If St. Patrick’s Day means a corned beef and cabbage dinner for you, Hanson’s American Legion should be in your plans.
The Legion is holding a free traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner from 2 to 4 p.m.
“People can stay longer, if they like,” said Commander David George, “We’re going to do a 50-50 raffle, there’ll be all Irish music, we’ll do some games with the dart board and we’ll do some door prizes, including a prize for the most creative Irish attire. George said the renovated hall, will have the upper-level bar open during the event.
“We might have a contest for best-dressed or something like that,” he laughed.
Guiness will also be available at the cash bar, but the meal is no-cost.
While there is no cost, those interested in attending should register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/846948986217?aff=oddtdtcreator by email at [email protected], Facebook.com/hansonamericanlegion or sign up at the Legion hall, so they will know how much food to prepare. Right now, George said between 65 and 70 people have already signed up.
Guests may dine-in or take meals to-go.
“We’re just trying to do something good for the community,” George said, noting they are not limiting the event to veterans. “It’s open to anybody that wants to come.”
The Legion is also offering the hall for events, and now offers scratch ticket sales through the Mass. Lottery, as well as KENO, access to an ATM and juke boxes during hall rentals. A meat raffle was a sell-out event, Friday, March 1, with a much youner crowd than in years past, George said, noting many attendees stayed after the raffle to socialize.
“It’s the new American Legion,” George said, noting that a lot of the organizations newer members are from the Iraq/Afghanistan post-911 wars. “We’ve got a lot of young guys that have joined.”
For more information on the event, call George at 781-316-7605.