In honor of beloved former Library Director Nancy Cappellini, the Hanson Public Library will host its fifth Annual Nancy Cappellini Family Fun Day on Friday, April 21.
Starting at 10 a.m., enjoy light refreshments, face painting, a springtime growing craft, and more. If you’d like try the springtime growing craft, please bring a clean, plastic ice coffee cup with a lid to serve as your mini greenhouse! At noon, join Craig Harris and Drum Away the Blues. Enjoy a family-focused event and drum away any stress, find emotional balance, and discover the joys of making music. Drum Away the Blues is sponsored by State Aid to Public Libraries.
Please reserve your spot for the Drum Away the Blues program. All other activities will be first come first serve. Registration will be open for Hanson residents only from March 27-April 16, then registration will be open to all April 17-21.
Please visit the library’s website,, to sign up and learn more about the fifth Annual Nancy Cappellini Family Fun Day and all of our other upcoming programs. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 781-293-2151.