By Drew Sullivan
Express intern
HANSON — Green Hanson, a local environmental group, took local residents on a nature hike Sunday, July 14, alongside Burrage Pond in Hanson.
Joanne Re, a longtime member of the group, led the roughly 3 mile hike beginning on Elm Street.
“I’m very interested in conservation of open land,” she said. Re mentioned her favorite part of the organization was their efforts concerning the quality of air and water in the area.
Roughly 15 people joined the hike, including two local families. Hanson mother Melissa Valachovic brought her husband and kids, along with their dog.
“I like finding new areas, being outside, and exposing our young boys to the nature,” she said.
As the hike continued, Re talked about the history of Burrage along with her personal connections to the area. “I remember the a-ha moment when I discovered this in my yard, that this belongs to everyone!” she exclaimed.
Most of the hikers agreed that one of the most pressing environmental problems today revolves around plastics and how they’re used and re-used.
“This is nuts,” said Jim McDougall, gesturing to his water bottle as he walked alongside his wife and granddaughter. “There’s too much [plastic]. It’s ending up in the oceans. If you kill the oceans it’s all done. It’s also effecting wildlife too much.”
As the hike came to a close, Re spoke in greater detail about the importance of this area, mentioning not only its history as the home of the nationally recognized brand Ocean Spray, but also the home to a pair of Sandhill Cranes, an endangered bird species.
Those looking for more information on the group, ways to help their local environment, and future hikes can join the Green Hanson Facebook group for updates.