By Stephanie Spyropoulos
Express staff
Looking for a good read?
If you are looking for love this Valentine’s Day or a guide to a new hobby, the topics are endless at your local library. There are also a host of books in every genre waiting to intrigue you.
Public libraries may be closed to foot traffic in Massachusetts due to COVID-19 restrictions, but there are plenty of ways to effectively use the libraries to remain involved; from children’s and teen book clubs to adult motivational and crafting events.
“They are monitoring State wide restrictions in hopes of resuming by appointment visits,” said Karen Stolfer Hanson’s library director.
Activities are done via Zoom and use the sign up and reserve your spot method via their website or by calling the library directly.
Hanson has taken their yoga time with Miss Kate to a virtual mat-visit in which families can create relaxation and exercise.
Both towns are offering a “take and make” style crafting which is available through curbside pick up.
Whitman’s theme for the February holiday will be a Girl Scouts-sponsored valentines’ craft. Both towns have had a penguin craft befitting the cold weather. The popularity of the themed grab and go style crafts reached 80 to 100 items which are pre-made with instructions and in a paper bag for pickup so when they run out they make more, according to Whitman’s Youth Services Librarian Stephanie Young.
Both Hanson and Whitman are updating social media pages daily with current events through Zoom and curbside arrangements
Recently via Facebook they shared photos for book lovers -humorous in nature -to remind patrons that they can still read, cuddle up in a warm blanket and enjoy a cold day with a satisfying book.
The Mind in the Making grant recently provided an outdoor, oversized, story- book walk on the front pavement at Whitman Library.
The pages of a children’s book are printed on large displays for families to read and interact in an outdoor setting. The jacket I wear in the snow, by Shirley Neitzel and illustrated by Nancy Winslow Parker was January’s featured book.
Like hundreds of libraries throughout Massachusetts inventing ways to stay connected with patrons has been the intentions of staff.
In requesting materials “book bundles” have been made for patrons. Providing their library card number, for children include their age, as well as genres, or specific books by title and author the library will put the books together for your contact free pick up.
Hanson is offering mobile hot spots an internet connection for remote learning and with sign up and reservations the offering is available for one week checkouts.
A pre-sign up craft for teens and adults is a mug with marker design. It requires adult supervision for the final steps in heating the project.
Once a month teens can join In the Middle Book club sponsored in memory of Hanson resident Grett Lozeau a long time educator.
The event is hosted via Zoom and the club discusses new books, plays trivia and online games.
Information on taking part in the listed activities and upcoming dates for the months ahead can be found on Hanson’s Facebook page or their website calendar of events at [email protected] or
Whitman has recently announced their signups for a craft of paper lanterns in celebration of Lunar New Year in the first two weeks of February. Visit