HANOVER – The South Shore Tech School Committee certified the school’s $16.9 million fiscal 2026 budget on Feb. 12, and spent most of February visiting town select boards and finance committees to review the spending plan. Those visits concluded on March 6.
Superintendent/Director Dr. Thomas J. Hickey noted that SST is obligated to certify a budget number at least 45 days before the earliest Town Meeting among its member towns, which is April 7 in Scituate.
The $16,944,649 budget figure was unanimously certified.
“By certifying the budget, the committee sets a ceiling,” he said. “The budget process is always moving forward and does not come to completion until we’ve secured at least six out of nine towns at spring annual town meetings.”
The certification allows no changes or amendments that would raise it.
SST is looking at the highest enrollment in school history with 685 students with more than 430 applications for the 180 freshmen seats next year.
Enrollment trends set the assessments to individual towns, with Whitman and Hanson, which have historically had among the largest enrollments, decreasing by six students in Hanson and 18 students in Whitman.
Based on the Chapter 70 formula, a three-year rolling average toward capital, transportation calculations, other costs and debt service as well as enrollment, down by 18 students next year, Whitman’s assessment will be $1,650,218 – a reduction of $143,109 from fiscal 2025 (1,793,327) –and with six fewer students next year, Hanson’s will be $1,042,487 – a reduction of $56,178 from fiscal 2025 ($1,098,635).
Chapter 70 aid increased by $51,648 and Regional Transportation Reimbursement is projected to increase by $185,281. The district will use $318,250 from the stabilization fund to cover the first year of debt for the building project.
Cost increases include $97,987 more in the Plymouth County Assessment and $173,819 more to fund health insurance. Additional bus routes and afternoon runs is expected to increase that expense by $72,000.
Reductions include a cut by $140,000 – to $90,000 for future vehicles.
More teaching positions will also be paid partially by grants:
An electrical teacher ($8,377 – 80 percent on the budget;
Horticulture teacher ($21,519, fully on the budget);
An English learner/special ed teacher ($34,383 – 76 percent on the budget) and a
Special education team chair ($33,654 – 51 percent on the budget).
A grant will also add $8,492 to increase time for a Culinary Arts aide.