By Linda Ibbitson Hurd
Special to the Express
When we heard the peepers in August we knew summer was coming to an end. September would bring Labor Day and the start of the school year which would replace our carefree days of fun and playing outside until it was so dark we couldn’t see. Then came the year things changed for a time. I always think of it as the golden, stolen days.
We were used to hurricanes that came and went during the 1950s but in September 1960, along came Hurricane Donna. At the first mention of a bad storm, our dad had the Coleman stove, lanterns, kerosene and the sterno at the ready. Mom made sure there were enough baked and canned goods, candles, matches and other foods on hand that didn’t need much preparation. Laundry had been done and water frozen in the refrigerator for the cooler when needed. We were ready, now we wait.
Monday, September 12, no one went to work or school. Dad turned the radio on during breakfast while we still had power. The newscaster reported that Donna made landfall in Southern New England near Connecticut and Rhode Island. The Blue Hill Observatory reported winds were 140 miles per hour and Donna was a Category 4 storm. The four of us kids noticed the concerned look that passed between our parents.
A big expansive gravel and dirt driveway was between our house and the big two story, blue asphalt shingled house, where our dad’s parents lived. After a phone call from Grampa, we got ready and walked over to their house. Aunt Sam was already there with her kids.
The big old windows in Gram’s house shook and rattled as the whistling winds raised havoc. Trees fell before our eyes, landing in the side yard. Telephone wires came loose and thrashed about in the wind. At that point, gram and mom closed all the curtains, telling us kids to stay far away from the windows. Before darkness set in they turned their attention to lighting the lanterns. Aunt Sam took the kids into the dining room to play games. Fearing a tree might hit the house, I quietly retreated to the attic where I could look out at everything. Dad and Grampa were in the car listening to the radio. I saw them get out, hunching over to brace themselves in the wind as they made it to the kitchen door. I snuck back down before they came in.
To our surprise the news was good. The winds had been less ferocious in our area and Donna was on the way north to New Hampshire. The mood instantly lifted and there were hugs and smiles all around and a few tears of relief, thanks to the old wood stove and Gram and mom who made American chop suey and apple pie the day before, we had a good feast! We woke the next morning to a beautiful day. My sister Penny and I were so happy there was no school. Dad was a bulldozer operator and was needed at his job. There was no damage to our house or yard except some debris scattered about which our younger brother and little sister helped us and mom clean up. After lunch, Penny and I went to see the trees that came down in the storm.
There were three good-sized maple trees lying near one another about 20 feet from Gram’s and nearly the same distance from the house on the other side. We began climbing on the trunks and over the branches and leaves. Other kids in the neighborhood were drawn to the trees and soon there was a group of us walking and climbing all over them.
The September days after the hurricane were warm and golden. Where the trees lay became a haven for us kids in the neighborhood. Every day after breakfast we were there and we went back after lunch until it was time for supper. One of the boys was good at doing handstands holding onto a branch that was close to the ground. Some of us liked balancing ourselves on the tree trunks while walking on them. The big leafy branches were good hiding places when we played hide and seek and they also became part of a tree house when we played the Robinson family from the book, Swiss Family Robinson. Another day we imagined we were in Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood hiding from the Sheriff of Nottingham.
The day we had to go back to school, we couldn’t wait to get home to the trees. When we got there, we stood and stared. Our hearts sank. Our haven was gone. It made us sad to see our trees cut up into piles of logs. We all turned away, no one talked on the way home.
The stolen days in the September sun were a magical time that we all shared and reminisced about through the years.
Rosen family sells Whitman eateries
WHITMAN – There’s a time for everything, and the Rosen family have decided that McGuiggan’s Pub and it’s The Patio at McGuiggans’ annex eatery have reached the time to change under new ownership.
Patrons of the Pub and The Patio eatery across the street – as well as the rest of Whitman – learned of that change in a Facebook post from Danielle Rosen DaPonte.
“That was the buzz on Facebook last night,” Select Board member Justin Evans said on Tuesday, Aug. 27.
“It is with very mixed emotions that we announce our decision to sell McGuiggan’s Pub and The Patio at McGuiggan’s,” the post read. “After almost 15 years in business, our family feels that the timing is right for us to start our new adventures, which include the start of a new family and retirement.”
Evans said many Whitman residents discussing the sale on social media seemed shocked by the news.
“It did shock a lot of people,” Richard Rosen said Thursday, Aug, 29. “The time has come. I mean, it’s been 15 years – it’s [done] extremely well for a restaurant.”
He said most restaurants don’t survive their first five or six years in business.
“I don’t think people gave me 15 minutes, never mind 15 years, and then when I opened The Patio five years ago … and, you know, we’ve gone through a lot. We went through a pandemic.”
The restaurant business was among the hardest hit by the pandemic lock-down and recovery.
“I’m very proud of the fact that, during that pandemic, we had to close The Patio, but we kept 13 people on payroll, just to do take-out the entire pandemic,” he said.
Rosen said the time has now come to prepare for changes his family is facing. His wife wants to retire to enjoy their three grandchildren, and she had been the restaurants’ accountant. His daughter, Danielle, who runs both restaurants, just had a child and wants to “get her life back.”
“Life changes,” he said.
While Rosen himself has no retirement plans – he is in the real estate business – and is certain he’ll “find something to do” even as he steps back a little to enjoy more travel and family time.
The Patio will become Martini’s – a sister business to the Martini’s in Plymouth – and the Pub will be rebranded.
“The Pub needed to be rebranded and it really wasn’t something I wanted to do at this time,” he said. “Again, 15 years is a long time and it’s a very tough business.”
He said the menu needed to be changed and upgraded a little, he said of the changes that were needed.
“The time was right, and I found one person to buy both restaurants,” he said.
The Select Board will hold two public hearings during its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17. One is in connection with Indian River Associates for the transfer of Common Victualler All Alcohol Liquor License on the premises located at 552 Washington St., Whitman, from The Patio at McGuiggan’s LLC, dba The Patio at McGuiggan’s, to Indian River Associates, Inc., dba the Patio at Martini’s.
The other is in connection with the application of Lone Wolf Partners, Inc., for the transfer of the Common Victualler All Alcohol Liquor License on the premises located at 546 Washington St., Whitman, from McGuiggan’s LLC dba McGuiggan’s Pub, to Lone Wolf Partners, Inc., dba The Alibi Tavern.
Rosen said the 70 employees, quite a few part-time workers, of the McGuiggan’s establishments will be kept on by the new owners if they wish to stay.
The license transfer paperwork was submitted on Monday, Aug. 26 following a staff meeting with employees.
“It was very emotional,” Rosen said. “It was very sad for some, but we made sure with the negotiations with the buyers that all the employees that want to stay, will stay.”
Transferring a liquor license to new owners can be a complicated, with all the paperwork and public hearing process, Rosen said, adding the family wanted the announcement to come on their terms, not on “rumors and hearsay and innuendo.”
So, DaPonte wrote the announcement the family posted on Facebook.
“We are incredibly grateful to our staff and customers who made these past 15 years a wonderful experience,” DaPonte stated in her Facebook post. “We truly feel that the members of our staff and loyal clientele are like family, and that is what we will miss the most from these restaurants!
“We are pleased to share that the new owners plan to keep as many members of the current staff that wish to be part of their new restaurant,” she wrote. “These staff members have become like family to many of our customers and it brings us joy to know that feeling will continue as part of the new restaurants!”
Rosen feels he and his family have a lot to look back on with pride.
“I like to think I helped to transform Whitman Center to a – believe it or not – a destination point,” he said. “I can go into the pub at any given time, and I’ll know 85 percent of the people in there. I can go into The Patio and I won’t know 90 percent of the people who are in there. People are coming from everywhere to come to that restaurant.”
He said that throughout his life before opening the eateries, the sidewalks rolled up after 5 p.m.
“It’s just the opposite now,” he said. “If anyone doubts it, go through the center on a Monday night at 7 o’clock and there virtually won’t be a car in the center – we’re closed on Mondays. When we’re open, the center is busy.”
The restaurant’s sponsorship of the annual 5K road race has also meant $75,000 in donations (100 percent of race proceeds) – half to the Whitman Food Pantry and the other half divided among other local veterans groups sports teams, and a few state-wide nonprofit programs.
Rosen added that McGuiggan’s gift cards will be redeemable for a year.
“You always see when restaurants close, there’s outrage because the gift cards aren’t any good,” he said. “I needed to make sure that the buyers will accept our gift cards,”
Low turn-out in primary
No one expected voter turnout to set any records during the Tuesday, Sept. 3 State Primary – and they were not wrong.
“Boring,” was how Hanson Town Clerk Elizabth Sloan described the morning as voters trickled in one or two at a time. There were only 961 total Republican ballots and 868 total Democratic ballots cast in Hanson, or 21 percent of about 8,500 registered voters, during the primary. In Whitman, there were 1,708 Republican ballots and 2,172 Democratic ballots cast, representing about 17 percent of Whitman’s 11,915 registered voters.
Whitman Select Board member Justin Evans, noting that the only contested race in that town’s Democratic ballot was for governor’s council, spent the day, dressed in a “Parks & Recreation”-themed shirt featuring American flags, eagles and the likeness of Leslie Knope the deputy director of the namesake town department in fictional Pawnee, Ind. – offering his services to Democrats in other towns.
“I’m thinking of going to Halifax, next,” Evans said. Earlier, he had dropped off a load of signs for volunteers who showed up to hold in Whitman, at the Democrat’s favored visibility location in front of the Dunkin Donuts store next to Town Hall.
While there were also no challengers to Hanson Democratic state Rep. candidate Becky Colletta, visibility ensured she didn’t get forgotten as Republicans Ken Sweezey an Jane Cournan vied for the Republican nomination in the 6th Plymouth District race to fill the seat vacated by state Rep. Josh Cutler, D-Duxbury, when he took a job with the Healey Administration. Both Republican candidates had sign-holders just outside the no-electioneering zone in front of the polling place at Hanson Middle School, chatting about the nice weather and generally ignoring each other.
Senate finale
There were three candidates vying for the Republican nomination to face-off against incumbent U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, with attorney and Marine veteran John Deaton of Bolton carrying the majority of votes in both towns vs. engineer and political newcomer Robert J. Antonellis of Medford and Ian Cain, Massachusett’s first black and out gay City Council member in Quincy. Deaton, a crypto-currency advocate has pledged to vote for Donald Trump in the presidential race.
Democrats in both communities had a four-way race to choose from for Governor’s Council with attorney Sean Murphy of Brockon besting associate probation officer and legal advocate Tamisha Civil, Air Force veteran and social worker Muriel Kramer and Brockton lawyer David Reservitz. District Court Judge Francis T. Crimmins Jr. was unopposed on Republican ballots.
In a three-way race for two seats as County Commissioner, Gregory M. Hanley and Rhonda L. Nyman easily bested Scott M Vecchi on the Democratic ballot. There were only two candidates on Republican ballots – Jared L. Valanzola and Anthony T. O’Brien Sr.
With a sparse slate of candidates and several offices with no challengers, there were few surprises in the result.
For results, See page 14.
Whitman Democrats
U.S. Senate
Elizabeth A. Warren – 991
Blanks and write-ins – 95
U.S. Rep – Eighth District
Stephn F. Lynch – 1, 017
Blanks and write-ins – 69
Councilor – Second District
Tamisha L. Civil – 282
Muriel E. Kramer – 93
- Sean Murphy – 505
David S. Reservitz – 122
Blanks and write-ins – 84
State Senate – 2nd Plymouth & Norfolk
Michael D. Brady – 984
Blanks and write-ins – 102
State Representative – 7th Plymouth
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 1,086
Clerk of Courts – Plymouth County
Robert S. Creedon Jr. – 962
Blanks and write-ins – 124
Register of Deeds – Plymouth County
John R. Buckley Jr. – 987
Blanks and write-ins – 99
County Commissioner – Plymouth County
(Vote for two)
- Gregory M. Hanley – 766
- Rhonda L. Nyman – 550
Scott M Vecchi – 249
Blanks and write-ins – 607
Whitman Republicans
U.S. Senate
Robert J. Antonellis –182
Ian Cain – 108
- John Deaton – 546
Blanks and write-ins – 20
U.S. Rep – Eighth District
- Robert G. Burke – 357
James M Govatsos –155
Daniel Kelly – 247
Blanks and write-ins – 95
Councilor – Second District
Francis T. Crimmins – 664
Blanks and write-ins – 190
State Senate – 2nd Plymouth & Norfolk
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 854
State Representative – 7th Plymouth
Allyson M. Sullivan-Almeida – 725
Blanks and write-ins – 129
Clerk of Courts – Plymouth County
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 854
Register of Deeds – Plymouth County
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 854
County Commissioner – Plymouth County
(Vote for two)
Jared L. Valanzola – 367
Anthony T. O’Brien Sr. – 576
Blanks and write-ins – 763
Hanson Democrats
U.S. Senate
Elizabeth A. Warren – 810
Blanks and write-ins – 58
U.S. Rep – Ninth District
Bill Keating – 829
Blanks and write-ins – 39
Councilor – Second District
Tamisha L. Civil – 204
Muriel E. Kramer – 76
- Sean Murphy – 398
David S. Reservitz – 89
Blanks and write-ins – 101
State Senate – 2nd Plymouth & Norfolk
Michael D. Brady – 802
Blanks and write-ins – 66
State Representative – 5th Plymouth
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 310
State Representative – 6th Plymouth
Rebecca W. Coletta – 520
Blanks and write-ins – 38
Clerk of Courts – Plymouth County
Robert S. Creedon Jr. – 796
Blanks and write-ins – 72
Register of Deeds – Plymouth County
John R. Buckley Jr. – 799
Blanks and write-ins – 69
County Commissioner – Plymouth County
(Vote for two)
*Gregory M. Hanley – 520
- Rhonda L. Nyman – 549
Scott M Vecchi – 202
Blanks and write-ins – 465
Hanson Republicans
U.S. Senate
Robert J. Antonellis – 191
Ian Cain – 113
- John Deaton – 623
Blanks and write-ins – 34
U.S. Rep – Ninth District
Dan Sullivan – 828
Blanks and write-ins – 133
Councilor – Second District
Francis T. Crimmins – 800
Blanks and write-ins – 161
State Senate – 2nd Plymouth & Norfolk
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 961
State Representative – 5th Plymouth
David F. DeCoste – 252
Blanks and write-ins – 37
State Representative – 6th Plymouth
Jane L. Cournan – 241
- Kenneth P. Sweezey – 424
Blanks and write-ins – 7
Clerk of Courts – Plymouth County
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 961
Register of Deeds – Plymouth County
(No announced candidate on ballot)
Blanks and write-ins – 961
County Commissioner – Plymouth County
(Vote for two)
Jared L. Valanzola – 541
Anthony T. O’Brien Sr. – 645
Blanks and write-ins – 736
- Denotes winner of contested race
Hanson warrant complete
HANSON – With a potential operational override looming on the horizon, Hanson officials are working on how to educate residents on the need for such a move.
The Select Board has received one additional for override outreach and education, according to Town Administrator Lisa Green, who was also waiting to have another meeting the Collins Center at Umass Boston on their proposal – and expects to have “actual dollar proposals” at the board’s next meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 17.
In response to Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett’s question as to whether the Collins proposal might be expected to be more reasonable than others received so far, Green answered that it looked that way.
“The Collins Center is very impressive, and one of their team members is certified in school finance,” she said. Green also said she has a meeting set up with Dr. Melinda Tarsi-Goldfein of Bridgewater State University’s Department of Public Administration master’s degree program, to talk about whether her students would be interested in helping the town with that project as well as the resident survey with which they are assisting [see story, page 1].
“That meeting is planned,” she said.
The board asked for a real, “soup-to-nuts” breakdown of costs involved.
Select Board’s primary focus on special Town Meeting warrant articles was just that of placing them, at it’s meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Since board members Ann Rein and David George were absent, FitzGerald-Kemmett said the board didn’t vote on whether to recommend articles.
“I would also like to hear from [the] Finance Committee before we really make our recommendations, [and] we don’t even have that,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said.
Board member Joe Weeks, agreed, saying one never knows when another board member might have a valid point for voting against something.
“This warrant gets more and more solid every meeting,” Green said. “We’re not waiting on any more explanations, any more dollar figures – pretty much, what you have in front of you now is pretty much it. This is your warrant.”
After a very long search period, Green said the town is ready bring forth an applicant for consideration and possible appointment of someone to fill the position of highway director – Richard Jasmin.
The board voted 3-0, after a brief interview, to hire Jasmine, pending a full background check, medical, physical and drug screening as well as successful outcome of contract negotiations, effective Monday, Sept. 16.
“He has excellent experience and background, part of which includes military service,” Green said. “His references provide nothing but good things to say.”
Green said one reference, who served with him said “he’s one of the best operators that he’s ever seen,” she quoted. “He could do the job backwards. I said that’s good to know, because a lot of things we do in municipal government are backwards.”
FitzGerald-Kemmett continued the light tone of the session by jokingly welcoming back Interim Highway Director Curt McLean before the board to vouch for Jasmin, certain he “is hoping sincerely, to finish his perpetual gig with us.”
“It’s been a pleasure,” McLean said.
“Well, sometimes even pleasures have their limits,” she said.
Jasmin said he was inclined to apply for the position because he felt Hanson “would really fit” a lifestyle that he is looking for.
He had previously worked at Stoughton DPW for seven years working up to operator/acting foreman, but left and has been an on-site superintendent for Costello Dismantling for nearly two years, where he “learned a wealth of management skills.”
“I always knew I was going to get back to a town and I feel like Hanson would be a good fit,” he said, and siad he would be “100 percent” comfortable” in a management position with a union shop, having served as the union association president for four out of seven years and was a union member at Costello.
“I know there are rules and you’ve got to follow them,” he said.
While he admits in the realm of paperwork, there will be a learning curve, he said he knows where to find it, has already looked into some of it, and has a mentor network to lean on.
The only potential conflict of interest he said he was aware of was a cousin of his wife who owns a construction company out of East Bridgewater, and he has no other employment or source of income that would be a conflict.
The board also voted to appoint Madyson Silva as caretaker coordinator for Camp Kiwanee.
The position serves as caretaker during events when Needles Lodge is rented, effective Wednesday, Aug. 28, according to Green.
“They help set up before the event, break down after the event, clean up after the event,” she said. “Madyson is actually a very good addition to Camp Kiwanee.”
Hanson to survey residents
HANSON – The Select Board wants your [reasonable] suggestions for town priorities, including use of the Maquan property, highway department and fire department building needs and the potential need for an operational override next year.
“I thought it’s good to know where the citizens are in their thoughts toward all these different projects,” Town Administrator Lisa Green said during the Tuesday, Aug. 20 meeting, proposing a citizen’s survey to find out.
Dr. Melinda Tarsi, a professor at Bridgewater State University’s Department of Public Administration master’s degree program,
Tarsi had helped Whitman conduct a similar survey a couple of years ago.
“I thought maybe this would be a good time to conduct such a survey in Hanson,” Green explained.
There is no charge for BSU’s service to the town. The board voted to work with the university on such a survey.
“My research interest is in local government and municipal finance,” Tarsi said, joining the meeting via Zoom. Her research areas are local government and municipal finance and serves in that capacity in Mansfield and has been the Finance Committee chair in Halifax. “I really enjoy bringing my students into different projects – real world applications of principals and I find that these citizen satisfaction surveys can not only be a great tool for you as decision makers, but also a great educational tool,”
Tarsi said her students, can help with drafting the survey as well as tabulating results.
The surveys are done as a community surveys, using scientific survey techniques both online and on paper.
Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett said the board would insist on some paper surveys for residents who might feel challenged or uncomfortable by filling one out online.
“We want to reach people where they’re at,” she said in urging use of survey questions asked through media they are most comfortable with as they tell the Select Board where they want to spend money.
Board member Joe Weeks said residents should be asked what they want as well as what the town needs.
“I do think there’s a huge distinction there,” he said. “We’re trying to get our foundational resources in order here.”
He argued the survey should direct the town where it can practically do with the resources available to make Hanson the best town possible.
Tarsi said that kind of priority ranking is the guidance they look to in creating surveys.
Maquan bill
The Select Board also approved a new contract agreement for the demolition costs for the razing of the former Maquan School.
When the initially town entered into a contract agreement to demolish Maquan School they had received some ARPA funds toward the demolition work, Town Administrator Lisa Green said during the Select Board’s meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 20.
The town then needed to borrow $580,000 to cover the rest of the cost.
“What we have here now is basically the bond anticipatory note of $480,000,” Green said. “The town paid $100,000 toward that $580,000 that we borrowed before. This is the bond note to re-borrow the $480,000 at a 4.5-percent interest rate.”
Green did not have the current interest rate with her, but said she could call the treasurer-collector to the Select Board’s meeting room to provide that information. The due date is Aug. 28, 2025.
FitzGerald-Kemmett asked for the additional information about what the bond rate is now, what it’s going to be
“Help us help you,” she said when Treasurer-Collector Lisa Clark joined the meeting.
“It was a one-year BAN,” Clark said. “Eric [Kinsherf] and I discussed it. To help the budget, we’re paying $100,000 out of that and rebidding for the balance. We would have had to pay the full amount this year.”
Articles clarified
In other business, the Select Board voted to close the warrant for the Monday, Oct.
The board had made that vote at its last meeting, but there were some “circumstances” that came up, according to Green involving the submission of additional articles after the warrant had already been closed.
The articles in question would: Reinstate the Health Agent as a full-time position; and a request by Green for some ARPA updates of $125,000 for the Hanson Food Pantry.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said the Health Agent Article was a place-holder. because no vote had yet been made on it.
“The chair was very clear that he didn’t want anybody to think he was unilaterally placing this article in,” she said. He absolutely said he just wanted a place-holder and that the board, as a whole, would decide the next time they met.”
Weeks noted that, prior to the annual Town Meeting, the board was trying to figure out less the content of late article submissions, but why they were late.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said that Health Board Chair Kevin Perkins was not aware what the deadline was.
“He apologized profusely in his email and his conversation with me,” she said. “They had sort of touched on this as a potential article, but they didn’t know the actual deadline for the article.”
She said she did mention that “historically, perhaps that department has not been diligent about meeting deadlines,” and that, at some point, all departments need to meet the deadline.
“That was accepted and understood,” FitzGerald-Kemmett said.
Green also submitted an application on behalf of the Food Pantry for needed updates in the amount of $125,000 in ARPA funds.
FitzGerald-Kemmett said there appeared to be two different articles with different dollar amounts, asking which was the correct one. The pantry request was filed with ARPA under the negative economic impact under COVID, meaning the money had to be spent first and then seek reimbursement.
“Because I do have that email that says the application I submitted was eligible for ARPA funds, basically that article is no longer required,” Green said, noting it was a procedural issue that does not bring the need of the funds into question.
Another article concerns an easement request Green’s office just found out about involving the owner of four condominiums on Main Street next to the satellite fire station, granting the fire department access to utilities.
The article for the South Shore Tech regional agreement amendment has now been received, as well, Green said. It had been represented on the warrant as a place-holder until now.
State issues EEE warning
After nearly five inactive years, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has been found in the Bay State – the first human case has been found in Oxford, and a 41-year-old New Hamphire man died from EEE, Closer to home, a mosquito test sample from an area behind the Whitman DPW yielded a positive result for EEE.
But, while they are strongly recommending the proper insect repellant and protective clothing, town and school athletics officials are not sounding the alarm yet.
Health Inspector Daniel Kelly on Monday, said he sent out a robocall on Friday, Aug. 23 advising residents that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) had increased the alert level for West Nile Virus from moderate to high in Whitman and a few other surrounding communities that day.
In Hanson, however, Health Agent Gil Amado, said the EEE threat level remained at moderate, and that there would be no restrictions placed on recreation fields in town unless the threat level were to be increased to high.
“We’re on top of it,” said Amado, who met with other members of the town’s emergency response team Tuesday morning.
Hanson Fire Chief Robert O’Brien Jr., who also attended the meeting, said mosquito spraying for a large portion of the South Shore would be the focus of aerial spraying beginning Tuesday, Aug. 27 and would continue over several evenings in Carver, Halifax, Kingston, Middleborough, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester and Wareham. Truck-mounted ground spraying will take place in: Douglas, Dudley, Oxford, Sutton, and Uxbridge. For both methods, spraying begins at dusk and continues until about 4:30 a.m. the next day.
“It is important to note that this is weather dependent, and plans could change up to the last minute,” the Mass. Department of Health and Social Services posted on its site. “Coverage of the entire area at risk in Plymouth County may take several nights of spraying. The truck-based spray in Worcester County will occur over multiple nights.”
The site noted the substance used in the spraying is called Anvil 10+10, an EPA-registered product extensively tested and used in both ground-level and aerial spraying in the U.S. to control mosquitoes. Anvil 10+10 contains two active ingredients: Sumithrin and Piperonyl butoxide (PBO). Sumithrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that kills insects when the insect comes into direct contact with it. Sumithrin is also found in pesticide products used indoors, pet shampoos, and tick control treatments. Piperonyl butoxide serves to increase the ability of Sumithrin to kill mosquitoes.
Sumithrin and PBO decompose with exposure to light and air and are rapidly inactivated with a half-life of less than one day in the air and on plants. These compounds have proven to be highly effective in killing mosquitoes worldwide for over 20 years.
“They did not list Hanson, yet,” O’Brien said of the spraying.
Kelly announced Whitman’s positive sample for both West Nile Virus (WNV) and EEE Aug. 2.
“Obviously, right now, we want people to be cautious,” Kelly said Monday. “Use bug spray with DEET. Make sure you use that bug spray after dusk and, if you can avoid being out after dusk, that’s great, but we don’t want people to shut down their lives.”
Kelly said the Whitman Heath Department is recommending what the rest of the state is recommending.
“At this time, we’’re not telling anyone to shut down any of the fields or anything, but, obviously, that’s a conversation that we’ll have in the future,” he said.
That possibility, while not imminent, is already on the mind of W-H Athletics Director Bob Rodgers.
“I’m super-concerned about it,” said Rodgers on Monday. “Usually when things trend this way it doesn’t get better – usually the restrictions become tighter – so we are hoping that it will stay this way, but we’re preparing for the possibility that we might have to do some restrictions.”
Rodgers preparing an announcement to send home to the families of student-athletes as he spoke, reminding them that the normal precautions they would take in their everyday life: wearing repellant; wearing long sleeves and long pants; and getting rid of any standing water around the home, including birdbaths; are still important.
“We’re hoping that people will do that, but we’ll keep track of it,” he said. “I know there are schools in our league that have had a ban on any activities after sundown.”
He said Plymouth is the district within the league that he knows has made that move, and he has heard that Carver, which is outside the Patriot League, has also banned outdoor sports after sundown.
“I had a family cookout over the weekend and I made sure that everybody wore repellant and took precautions,” Rodgers said. “I think everybody, regardless of what you are doing – whether it’s high school sports or going out to the supermarket, if EEE is in the area, while the odds are very low that you will contract it, it’s something you have to take proper precautions against because it is very dangerous.”
WNV is most commonly transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. The mosquitoes that carry this virus are common throughout the state and are found in urban as well as more rural areas. While WNV can infect people of all ages, people over the age of 50 are at higher risk for severe infection.
The 4 Ds of mosquito control are a set of precautions you can take to protect you and your family from mosquitoes:
Dress: Wear long, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing when you’re outside.
DEET: Use insect repellent that contains DEET, following the product label for application. DEET is a repellent that keeps mosquitoes away from you so they won’t bite.
Drain: Remove any standing water outside your home, including water in containers like bottles, cans, buckets, flower pots, tires, and trash containers. You should also change the water in pet dishes, bird baths, and wading pools, and remove litter, leaves, and grass clippings.
Dusk and dawn: Stay indoors during dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. When risk is increased, consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during evening or early morning. If you are outdoors at any time and notice mosquitoes around you, take steps to avoid being bitten by moving indoors, covering up and/or wearing repellant.
The risk of mosquito borne diseases will continue until there is a hard frost that eliminates the mosquito population.
What to do:
By taking a few, common sense precautions, people can help to protect themselves and their loved ones: Avoid Mosquito Bites
- Apply Insect Repellent when you go outdoors. Use a repellent with DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), permethrin, picaridin (KBR 3023), IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus [p-methane 3, 8-diol (PMD)] according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used on infants under two months of age and should be used in concentrations of 30% or less on older children. Oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years of age. Permethrin products are intended for use on items such as clothing, shoes, bed nets and camping gear and should not be applied to skin.
- Clothing Can Help reduce mosquito bites. Although it may be difficult to do when it’s hot, wearing longsleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin.
- Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Hours – The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. When risk is increased, consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during evening or early morning. If you are outdoors at any time and notice mosquitoes around you, take steps to avoid being bitten by moving indoors, covering up and/or wearing repellant. Mosquito-Proof Your Home
- Drain Standing Water – Many mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Limit the number of places around your home for mosquitoes to breed by either draining or getting rid of items that hold water. Check rain gutters and drains. Empty any unused flowerpots and wading pools and change water in birdbaths frequently.
- Install or Repair Screens – Some mosquitoes like to come indoors. Keep them outside by having tightlyfitting screens on all your windows and doors.
Whitman faces school panel vacancies
Whitman has another vacancy to fill among its ranks of representatives on the Whitman-Hanson Regional School Committee, in the wake of member David Forth’s resignation, announced at the Wednesday, Aug. 21 meeting.
The meeting opened with a moment of silence in honor of member Fred Small, who died July 29.
“I’ve known Fred for many, many years,” said Chair Beth Stafford before the moment of silence. “Fred and I were kind of adversaries when I was on the negotiating team for the W-H [teachers’] union and Fred would bargain against the union, so we had many good old – disagreements, shall we say, and also on the board. But we will miss Fred.
“Fred was a voice of the town of Whitman,” she continued. “Fred was a voice for the students. He was always here for them. He even came when he was ill, he would try to make the meetings. I will, personally, miss him because, the last year or so, he was calling me about once a week to update on how he was doing and how he was feeling and other issues that he might have had.”
She also said Small would be missed on the Whitman Middle School Building Committee, on which he served as chair.
“Fred was always the one to tell us what was going on [Beacon] Hill,” she added. “He was always up to date on all that news and that will, again, be missed.”
She also mentioned his service his 15 years of service to Whitman’s Capital Committee.
“Big shoes to fill,” Stafford said. “It’s unfortunate that we have to do this, but I would like to dedicate this moment of silence to Fred from all of us.”
Interested candidates for either vacancy are invited to send a letter of interest and resume to Whitman Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter at Whitman Town Hall, 54 South Avenue, Whitman, MA, by Sept. 3.
The school district is posting the vacancies with applicants given two weeks to post resumes, copies of which will be forwarded to the Whitman members of the School Committee for their review.
The Select Board requested a change from the Sept. 12 joint meeting date during which the candidates would be interviewed by both boards. The request, made by Select Board Vice Chair Dan Salvucci was in deference to a health issue of a Committee member.
“We don’t have an official date right now, but it will either be the last week in September or the first week in October,” Committee Chair Beth Stafford said. The person selected will only serve until May and must run to fill the remaining two years of Small’s term. The May ballot in Whitman will therefore have four seats to fill – two three-year terms, one two-year term and one one-year term.
Stafford then turned to Forth, saying that one of the Committee’s members wished to speak.
Forth then announced his resignation in favor of continuing his education.
“It is most appropriate at this time for the torch to be passed to the next generation of young parent-leaders, who are ready to represent our district and lend their voices and experiences to the next emerging generation,” Forth said. “I will resign as a Whitman representative to the Pre-K to 12 W-H Regional School Committee, effective Sept. 1.”
He plans to pursue higher education to expand his capacity to contribute, and answered a question once put to him by former Facilities Director Ernest Sandland, who asked what Forth had learned as a member of the School Committee.
“The voice of youth that we have had with you on here … has always been true to himself,” Stafford said.
Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak said Forth’s announcement was bittersweet for him as well.
“He’s done a really nice job on the committee, but I’m so happy for you to move into what you want to do, too,” he said. “It’s pretty cool.”
“I don’t know what your next steps are, but you will be missed,” said Committee member Dawn Byers, whom Forth had thanked for urging him to run in the first place and being such a staunch supporter.
Forth said ideology does not guide the School Committee. Personality and life experiences help guide and shape people’s views and empathy has been its greatest asset in achieving results over the past years.
“We should look beyond politics and toward a shared belief that people want an excellent education for their kids, a safe and healthy environment to live in and affordability to choose the life they wish to pursue,” he said – a community-first approach.
“One of my unique experiences growing up in our community, which has guided my decision-making over the last five years was the opportunity to live in and attend both schools in Whitman and Hanson,” Forth said. “As a teenager, when deciding whether to pull nomination papers to run for office, I asked myself, ‘What does it mean to be a leader?’”
He said those internal deliberations brought him to two conclusions.
“I decided that being a leader meant not having to be the most intelligent individual in the room but being receptive and understanding each other’s strengths and utilizing those abilities in the areas warranted when those moments are justified,” Forth read from a prepared statement. “Understanding who is the best fit for the particular situation and uplifting them to be successful in the endeavor will help us to succeed collaboratively as a community.”
Prioritizing the success of the collective over one’s individual needs is what makes a successful leader, he concluded.
His second conclusion, he said, was rooted in his days as a student at Hanson Middle School, where a teacher had already noticed – when he was 12 – that his passion was in the areas of history and politics, long before he did.
“Mrs. Blauss would pull me aside after mock debates in class, asking, ‘Have you ever thought about being a lawyer?” he said, recalling another of her lessons about Cincinnatus.
“The need to evaluate the health of the institution consistently and understanding that any institution dependent on one individual over too long in our democracy is reflective of a failure of those who have been serving it,” Forth said.
“I campaigned at the age of 19 to change our community’s culture,” he said, noting he had offered an ambitious platform of services for the district and sought to empower voices representing those affected my McKinley-Vento, foster youth and students struggling with circumstances beyond their control, understanding the lingering effects of the Great Recession and a pandemic.
Since he first ran, nine out of 10 School Committee members, four out of five Hanson Select Board and three out of five Whitman Select Board members have left office.
“We’ve had a sweeping change of represntation across our community, which is more optimistic, welcoming and supporting of the next generation of leadership,” he said. “Over the last five years, I’ve seen our community’s culture shift in a direction more reflective of our community as a whole.”
Parents have organized, used their voices and helped deliver results that will be felt in the community for generations, such as the expansion of early childhood education and the approval of the new middle school in Whitman, he concluded.
In other business, a donation to the district raised more testimonials to what Small meant to the Committee.
School Committee member Steve Bois made is annual donation of an Acer Chromebook, in Small’s memory, and asked that a letters of appreciation be sent to Small’s widow and children.
When asked if he wanted to say a few words, Bois said, “Sure, here it is,” and placed the boxed computer on the table.
“You know, I told Fred years ago, ‘Oh, good! We’re sitting opposite each other. We can kick a ball back and forth,” Bois said. “You always had to keep it light with Fred because you never knew what was coming next. He kicked my fanny just like he would anyone else’s – but then he’d have some good news for me later.”
He pointed to instances when Small was mentoring Forth, who was still a teenager when he was first elected to the committee.
“One of the proudest things I saw was him talking with David [about] various things, his willingness to help David – and I’m not singling David out …Bois said.
“No, I’m glad you’re sharing this,” Forth said.
“This was a lot on your shoulders as a teenager, turning 20 at the time,” Bois continued. “David, you’re going to continue on in many ways … and you kind of remind me a little bit of Fred. … You’ve got the questions and you know the answers. I know this is about Fred, but a torch is always passed on.”
“Over the last couple weeks I’ve had a lot of time to reflect among a lot of things pertaining to the committee, but specifically toward Fred,” Forth said, sharing some of his own personal experiences with Small that members of the community and committee colleagues might not have been privy to.
Forth recalled that he was a high school freshman with he first encountered Small via a video clip posted online about the School Committee. Later, when Forth began contacting School Committee members to advocate for his fellow students, it was Small and the Committee chair who approached him with their phone numbers, telling him if he ever needed any assistance, to give them a call.
When Forth ran for School Committee and won, Small was one of the first people to reach out to him.
“Over the last few years, of course Fred and I have had our disagreements, particularly toward budget season,” he said. “But Fred has helped me improve as a person. He’s challenged me, he’s helped me think differently, and reflecting, of course, over the last year, I got to see a different side of Fred that wasn’t reflective of the bureaucrat people have tried to project on us who serve in these elected roles.”
They spoke about cars after Forth bought his, about family and different perspectives after exchanging terse deliberations in meetings.
“He’s always been open and honest and he’s treated me with respect and decency,” Forth said in a voice thick with emotion. “Understanding that we may have different objectives or different pathways, but we have the same common goal – trying to improve our community. My experiences with Fred will long outlast my time on this committee.”
Park Ave. school, cannabis pacts reviewed
By Tracy F. Seelye, Express editor
[email protected]
WHITMAN – Seeking guidance with legal issues governing property uses and how they may be standing in the way of Whitman’s financial growth were the primary focus of the Select Board on Tuesday, Aug. 20.
More study was necessary after a lengthy discussion of possible alternate uses for the former Park Avenue School – and whether they might be permitted under the rather specific language of the deed gifting the property to the town, as well as direction on proceeding with the host community agreement between the town and Berkley Botanicals [See story, page 3].
Town Counsel Peter Sumner appeared before the board to discuss both issues.
The board listed several ideas, with Sumner saying the question did not need to be settled right then.
“I’m here tonight to find out what, exactly, you would like to do with the [Park Avenue School building] property, as a board, obviously, and we certainly understand that there may be need for further input,” he said.
Sumner said he was not certain he had ever been before the board on issues pertaining to the former school building, Sumner said it has “been percolating” for a while.
The former Whitman elementary school building at the corner of South Avenue and Park Avenue, sits on property acquired by the town in 1949 when it was purchased from George J.J. Clark. A provision in the deed requires the town to use the land “for school purposes only” – the exact words. The town then built the school there but has been closed since 2005-06.
In 2010, the regional School Committee voted to return the school and property back to the town because it was not needed for educational purposes at the time – and would never be needed by the district again.
“Since then, my office has looked into what the town can do with the property, given that the deed says it has to be used for school purposes only,” he said. “There is a little bit of a lack of clarity on that.”
“For school purposes only” may not mean what people think it means in property law,” Sumner said. “There is a significant question about whether it’s a deed restriction and whether the town purchased the property for fair market value or if it was a gift from the donor.”
Sumner said the town counsel’s office has decided the best course of action is to resolve that uncertainty in court “to the extent you want to do anything with the property now or in the future.”
He said it would be in the town’s interest to go to court for a declaratory judgment about what the town’s rights are and, if they don’t have a specific idea in mind for use of the propery it might make sense to wait.
He said his understanding it that the building is decrepit and can’t really be used.
“So it’s really a question of this parcel of land,” Sumner said, listing some possible options for the town to consider:
- argue the land was purchased and the “for school” language in the deed is not a restriction so the town may further dispose of the land as it sees fit; or
- identify a specific purpose for using the property – an option already discussed with the attorney general’s office in an effort to gain their assent – by identifying such a use.
While the AG’s office is not opposed to option B, they would like to hear specific ideas from town officials.
“The more like a school use it is … the AG’s office has signaled they are more likely to support that,” he said. Asked to look into the issue, Sumner said it would help to know what the Select Board had in mind.
Some ideas mentioned by board members on Aug. 20 were:
Vice Chair Dan Salvucci asked of the property could be sold with proceeds going toward the cost of the new Whitman Middle School. Sumner said signals from the AG’s office indicated they could support that.
But Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said that, while selling the property could fund the middle school, the town would lose control over what the property is then used for.
Select Board member Shawn Kain said he is not interested in selling the property, instead advocated holding onto the property to develop it in a way that could benefit the whole community is important. He asked if cultural and recreational uses, such as an amphitheater could meet the deed requirements.
Select Board member Laura Howe asked if the property could be used for a state police K9 academy with an associated dog pound and dog park.
“We have a dog that works for the town that does an amazing job,” she said. “Animals do an unbelievable amount of work for people.”
She noted that dogs offer unconditional love, and assist deaf, blind, handicapped, elderly and depressed people. Certain breeds are also adept at smelling body chemistry clues that people with illnesses such as diabetes are on the verge of a crisis.
“We live in a very volatile world,” she said. “There’s a lot of community interest in this property.”
She also suggested a successfully run program there could bring in people from other communities.
Select Board member Justin Evans said his “moonshot” idea has always been a community center, bringing the Senior Center, recreation, veterans services all under one roof.
“But we’ve got three ongoing, major building projects, assuming Vo Tech passes in a couple of months, it’s probably not the time to ask for a $20 million community center,” he said, noting the property sits squarely in the half-mile but the town specifically left it out because the town had no interest in selling it a couple of months ago.
Largely untapped community preservation funds could be used to fund an amphitheater, parks, ball fields or something like that could be something to bring to the AG’s office as something that could be done now.
Big wheels
WHITMAN – It was the nearly of the end of the summer skate camp at Carousel Family Fun Center on Thursday, Aug. 22, as parents escorted their children to check-in for their name tags, made sure they had everything they needed for the day and made arrangements to pick them up later.
One mom approached Carousel owner Charlene Conway about her son’s being still a bit tentative on skates. A few suggestions for the mother, a check-in with the check-in table to see how things are going and then some things to drop off at the snack bar, still lay between Conway and her morning interview with this writer to outline the next program on her rink’s calendar: a Learn to Skate camp on Saturdays beginning Sept. 7. At only $10 per child per week, the program fee includes skates and is open to all ages at the rink, 1055 Auburn St., Whitman.
But first, there was a lot to say about the successful summer [see column, page 6 ] – and that included herding the young participants together for a photo.
“They’ve come a long way, from crawling on the floor,” Conway said, gesturing as the class sat doing warmup stretches before their lesson. The one-week camp ran from Aug. 19 to 23. “Tomorrow they’ll get certificates. It’s a very active place – the skating club, classes and programs.”
She said there’s been a resurgence of participation at the rink since COVID when everyone had to skate outside.
“That was good for us after being closed for two years,” she said. “And of course, Usher from the Super bowl – that was huge.”
Carousel is also having success with skaters they’ve brought up through the ranks making themselves known on the competition circuit.
Mary Osborne, who’s been skating at Carousel since she first learned to skate, was one of the 19 medalists (nine gold, nine silver and four bronze) from Carousel’s All Stars Skating Club, who competed in the USA Roller Sports National Championships in Lincoln, Neb., in July. Another All Star skater who got her start at Carousel was Laura Miller, of Brockton, who’s been skating for about eight years.
“She’s been placing at Nationals that whole entire time,” Conway said with pride.
The All Star skaters competed in a number of artistic skating disciplines: dance, figures and creative skating. Each discipline includes levels for skill (intermediate and advanced) and age range. To compete in the National Championship, skaters must first qualify at their local and regional meets.
Carousel hosted the Northeast Regional Championship meet in June – including skaters from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. All those who quakify, earn the chance fo compete at the National Championships. There were 15 All Star Club members who qualified at the Regionals and earned 21 medals in figures (17 gold, two silver and two bronze); 11 medals in dance (eight gold and three silver) and took home four medals in creative (one gold, two silver and one bronze).
The qualifying skaters ranged in age from 14 to 80.
“Skaters have to qualify to make the club,” Conway said. “We have a junior level and a senior level.”
There’s a program of lessons they must complete to get to the junior club, which meets for practices on Wednesday nights and the senior club practices on Sundays. Conway said there are currently about 20 members and there are close to 40 members with a nine-person teaching and coaching staff.
After a successful National Championships, skaters from the All Star Skating Club returned to Whitman with an impressive total of 19 medals (nine gold, nine silver and four bronze).
Conway said the rink’s busy times of the year coincide with the school year.
“For our competitors, that’s their season for competition,” she said. “The club meets 12 months out of the year and they still come and train when we’re not rented.”
Whitman board sets September table
WHITMAN – The table is a little crowded for the Select Board’s next meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17, as the board encountered questions surrounding how the School Committee vacancy – which was the result of the recent passing of Fred Small – will be filled, and how to resolve budgetary roadblocks the Police Department has run into in helping the Whitman Mothers Club host a fundraising 5K in October.
The board’s interviews with candidates interested in being appointed to the School Committee were already scheduled for Sept. 12, but Select Board Vice Chair Dan Salvucci mentioned a problem that had already cropped up for that session as well.
School Committee member Steve Bois will be undergoing throat surgery on Sept. 17 and would be unable to speak at a meeting, whether an in-person or remote session, Salvucci said
“That’s one member of our School Committee that can’t be there,” Salvucci said. “Either [the meeting gets rescheduled] or he doesn’t vote, and he’s been on the School Committee for a very long time and he should have a right to voice his opinion.”
Select Board Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski said he had “a number of conversations” with School Committee Chair Beth Stafford – each of them talking with their respective administrators, Whitman Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter and Superintendent of Schools Jeff Szymaniak – a week or two ago, in which they arrived at a schedule “that seems to work” to both fill the vacancy as well as to pay proper respect to Fred Small.
“We shouldn’t be jumping on the floor to replace him,” Kowalski said. “This is going to give people time to reflect on things.”
Carter said, in announcing the schedule, that the School Committee would make their own announcement about the vacancy and the schedule at their meeting.
The town is running an ad in this week’s Express and on the town website Thursday, Aug. 22, regarding the vacancy with a deadline of Tuesday, Sept. 3 for submission of letters of interest and resumes, which should be directly to Carter via her email: [email protected].
She would then forward copies of the letters and resumes to the full Select Board on Wednesday, Sept. 4, as well as to Stafford, Szymaniak and the other five Whitman members of the School Committee.
A joint Select Board/School Committee meeting was planned on being posted for 6 p.m., Sept. 12 to interview the candidates seeking the vacant seat.
“How did you come up with the date of a Thursday and not a Tuesday or a Wednesday?” Salvucci asked.
Carter said it just evolved from their discussion on available dates and the timeline surrounding the call for resumes and the time needed to review them.
Salvucci again raised Bois’ surgery date.
“He knew he couldn’t be in attendance,” Salvucci said. “I just thought it was kind of unfair. When we reorganize we wait until we have a full board. It would be best if we had the full board and School Committee could be there and find the proper date.”
Kowalski asked if Salvucci knew of a better night for Bois.
“I’d have to call him,” Salvucci said. “He may just say do it.”
Board member Shawn Kain asked if Bois would be able to attend virtually.
“He won’t be able to speak,” Salvucci said.
“I agree with you, though,” said board member Laura Howe. “It shows a deeper level of respect and Fred Small did so much for this town – and Steve Bois as well.”
Salvucci volunteered to call Bois to see if there is a better date for the meeting.
Board member Justin Evans noted that a meeting date – if it were changed – would have to be one on which the candidates would be able to be available, too.
Kowalski also suggested that the interviews meeting could be pushed into October.
“I think Steve ought to be involved, here,” he said. “Why don’t we go back to the drawing board?”
Carter said that, while the ad has been placed, the resume filing deadline had been the only date specified.
The road race request was filed by Jessica Cunninghan for the Whitman Mothers Club, which is planning a 5K roadrace on Sunday, Oct 20 beginning at noon. The route planned would require shutting down the one-way portion of Whitman Avenue to allow organizers to set up for the race.
That’s where Police Chief Timothy Hanlon ran into budgetary problems that the Select Board is hoping the extra time afforded by postponing the vote to Sept. 10, can provide an opportunity to find solutions.
“Regarding road races in general, and really when they are fundraisers, the police department does make every effort – as we have over the years – to accommodate that by not charging for road closures, details and everything else,” Hanlon said. “Just the way the budget is going, it’s not going to be feasible anymore.”
He said the department is all in favor of helping out a charity, but he questioned where the $2,800 it will cost in overtime to the officers needed along the route, would come from.
“I don’t know,” he said about the answer to that question. “I don’t know how much they would actually fundraise, especially if we had to charge them for details.”
While saying the department has gone that route in the past, he left it up to the board this time. He mentioned that other charities had been able to adjust their plans or fundraising to fulfill their detail needs.
“I just found out about this one last week,” Hanlon said.
Carter mentioned that race organizers had mentioned perhaps having a smaller route for the race could require fewer officers, and asked if that was a possible alternative.
“I did adjust the route, kind of on my own,” Hanlon said. “They want to start and end near Old Colony Brewing and that’s why they want the one-way section of Whitman Ave. That, in and of itself, presents challenges.”
Hanlon said the department has used different routes over the years and the easiest one is the former Panther Prowl – which began and ended at the high school – traversing Frankin Street and South Avenue, up Winter Street.
“A 5K is a 5K,” he said. “We have to begin and end it to make sure there are five kilometers in the race.”
Even with an amended route, turning off South Avenue, back up Lake Street and then Whitman Avenue, instead of the full length of South Avenue, but that would require more officers to block off more side streets.
“Even with that, I think the bare minimum is 10 officers, coupled with the [overtime] rate on a weekend, would be $2,800,” Hanlon said.
In response to a question from Kowalski, Hanlon said he had not talked to Cunningham about the problem, so Salvucci suggested it be tabled until the board’s next meeting.
“That way the chief can talk with [the Mothers Club] and maybe they can come up with a reasonable solution,” he said.
“That would be a great idea,” Carter said. “Because you don’t usually do [thee 5Ks] in a year…”
The other issue is the challenges straining the general Police Department budget. The Police Reform Act changes requiring a full-time police academy adds to the challenge as he has to send more cadets through that academy.
“I don’t want to get up here and speak about the police budget,” he said.
Evans also mentioned that this year it’s Whitman’s turn to host the Tri-Town Veterans Day Parade and Hanlon noted that next year, the town’s 150th anniversary will also present challenges for the department.
“I don’t want to turn down the Mothers Club,” Kowalski said.
“Neither do I,” Hanlon said. “It’s just the situation we’re in.”
Kain said the board should do whatever it could to help out the Mothers Club and organizations like it.
“If we can brainstorm, either on your end, or some sort of compromise, and maybe on our end,” he said. “These are community events that bring in a lot of people for a good cause.”
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