but I think it’s one of the hard truths of running a project,” arguing they wouldn’t want the middle school project to follow a similar path.
“That, to me, seems more fair and balanced, considering the overall projection of debt,” he said.
Evans suggested that, because the source of funding for a lot of these articles are prior articles being returned, it might be helpful to start a Town Meeting to explain the decisions made, so they don’t have to be revisited with everyone.
Fireworks cleanup report
HANSON – Representatives from the federal EPA and Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) met with the Select Board and other Hanson officials on Tuesday, Sept. 26 to discuss the newest phase of the site cleanup at the National Fireworks location in Hanover, that includes Factory Pond which borders an area of Hanson.
“As we all know, the Fireworks site has been a topic of discussion in the town of Hanson for many years,” Town Administrator Lisa Green said. “Just recently the cleanup … has entered into a significant new territory, which has brought to our attention the need to pay attention to this cleanup.”
Funds for the cleanup, which have been in trust through the Mass. Contingency Plan, are drying up and “it’s been discovered over time that more funding is required to continue cleanup of the site,” Green said.
The EPA and DEP officials were in Hanson to talk about the site and possible further action, condition of the site will be once the trust money does run out until additional funding is obtained.
“I also want to recognize that, certainly this is not the first time we’ve paid attention to this, because I want to be sure we give credit to our Conservation Commission, to our health agent and I know you’ve been on calls and we’ve had outside counsel we’ve hired,” Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett said. “So, there’s been a lot of labor behind the scenes. … There hasn’t been a decision that we’ve been asked to make until now.”
Mandy Liao of the EPA made a presentation updating the board on the cleanup [the full hearing can be viewed on the WHCA-TV YouTube channel]. Diane Baxter and Cathy Kiley of the DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup also attended the meeting. Kiley has worked on the Fireworks site cleanup for several years, and noted they have held monthly meetings which Hanson has been involved in on the progress of the site cleanup.
“First of thing I want to say is there has been no contaminants from the site found in public water supply, or in private wells near the site,” Baxter said.
Representatives of the EPA Remediation Branch and Community Involvement Office and Town Counsel for the project, Michael Campanelli attended either in-person or remotely.
DEP reviewed the site history, funding, risks and completed and ongoing work at the site while the EPA representatives discussed the Superfund and National Priorities List (NPL) process as well as outreach and community engagement. EPA/DEP and town meetings with towns began in June 2023 in Pembroke and Hanover and with Hanson in July. A joint meeting with all three towns took place July 17 followed by hybrid meetings such as the Sept. 26 session with the Select Board.
“MassDEP and the towns have been working toward the same goal for many years – and that’s to get the site cleaned up,” Baxter noted, reminding attendees that the former National Fireworks site contains mercury, lead, organic solvents and propellants and explosives used in the manufacture of munitions for the government and commercial pyrotechnics between 1907 and 1970.
“A tremendous amount of work has been done over the years to identify areas of soil and sediment contamination as well as surface water and groundwater contamination,” Baxter said. Unexploded ordnance has also been addressed at the site where munitions and explosives have been found in the soil and in Factory Pond.
Risks that have been found for people are from direct contact with contaminated soil and sediment, which are being addressed temporarily by restricting access; from ingestion of contaminants found in fish (for people as well as fish-eating birds and wildlife); and from people accessing the southern portion of the site, including Factory Pond.
Steps toward
Between 2017 and August 2023, more than 190,000 munitions (35,510 pounds or 17.75 tons) have been removed from the site, of which 21,080 items (11 percent) contained explosives destroyed on site by Mass. State Police.
Munitions removal is expected to be completed by October 2024.
As a result of a bankruptcy settlement, DEP received about $73.84 million in trust for the cleanup, according to Kiley. There is about $10.31 million left after investigation and response activities, and work that has been authorized, but not yet billed. Predicted costs for completing the required environmental remediation is estimated to be more than $200 million.
“As a result of this, the [DEP] requested EPA involvement to consider an option for cleaning up the site and how we might be able to proceed [through the Superfund NPL process],” Kiley said.
The Superfund allows the EPA to clean up a contaminated site and force responsible parties to either do that work or reimburse the EPA-led cleanup work, according to Laou. The NPL is a list of sites the EPA determines require a more detailed investigation, which can determine whether long-term threats to human health and the environment exist. Only NPL sites are eligible for Superfund resources.
“Right now, we are conducting a site reassessment to review the data that has been collected between 2012 … and now,” Liao said. “We want to determine what data gaps are there and what available reports that DEP produced.”
If EPA pursues an NPL listing, they will conduct an expanded site inspection, develop a Hazard Ranking System (HRS), obtain a letter of concurrence from the governor, which takes about a year, and propose the site to NPL. A 60-day comment period follows that.
FitzGerald-Kemmett asked what happens if a property owner refuses to give permission to access their land for the EPA site assessment.
“We’ll try to work around it, but we have attorneys that will work with the property owners to help them better understand the process and why their cooperation is need for us to help clean up the site,” Liao said, noting their presence was to make sure the town agreed to participate in the process. While letters of endorsement are welcome, they are not required.
Select Board member Ann Rein asked how long it would take to resume the cleanup.
“We would need to first list the site on the NPL list to even get the resources to start cleanup,” Liao said.
“The only reason I’m asking is I’ve been, as a person, following this for many, many years. Decades,” Rein said. “So, to think we’re just now at the point where we’re going to go this route – it should have been done a long time ago. That’s why I’m a little impatient that it’s going to go.”
She added that she has heard the $200 million estimated as necessary for environmental remediation by EPA representatives, was closer to $400 million.
“We knew it was going to be more than $200 million, but we don’t know what the amount is going to be,” Kiley said. “One would think [EPA] was going to do their own investigation, their own character of the full nature of contamination [but] we were making estimations of funds with the limited information we have, knowing that … it’s well beyond what we had in the trust fund.”
FitzGerald-Kemmett asked what specifically was involved under those figures. Kiley said previous figures were in regard to remuneration above Factory Pond Dam as well as removal of unexploded ordnance, but she was uncertain if that referred to if the dams were removed.
Water issues
Rein and FitzGerald-Kemmett said those plans involved damming the Drinkwater River, draining and dredging it to remove contaminated soil.
“We’ve had somebody since come and talk about it to a point past Factory Pond Dam,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said.
Kiley recalled there was permitting in place to consider different options including how to best address that contamination.
“Going forward, those numbers could very well change in terms of how EPA decision is in terms of how they further refine, get a lot more data,” she said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett also asked, should the area become a Superfund site, what happens if the price tag does go above $200 million?
“I’ll say Hanson has not been treated as a full partner from the beginning in this process and that’s a universally held opinion by the citizens of Hanson,” she said, adding they want some say in the way EPA is addressing the issue in the town for their citizens.
Depending on when they finish the site reassessment to review the data that has been collected between 2012, the timeline for completing the work depends, in part, on how quickly they can get started as a Superfund site, Liao said. Worst-case scenario, that could be “a couple of years.”
While Hanson wants to get on the NPL list for being considered a Superfund, Select Board Vice Chair Joe Weeks asked what happens if another town doesn’t want it on the list?
Baxter said that while letters of support to the governor are not necessary, they are helpful as the DEP works to convince the governor it is the right thing to do.
“One of my worries is that squeakier wheels trying to get it off the list will prevail, and I’m just curious what the process is …so our voice is weighted as much as a larger community might.” Weeks said, seeking assurance that Hanson’s voice will receive as much weight as a larger community.
“It isn’t veto power, per se, from any one town,” Baxter said. “It’s just a matter of whether the governor agrees that it’s the right thing to proceed. We hope to have support with the three communities, obviously.”
“We are too,” Weeks said.
“This site has always had one town that did not want to have anything done about it,” Rein said. “That town is going to have to get over it, because it’s time.”
Liao said that community involvement staff will also determine if more joint meetings with the towns are wanted after they meet with Pembroke this month.
Conservation Agent Phil Clemons stressed the importance of recognizing that the site does not follow political boundaries.
“It is a watershed which is somewhat extensive and really very prominent in terms of its quality and its value to, not just the immediate towns in this region, but to the state and New England – and you can go as far as you like…” he said. “Our part of this region has been under-studied.”
Conservation Commission Chair Frank Schellenger said, while the EPA wanted the meeting, in order to obtain Hanson’s support, it is very important that Hanson residents participate in that. He said more residents should be informed and that there are at least four towns downstream that are potentially impacted by the site and cleanup effort.
“The water and sediment issue has to be addressed,” he said. “The only way to do that is with the EPA and the NPL.”
Fire Chief Robert O’Brien said information about site contaminants has not trickled down to public safety officials unless Health Agent Gil Amado brought it back from his meetings, since he became chief.
FitzGerald-Kemmett asked if the EPA would be willing to hold a public information meeting.
“We’ll get better feedback if we have an educated public and if we give people an opportunity to ger educated, I think we’ll all be the better for that,” she said. Both the EPA and DEP representatives agreed.
Former Select Board member Matt Dyer, who works with the MWRA, said that agency would be meeting the week of Oct. 2 to further discuss the project. FitzGerald-Kemmett asked Green to add a page to the town Facebook page dedicated to the Fireworks site as a way to further inform the public.
Hanson names new senior center assistant program coordinator
HANSON – The Select Board voted on Tuesday, Sept. 26 to appoint Lianna Gagnon to the new position of assistant program coordinator at the Hanson Multi-Service Senior Center, effective Wednesday, Sept. 27.
Gagnon has been volunteering at the center for more than a year helping with some of the frailer elders in the day program, Director Mary Collins said.
“We have seen her growth over the year,” Collins said. “It’s wonderful that we have this opportunity. Our formula grant increased this year and that’s what we’re using for funding for this.”
That increase is due to the fact that Hanson’s population of residents over age 60 has jumped by “well over 1,000 people” in the last decade, according to Collins.
“I couldn’t think of a better use of the money than to bring in somebody like Lianna, who is presently in college. She plans to go into the food services industry.
A longtime Hanson resident, Gagnon has grandparents who live in town.
Gagnon said she is excited to start working at the Senior Center and everyone there.
Ballot question not needed for DPW
By Tracy F. Seelye, Express editor
[email protected]
WHITMAN – The town will not need to place a debt exclusion question for the proposed DPW building project on the Saturday, Nov. 4 special Town Election ballot.
Town Counsel had been waiting on a call from the Commonwealth’s Municipal Finance Bureau on whether or not the town could use sewer rates to fund the portion of the $2.2 million in additional debt on the project.
“They did say today that, yes, we could do that,” Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter said during a remote special meeting on Friday, Sept. 29 with DPW Commission Chair Kevin Cleary, DPW Building Committee Chair Frank Lynam and Assistant Town Administrator Kathleen Keefe.
“We do have to set up a document sort of to memorialize exactly what we’re doing and what percentage we will be using, but that could be done after the special Town Meeting as long as everything goes through for that borrowing,” Carter said. “We don’t need to put a ballot [question] on, which I think, is great news today.”
“That is perfect news, actually,” Select Board Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said. “The DPW bulding’s progress is not going to be halted and it will allow us to clear the way for a consideration of the school issue at special Town Meeting and at the ballot box, so things don’t have to get complicated, things don’t have to get confusing, and I think that was great work that was begun by you and Justin [Evans, Select Board clerk].”
Kowalski also lauded the great work done at the DPW.
“I think this is a great ending to this week,” he said.
Cleary agreed, thanking the efforts of Carter and Evans as well as Lynam and Dennis Smith for finding the funding sources that allowed the project to be funded without a debt exclusion.
“I will give all of them credit,” he said.
“A lot of work has been done by the people Kevin just mentioned,” Kowalski agreed. “I think we have a lot to be thankful for, and hopefully the special Town Meeting and the ballot [question for Whitman Middle School] will go smoothly.”
Select Board member Shawn Kain asked if the funding arrangement would still require a rate increase to the average ratepayer.
“We looked at all the numbers, and to put it very simply, already the DPW raised sewer rates $1.50 last year, and planned on raising the sewer rates an additional $1.25 this year,” Carter said. “That is just for the sewer force main project, however, I calculate with Ken [Lytel, the town accountant], that we’re going to be able to accomplish the sewer force main and this $2.2 million in debt for an overall cost, which comes in less than the $2.75 increase that was projected and the reason for that is the sewer force main project has a lot of breaks and that came in under budget to start with.”
The town’s use of $2.2 million in ARPA for the sewer project and $1.18 million in ARPA forgiveness on a $12.8 million loan authorization on the sewer force main project, drops the loan authorization to a lower amount and the trust is saying the ARPA amount will not change on the reimbursement factor, she explained.
“So, for many reasons, that debt is coming much lower,” she said. “We’re figuring approximately – and these are rough numbers – about an 80- to 90-cent increase, when it was going to be $1.25 anyway this year.”
Lynam said some of the enterprise funds would be directed toward water and this is a whole project.
“Sewer rates will be coming down in proportion to what’s going up on the water,” he said.
Kain suggested that stabilization funds could be used to address soil contamination issues at the DPW site.
“Anything that we can do to lessen the burden that’s going to be put on the taxpayer with the rate increases or a debt exclusion, I think that could be a potential option that could help, as well,” he said.
Lynam suggested that be looked at when they see what the actual costs are, so it could be an option if needed later.
A wary eye on bottom line
HANSON – How the town spends its money, drew more discussion than how much it spends during the annual special Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 2.
Finance Committee Chair Kevin Sullivan has already cautioned the Select Board that the town will enter the next budget cycle more than $1 million in the hole.
“You’re running into tough financial times in the spring,” Sullivan said Monday night. “We can’t just keep approving money.”
He referred to transfer station funds approved by the 2020 Town Meeting for the purchase of a compactor that has not been spent yet. The article, which passed, will use those funds to increase salaries at the transfer station to keep it running and avoid layoffs. The Town Meeting is posted on the WHCA-TV YouTube channel and is being rebroadcast on the cable access channel.
On that issue, Health Agent Gil Amado said it was due, in part to the prohibitive cost of compactors and a decision had been made that it was cheaper to rent the machines.
Changes in the salary structure for the Town Planner and to the town’s vacation by law, as well as use of town funds for repairs to a nonprofit group home and federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for a floor-to-ceiling file cabinet system were the main subjects debated, as well as revolving funds used for required mitigation plantings in conservation buffer zones were also questioned.
The group home repairs were tabled until more information could be provided by the Housing Authority, but the other articles were approved.
The only other article passed over during the evening involved the finalization of two streets in the Stonewall Estates community. The remaining 30 articles on the warrant were all approved, to varying degrees of enthusiasm by residents attending the meeting.
Planner pay
Within Article 2, which amended salaries for town employees within the Wage & Personnel Bylaw, Town Administrator Lisa Green was asked – in order to inform residents who may not be aware, and it had a direct effect on two other articles – for an explanation of the increase in salary range for the Town Planner.
She outlined how Planner Antonio DeFrias had been “head-hunted” by another community offering a higher salary. The salary range had been $45,000 to $90,000 and was being increased to a range of $70,000 to $105,000.
DeFrias had resigned from his position to accept the higher salary elsewhere, which he originally turned down, only to accept an offer from that town when he was offered a higher figure.
“Based on all the really crucial projects that he had been so critical in helping us plan, and the grants that he’s helped us get … we came together with the Select Board and the Planning Board and offered Mr. DeFrais a higher salary to keep him here in Hanson,” Green said. “We actually offered him a higher salary that he did not accept. … He’s aware of the budget situation of the town and didn’t want to put us in a predicament, but losing him would have been devastating to the town.”
She said his work on grants – which has brought in about $500,000 so far – has prompted the state to look very favorably on the town.
Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett also stressed that, by doing a competitive analysis of salaries in similar surrounding communities, Hanson was way below what was being offered elsewhere.
“Even if Mr. DeFrais were to leave, we would need to increase this salary line,” she said.
The Town Meeting approved the salary range adjustment.
Vacation policy
While Article 15, allowing employees to carry over vacation leave was passed without comment, Article 16 to amend the vacation leave section of the Personnel Classification and Compensation Bylaw [Sec. 12D (7)] raised a question. The change grants 15 vacation days for newly hired employees with additional days possible after five years plus – in the interest of employee retention in the best interests of the town – and the Select Board and Wage and Personnel Board may grant. Currently, five more days of vacation time for existing employees. Any such decision would be final and not subject to any grievance procedure.
It takes five years of continuous service before additional vacation time is available.
The concern centered on the potential problems such a precedent for unions with contracts coming up for negotiation, but the Town Meeting approved the article without further discussion.
A proposed transfer from the Community Housing Reserve to fund exterior repairs to a group home at 53 West Washington St., raised a lengthy debate on whether the funding would be properly used in that project.
Group home repair
Corrine Cafardo of Winslow Drive said she thought such group homes were required to raise the money for repairs themselves.
“Wouldn’t this fall under something like the Housing Authority?” she asked.
CPC member John Kemmett said the Housing Authority could best answer the question, as they are supposed to approve such projects.
“I don’t believe they have,” he said, asking if someone from the Housing Authority could speak to the issue.
Housing Authority member Daniel Pardo said the authority had no comment on the matter at this time.
Town Counsel Kate Feodoroff said a restriction in the Community Preservation Act (CPA) prohibiting the use of CPC funds for affordable housing to rehabilitate existing properties not purchased through the CPA, caused her to have some initial concerns about the article.
“On digging a little further, I was provided some guidance [from state housing officials],” she said. “They drew a distinction between … rehabilitation vs preservation. … These improvements, to the project, like the roof, are considered preservation.”
She said the policy question of how the town spends its CPC money is up to Town Meeting, but it is legally compliant with the CPA, she added.
A Washington Street resident asked if the town funded a recent septic upgrade at the site last year and, if not, why the town was being asked to fund this round of repairs.
Both FitzGerald-Kemmett and Noelle Humphries the nonprofit Neighborhood Counseling Solutions, which owns the property said the town did not fund the septic work.
Speaking for himself as a private citizen, Finance Committee member Pepper Santalucia, whose wife Teresa is on the Housing Authority, said of the different affordable housing programs in the state that work with different populations, not everything that goes on regarding affordable housing in Hanson is within the purview of the Housing Authority.
Kemmett disagreed.
“Just because there isn’t a letter from the Housing Authority, doesn’t mean that this isn’t an appropriate use of CPC funding,” he said.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said they applied for CPC funds like anyone else and the committee voted to support that, but she thought he CPC was under the impression that the Housing Authority had taken a vote on it and supported it, but it has since been discovered no such vote had been taken.
“If our needle had been moved on our own affordable housing that we had created in town, I’d have no problem funding a private entity to fix up their house,” she said, noting she was the dissenting vote on the article when it came before the Select Board. “But since our needle has not been moved, and we need that money desperately with the price of housing being what it is, to actually create new housing in town, I voted no.”
At that point, a motion was made to table the article until the Housing Authority could meet and discuss the issue.
Resident Frank Milisi, said he was under the impression that Camp Kiwanee had applied for CPC funds last year and was told the funds could not be used for regular maintenance.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said planned work fell under a matrix for permitted uses of the funds.
“Housing is different than rehabilitating a town building,” she said.
“Are we going to be in the business of providing $55,000 to private organizations?” Milisi asked.
Humphries said Neighborhood Counseling Solutions had met with the CPC four or five different times over the last year about the funding request. She added that, while private, it is a nonprofit organization that works with about 70 communities on the South Shore. The Hanson group home had been owned by another, Kingston-based nonprofit that built the home in the 1990s.
“The original program that it was funded under was a HUD program, but as the years went on, we were severely restricted with rents and, as most people know, expenses, utilities and everything else have increased over time,” she said. As a result, maintenance was delayed.
Still, Neighborhood Counseling paid 100-percent the $53,000 cost for the septic work done last year as well as nearly $200,000 in operating expenses over time. They felt the roof project was totally in compliance with the state’s housing rules, which led them to make the CPC application. Neighborhood Counseling estimates it would cost $600,000 for all the work they plan to do on the property. The roof and siding repair request was $55,000.
The CPC transaction would allow Neighborhood Counseling to extend the affordability of the housing there indefinitely beyond 2032 when it is expected to run out.
“Which means it stays on the town’s affordable housing,” she said. “You have to maintain 10 percent of affordable housing on the state inventory. … This preserves those eight units for the future.”
Planning Board Chair Joseph Campbell reminded the Town Meeting that Hanson was at 4 percent for its affordable housing stock.
“We’ve got a lot of work to do to get anywhere near 10 percent, where it’s going to help us with the 40Bs,” he said.
Kemmett said it would take state legislative changes to make such an expenditures legal use of CPC funds.
Residents Bob Hayes and Milisi noted that, regardless of its nonprofit status, Neighborhood Counseling has paid employees.
The Town Meeting voted to table the article.
The approval of ARPA funds for seven floor-to-ceiling file cabinets for the Select Board and town administrator’s offices left some voters exasperated.
File cabinets
Milisi moved to pass over the article, arguing that more than $19,000 for file cabinets is “absurd.”
Green countered that towns are required by law to maintain “lots of paper” files, including sensitive documents such as personnel files, legal documents, license applications and other sensitive information currently stores in file cabinets that do not lock.
It was also questioned how the file cabinets qualify for ARPA funds — intended for COVID-related capital expenses. Town Accountant Eric Kinsherf said it comes under the heading of revenue replacement, assuring some dubious residents that the use qualifies.
The file cabinet expenditure was approved.
Student transportation
A section of Article 3, calling in part, for a $63,000 transfer from Free Cash for the transportation of a student attending Norfolk County Agricultural High School also raised a question from Milisi. The article transferred a total of $114,000 to supplement an article approved at the May Town Meeting.
“I feel like I can Uber every day for less than $63,000,” he said asking if the town had options for what form of transportation they provided.
“The problem is, when you’re transporting students, they have to fall under certain criteria in the law,” Green said. “It’s a matter of availability. … We really didn’t have a lot of choices out there from people who could provide this transportation.”
The student, relocated to another town due to family issues, comes under the federal McKinney-Vento act, which requires the home community of such students to fund transportation even if it is from a greater distance than before they were relocated. Transportation firms must be vetted and go through background checks and other requirements.
“We cannot require the student to change schools,” Green said. “We are required to pay this amount.”
Whitman PD salutes new Sgt.
WHITMAN – Police officer Kevin Harrington officially became Sgt. Kevin Harrington, during a promotion ceremony held at the Tuesday, Sept. 26 Select Board meeting, with his mother and his wife pinning on his new badge.
Vice Chair Dan Salvucci presided in the absence of Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski. Member Justin Evans attended virtually.
The board had voted at its previous meeting to approve Harrington’s promotion. He was administered the oath of office by Town Clerk Dawn Varley before his mother Marilyn, who attended with his dad Edward and wife Windy pinned on his sergeant’s badge.
“Oh, can I stab him?” Marilyn Harrington joked.
“Oh, go for it!” Salvucci laughed. “If you stick him, we have the service dog here.”
Harrington is the handler for the department’s therapy dog, Nola.
State Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida, R-Abington, presented him with a citation from the General Court and congratulated him on his “well-deserved” promotion.
“I know the community is going to benefit from you being a sergeant in this community that you love,” she said. “I think your post on Facebook choked me up a little bit – it could be hormones, though.”
Sullivan-Almeida had given birth to her first child recently.
In other public safety business, Fire Chief Timothy Clancy reported to the board about an unsolicited letter received in the mail by the fire department, from Donna Callahan including a gift of $5,000 in the name of her parents, James and Betty Geary, who had been Winter Street residents of Whitman and thanking the department for taking care of her parents in their later years.
“We reached out to her, and you can see the amount of money there, to make sure this is what she was looking for and what she wanted,” Clancy said. “She said she just wanted to help the fire department in any way [she could].”
After discussing it with Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter, he said it was decided that the best use of the funds was to place the money in the gift account.
“We thank her very much for her generous donation,” Clancy said.
Callaghan also gave $30,019.99 in her mother’s name to the Whitman Council on Aging.
“Her mother had actually left that to the COA,” Carter said. “She really enjoyed attending the Council on Aging – playing cards, bingo, taking chair yoga were some of her favorites – and they were just very pleased to see this money go to the Council on Aging.”
“That’s an exceptional amount,” Salvucci said.
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